
The war. (Season Finale)

The vampires on Felix's side  shouted in Joy , and for the first time in their existence they where happy that Felix invited the werewolf army to fight on his side. Now the war became lighter on their part, as they started to cut through to Max's men.

"Raaaaaar!" Max shouted in anger, as he also increased his pace, fighting relentlessly with the flaming sword.


"There's no one here either." Luciana said sighing as they got to the Eastern part of hell.

"This is just a total waste of time." She added.

Lucifer sighed. "Something is definitely not right. No matter what happens, this part of hell has never been this empty. The vampires are not as cowardice as the demons can be sometimes." He stated looking around.

"Well then, I guess there's one more stop that we need to make..." Azrael stated not competing his sentence in order to give room for some one else to complete it for him.

"The central City.!" Everyone present except Lucifer, replied in unison.

"Central City it is then. Let's move there is no time to waste." Lucifer commanded, leading the way to where they did not know that there was a war going on. They knew that Felix had a plan to overthrow Max, but they did not think that it would start so soon.


Max Lay on the floor panting really hard,  everything happening now seemed as tho he was beginning to loose the war, everything was fine until the werewolves came, they seemed to have come with a powerful weapons that made the flaming sword seem useless. Now he wished that he had Lucifer's sword but hat was impossible because it was on Felix's hands. He looked around as his men ran Helter scatter looking for a way of excape, while Felix and his me mounted forward in conquer.

"What is that weapon that you came with and how come the flaming sword is so useless against it?" Felix asked the alpha one of the werewolves.

The alpha one giggled. "We have been with the flaming sword for thousands of years and you think that we did not figure out a way to build some kind of defence against it in case something like this happens?".

He looked at Felix and read the confusion in his mind, so he clarified him.

"We had burried our defence weapon somewhere far away some years after we created it, because we thought it was useless, since we thought that the weapon could not be found by any other creation as it was safe in the kennel..... Well... Until you and your vampires attacked. Hence when Leo came asking for our help, we had to dig out our defence weapon knowing how dangerous the fight involving Azrael's blade would be. And as we expected... You know the rest of the story."  The alpha 1 added.

Felix nodded feeling impressed. Well now that someone had a defence against Azrael's blade, that means that it was going to be useless to him and thankfully, he had Lucifer's sword. Which he was going to use to force the werewolves to teach him how to forge the defense weapon too.

"Alright March on for victory. Go get Azrael's sword from Max's hands and leave him for me." Felix stated.

Max turned weakly and saw the alpha one walking towards him with the defense weapon in his hands.

As the alpha one got closer to Max, he took pity on him as he saw the suffering on his face.

"Run. I'd advice you to run. I would pretend as though you hit me and got away." He stated .

"Hmm." Max spat.

"Over my dead body, I am not a coward that runs away from a fight. I'd face that stupid boy to the end and teach him a lesson that you'd never forget." He stated.

The alpha one sighed deeply. He really wanted to let Max go, but he could not do so, without Felix having to see him as an untrustworthy betrayer, which was not good for his plan.

"Okay as you wish." The alpha one stated walking toward Max. Max raised the flaming sword to hit it hardly on the alpha one, but the flamming sword seemed powerless against him.

The alpha one sighed as hi punched Max in the face with his werewolf strength, hitting azrael's blade from his hands. 

he's all yours, he stated to Felix, as he picked azrael's blade and stepped aside for Him to get to Max.

Max stood up and tried to rush towards Felix, but Felix hit him hard on the face with the back of Lucifer's sword. Causing Max to fall back weakly on the floor.

But Max still had a sly smile on his face.

"Go ahead boy hit me, but I'm no coward, I rather die in honor." Max stated briefly, stopping when Victoria ran towards where they where. 

"I trusted you Girl. I  gave you the sword to dispose of it but here you are , working with you stupid brother...."  He added, but was hit by Felix with Lucifer's sword, before he could complete his statement. Then Felix rased the sword higher to cut him.

"No!! We should not kill him, let's keep him as a prisoner instead." Victoria stated.

"We can't do that, he's too tricky, of prefer to know that he is dead, order than seeing him in prison makimg plans for another overthrow." Felix answered.

"Please, just listen to me, he is still our father, remember?." Victoria pleaded.

Felix sighed.. buy as they where yet talking Max rushed forward and took Lucifer's sword, driving it deep, into his own heart...

"Nooo."  Felix and Victoria shouted in unison as they rushed towards Max. Holding him as he fell to the ground with Lucifer's sword in his heart..

"I...  I'd rather die than be held captive by my own kids." Max managed to say as blood rushed out of his mouth.

"No, stay with us please. We'd take you to a witch." Victoria pleaded hold him from falling to the ground.

Max sighed. "It's too late... I .. I have failed all of you, I am not worthy to be called your father. I hope you enjoy your reign as king of hell..." He stated to Felix before turning into ashes.

Tears rolled out of Victoria's eyes as she held Max's ashes in her hands. She did not want him to be king, but she didn't want him dead, at least not when they had started to trust each other again as father and daughter..

Felix just stood where he was emotionlessly.  Then a smile formed on his face.

"Victory!!!!!" He shouted .

"Victory!!" The vampires, werewolves and the angels on his side shouted in unison as they continued with loud cheers and clapping.

