
A Girl With Flaxen Hair

(Completed) In another world she had died. In this world, she wakes up with a second chance at life. "I died once, I don't care if I'll die again. I'll just enjoy my life here in the Narutoverse until my time's up." Start: August 2020 End: October 2020

SoraChen · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

Chapter 2


Yua had just reached the age of 4. Being born as a child of the Hōki clan (family), she would start learning biology and everything else related to it. She was expected to be a medic-nin, just like the other women from her clan(family) and she was fine with that. Being a medic-nin, an assassin or a damage-dealer didn't really matter to her when she knows that no matter what, she won't be the one fighting Kaguya or Madara. So according to her what ifs, being a medic-nin was the best choice, there was a chance for her to save people and she can support the war despite not being as strong as team 7, well that is if she lives past the age of 15.

Suna shinobis value the completion of their missions more than their lifes. Who knows when she would be forced to go on a mission where her life is at risk. Unlike the characters she's written in her fanfictions, Yua wasn't scared of death.

Death was normal, it was inevitable. Everyone, excluding the Otsutsukis, dies. It's just a matter of when. She's not afraid of dying, she died once and here she is, breathing and very much alive again.

Life as member of the Hōki family consisted of alot of training and memorizing, mostly the latter. She would be instructed to memories different herbs, its functions, chakra point, chakra network and the human body. If she thought studying the circulatory system and nervous system was hard, tough luck for her because in the Narutoverse there's chakra system that's somehow connected to the circulatory and nervous system.

* * *

Even though she was used to studying all day (thanks to school), calling her activity everyday as studying is an understatement, because she had to have the subject drilled into her brain. It was more like memorizing(?).

But the point is studying gets boring. When she had first remembered her past life, she wanted to have an exciting adventure in the Narutoverse and meet good-looking people, not stay cooped up in a room and putting her nose on a book.

So she did the most logical thing, escape.

She discreetly ran from her room and and arrive at the nearest playground as fast as her 4 year-old leg could carry her.

She readied her stance and was about to propel herself into the sand, but was suspended midair. Her father had caught up to her and dragged her by her collar back home. She struggled against his grip, though he was no shinobi she was still no match for an adult.

"No fair!!! I want to play with the other kids!!" she complained and threw her hands up before crossing it across her chest. She may be mentally 18 year old now (she was 16 years old in her past life, but adding her 2 years here she would be 18 years old), but that doesn't stop her from missing childhood nostalgia.

"You're part of the Hōki family, you don't have time to play with them. You're different because you have responsibilities," her father, Akihiko, replied.

"Well maybe, maybe I don't want the responsibilities!!" she pouted.

"It doesn't work that way," he stated.

She stuck her tongue out at her father.

* * *

At age 5, she was to join school against her will. On the first day of school, she was, again, dragged into school by her lovely father.

"Let me go!! This is child abuse I tell you. I don't want to go to school, just let me get home-schooled!!" she whined.

After hearing this, Akihiko secretly grinned and said, "Sure, let's go back home. You wanted to get home-schooled right?"

Yua's mouth widened and her brain started processing the situation.

"Oh my- That was a trap. Damn it!!" she scolded herself for falling into her father's reverse psychology.

Through the journey back home, her face didn't change from a frown. She sulked and brooded the entire day as negative dark blue lines oozed out of her.

Hina gave a questioning stare at her husband and he mouthed, "Later."

* * *

Today was just like any other day, the Xth attempt of Yua running away from home. This time, Yua had made sure to slip sleeping pills that she had secretly stole from her mother's office into her father's breakfast. What she didn't know was that her mother was actually aware of this and she was slightly proud of her daughter because the Hōki clan(family) specialise in infiltration and medical jutsu. Still, it was a lousy work on spiking someone's food so Hina made sure to have her daughter reprimanded ,later, for doing such disgraceful attempt.

Yua jumped from the low rooftops of the neighbourhood and tasted freedom. She slowed down after spotting a sand playground (due to Suna's budget the only thing the playground had was sand, sand and more sand). Her eyes looked at the empty playground and wondered where the rest of the children were. Surely, they would be fighting for sand wouldn't they?

When she scanned the playground,again, she noticed that not everything was sand because there was a head of red hair sitting in the middle of it. How she didn't saw him at first was a mystery.

"Oi! you with the red hair, where are the others? Why are you alone? Can I play with you?" she fired the series questions. The lack of interaction eith her peers caused her social skills to deteriorate and she came off rude.

The boy with red hair stopped scooping up sand into his bucket and answered, "I don't know. They all ran away."

"Ah I see, can I play with you then?" Yua bluntly asked, after taking a closer look at the boy, she knew why they all ran away. The red hair, light blue eyes and lack of eyebrows was a big giveaway to identify him. It was Gaara. Though she knew who he was and was able to tolerate him, it was only because she had watched the anime series in her past life. She had watch him grow and mature. But now, she is Yua and she had to pretend that she didn't know him.

"What's your name?"

"Gaara. You're not....scared of me? I can hurt you..." he hesistantly answered and asked.

"Physically or mentally? If it's physical pain, I'm somewhat of a masochist myself," she laughed, but stopped when he gave her an odd look.

"You don't know what's a masochist?"

He shook his head.

"Well, it's a word that means a person who enjoys or find pleasure in (physical) pain."

His eyes widen when he remembered her sentence.

"Well, I was just joking just now. So we playing or what." She asked and crossed her arms.

Gaara used his sand to build magnificent structures like castle and giant wall that resembled that of Attack on Titan (requested by Yua). Yua stared with an awed expression. She repeatedly jumped, clapped and shouted in excitement.

To her, it was awesome seeing it through the screen, but watching it in real life was breathtaking. She showered the red hair with praises after praises and the red hair blushed shyly. Though there were a few small scratches left on Yua by the sand, but it wasn't very life-threatening so she didn't even notice the scratches.

"Y'know I just realised that your teddy bear's mouth looks like pi (π)" she honestly commented, then shuddered,"Maths sucks. Let's not talk about it."

That was how she befriended the one tail jinchuuriki.

* * *

~Interlude : 1~

"I made a friend today. He knows alot of things and he's abit weird." Gaara told his uncle.

"That's wonderful Gaara-sama."

He smiled at the boy who was tightening his clutch on the teddy bear.

~End interlude 1~

* * *

~Interlude: 2~

"Yua! Why are you covered in blood??" Her father fearfully asked.

"Blood?" Yua repeated and looked down at her bleeding arms and legs.

"Huh?" She said, "Where did that come from?"

"Ow ow, you know Dad, you shouldn't have told me bout my injuries. I was fine not knowing it because not knowing bout it will not make me feel the pain. Now my brain knows I'm injured and it's making me feel the pain!" cried out Yua.

~Interlude End: 2~


This story is a repost from Wattpad because I'm gonna delete my account soon. :D

SoraChencreators' thoughts