
The Morning (Janurary 11th, 2020)

*Snoring.....* *Ring....* Ok, what is that noise, it is disturbing my sleep, *Ring...* Then I realized it my stupid clock, my head is under my pillow I couldn't exactly see my surroundings so I move my hand trying to touch something, then finally I felt my clock and I push the button on the top of my clock and finally I don't hear the annoying ringing anymore.

I rested on my bed for a moment then I opened my eyes slowly and when I opened my eyes I noticed that my room is all lit up and I look on my right side of the bed and notice that my curtian isn't covering up window, then I remembered that I pack my curtian up in my moving box.

I get up off my bed and I go to my closet and pick out a blue jean jacket and a grey shirt and blue jeans and I grab my greyish necklace and a bejeweled heart with a picture of my best friend Paige in the necklace, and I grab an Pink underwear.

Then I rush to the bathroom set my clothes on the counter and I took a shower, I washed my hair and my body then I got out and I rush to my room got dressed, checked the time and I rush downstairs.

I went into the kitchen and see my dad and I said "Good morning Dad, why are you here, don't you have work?" I asked wondering why he isn't at work. My dad answered "Well Cas I am here because I no longer work at Pine View Bank, and in case you forgot we are moving to Rocklin California".

Then I told my dad "I keep forgetting dad it gonna take some time to get used to being in a new town, new place and new school but once we move there, I will surely remember".

After I told my dad I started smelling something delicious and my stomach started growling then I realized that dad is cooking, so I look at what he is cooking and I see pancakes and bacon, scrambled eggs and waffles and I don't like scrambled eggs but I like pancakes and waffles and bacon. Then I see my most favorite breakfast food in the whole wide world and that is biscuit and gravy.

Then before I can grab a plate of food I hear my name being called from the living room so I rush to the living room and I see my mom so I tell her "Yes, mom" she look at me for a second then said "Ana clock is not working, so can you go wake her up please and pick an outfit out for her please".

Then I told my mom "Ok I will" so I rush upstairs went into my sister's bedroom and walk over to her bed and sat down and lean over my sister and I started tickling her and she woke up laughing and saying " Cas... Pl..e..a..se st----op tick....ling me".

Then I finally stop and she stared at me and said "Cas" and I said "Yes Ana" she stared at me for a second then said "I am nervous... Starting the rest of my freshman year (9th grade) at a new school, what if.....if nobody likes me".

I gave her a hug and said "Don't worry Ana ok, people will like you just it needs time ok, now it our last day at Pine View High before we head to California so let's say goodbye to our friends ok".