"Uhm, guys. I think there's a little problem." Michael stated, turning everyone's attention to himself.

They all turned to look at him and saw him staring at a particular direction. The followed his eyes and saw that he was staring at Lucifer coming with the rest of his team standing beside him, and also Gabriel and his soldiers.

Azrael disguised himself for a moment to surprise them. 

"Who's that weird guy standing beside Lucifer " Felix asked Michael.

"Well that's just probably one Gabriel's angels" Michael replied. But then he saw that all Gabriel's angels were standing behind him but this guy stood in front with Lucifer.

"Wait I think I know who it is, ... Azrael." Michael added.

Felix scuffed . "Azrael??! No way!" He giggled .

Azrael raised his right hand and his blade flew straight into his hands, turning fully in to the flaming sword.

Felix's eyes widened in shock."oh my God it's really Azrael." 

"So you could do this all along and you made us walk all the way here before you gm could get your magnetic knife." Luciana asked.

"This only happens when I get a few meters close to it. " Azrael said giggling.

"I wish mine could do that." Lucifer muttered as he stopped talking and observed All the dead bodies and ashes on the floor.

"What in the world happened here."


"You are talking about azrael's reappearance can't you see Lucifer over there?" Michael stated.

"This is unbelievable."Felix stated.

"Let's just surrender, there's been enough blood she'd already." Victoria suggested. 

"Never, we fight to the death." Felix countered...

"This is my war, I'm not gonna bail. If I kill Gabriel here, then heaven is mine for sure, he made a huge mistake coming down here." Michael stated happily.

"Kill everybody and leave Luciana for me.. I'd kill her myself." Felix stated.  

Then he sighed."chaaaarge!!' he thundered as everyone ran towards Lucifer and his men. Well, not everyone.

The werewolves did not attack.

"What the hell is going on here, you have me your word that you would pay me back the favour I did by sparing your lives. And now you do not want to fight?" Felix thundered in rage walking towards where they where.

The alpha one sighed. "Well you are right, we gave you our word and we kept it. You granted us one favour, we've done same, this is another favor and besides we have sevthe real god of the flaming sword, we saw how the sword answrredyo him, we cannot fight against such man." He stated.

"Fools, I am holding another powerful weapon, this is Lucifer's blade I'd use it on you if you don't obey me." Felix stated raising the sword against them.

The alpha one frowned. "You know we have not forgiven you for killing our people right?" He stated as he and his men surrounded Felix.

"The blood of our innocent clan that you murdered in cold blood still cr for revenge and yet you have the  guts to stand here and threaten us?. I think it's time for you to pay." The alpha one stated as he turned into a full Wolf. Every other werewolf did same.

"No, you can't do this, I'd kill you all." Felix stated as for the first time in his life, fear started to rise from inside of him.

The alpha one howled loudly as his werewolves rushed towards Felix.

Felix fought fiercely with Lucifer's sword but was only able to kill a few wolves as they were too many for him - they devoured him like a piece of meat .


As Michael and Felix's men where running towards where Lucifer and the rest where, they heard the werewolf howling, but could not turn around as they had already run some distance away. But Victoria stopped and turned around, but before she could move, the werewolves had already left Felix's bones which gradually turned into ashes on the floor with Lucifer's blade.

Linder stopped too and held Victoria before she could run to get herself killed. Victoria wept betterly, she had lost everyone that she knew was her immediate family and it made her heart to break unevenly.

Momentarily the fight started and Michael faced Gabriel and his men, while Lucifer, divina and the rest fought against the vampires.  Soon enough the vampires started to retreat a Azrael was so strong for them , slicing then easily wit his blade.

"I need to get my sword, before the vampires get to it." Lucifer muttered as he tried to disappear, but he could not.

"What's wrong?" Divina asked

" It's nothing I just... Could not disappear." Lucifer stated.

"Don't worry I'd get it." Divina stated as she disappeared from where she stood and appeared where the sword was and she picked it up.

Lucifer's mouth widened in shock, but he was happy for her he joined them to run after the vampires who where retreating..

"We need to get out of here, this war is already lost, we can return later when things die down, for you to reclaim your family's heritage.

As they ran towards the vampires something stranger happened, Lucifer fell on the floor weakly and started to hold his chest. Azrael and Luciana stopped fighting the vampires as they turned around to see what was wrong with Lucifer.

"I am fine just let me go." Lucifer stated.

"You are not okay. We need to help you." Luciana shouted.

"I can't let you die again." 

Lucifer smiled, "there is nothing vyou can do, Divina is the only one that can protect the throne she'd know what to do.,.. tell her to protect the throne" 

Azrael looked towards where Divina was standing. "Protect the throne Lucifer says." He shouted towards her.

Divina nodded as she ran into the throne room.

"Please stay with us please." Luciana muttered as tears ran through her eyes..." 

"It's over", Lucifer said as his eyes shut slowly. He turned towards the palace building and smiled as a huge smoke spread from the throne room hitting everybody that was present and pushing them to the floor, without sparing any of them, whether angel or not.

Everybody landed on the floor and there was total silence...



Divina had placed a curse on the throne room, declaring that no other person could sit on the throne of hell, except any of Lucifer's seed...




Other books by this same Author (MARVY STONE) Would be mentioned at the end of those books above. I hope you enjoyed reading this. Thank You So much. Much love from Here 💗💗💗