
The Training

"Alright let me see what you can do." Lucifer's told the witches as they gathered together.  Selena looked around, "uhm, we are going to need some humans to practice on."

Lucifer nodded, "I know, and that is why I brought you guys to this open field. I can create some prototype humans, and I am going to need a lot of dusts. But the only issue is that each human that I create can only live for 1minute, because the only person that can create normal life or eternal life is my dad. I have not really been able to figure out how he does it yet. But I'm okay with what I can do for now because it took me years of practice to get to this point." He chuckled.

Selena turned to Divina who just shrugged. Then she turned to the other witches and they nodded in satisfaction. She sighed. "Alright then we are good."

"Good, so you have 1munite to show me what you can do with each of the people that  i create." He paused. "Now let's see  what you've got." He bent down, gathered some dust and formed a prototype human and then breathed in to it. "Try to kill it before one minute." 

"Zonis tericle"  Selina said stretching her hands towards the protohuman. Her eyes turned green briefly as one of the testicles of the proto human bursted, but it did not die yet, it just fell on the floor, holding it's scrotum. Other witches around laughed loudly.  Lucifer just nodded briefly and jotted some things down.

"Is that all you've got?". He asked. "Remember the clock is ticking."

"No I'm not done, this is just the tip of an iceberg." Selena replied rubbing her two palms together to reduce it's sweatiness, then she got set to cast another spell.


"So what's your plan about the forthcoming Christmas?"  Josh asked Luciana. Luciana Looked up at him from where she was doing the dishes. She had heard about Christmas a few times when she was in hell but she did not really know when and what was all about. She knew that there had been a lot of celebrations going on on earth but the only one that attracted her was the Halloween celebration and she had really enjoyed that day. Now  here was Josh asking her about her plans for the Christmas celebrations, she could only hope that it was going to be as fun as the Halloween.

 "When is the Christmas celebration coming up?" She asked innocently. 

Josh laughed widely wondering if she had always been such a sick joker or something. "Like seriously is that a trick question?." He still struggled with laughter.

Josh's reaction made Luciana a bit Pained but she pretended that  it was a joke,  afterall she had her phone and she could easily look it up anytime. "Well I do not have any plans.."

"That's good.  Because I've got something really good that I have planned for you on that day, and I am going to tell you about it at dinner later tonight." Josh answered.

Luciana rolled her eyes. "Are you asking me on a late night date?". 

"One can not have enough of dates can they?," He asked her back with a wink.


Lucifer stood up from where he and Divina had sat patiently to watch each and every one of the witches demonstrate their strength, he had noticed one similar thing amongst all the witches that had shown themselves and he was going to address it first of all, because he saw it as a problem and the vampires might take advantage of it if nothing is done. 

"I noticed that  you all  need to cast spells before sending any magical vibes and to me, that is very slow, if the vampires get any knowledge on that, they would year you all apart." He stated. Then he turned to Divina. "I hear that you can cast spells without saying a single word, why not show them how to."

Divina smiled and blushed about how the fame of her powers had spread all over not just the earth but also other universes. "Well about that, I already told them what I do. I told them that most times I cast the spell in my head as quickly as possible, and other times I just imagine what I want to happen and it just happens."

Lucifer grinned. "Can you guys try that now?". He asked.  Selena and the rest of the witches present just sighed because they know that they had tried it severally but nothing really happened. All the same, there was no harm in trying again. ..

After about 5 minutes of trying the mind spell with five different protohumans, and no positive result was yielded,  Lucifer had to come up with a new strategy. "You guys are going to have to go home and learn how to say the spells faster and without anyone hearing what you are saying. Try to say it as fast as you can because the vampires that we are going to fight are very fast creatures, so I want you all to be prepared, am I clear?" He asked.

Selena and the other witches nodded in acceptance.  "Alright then, that's all for tonight." He announced. 


Felix and the vampires, retraced their steps to the place where they first saw the sorcerer,  hoping to see him there again, but they had waited for  what seemed like days in the forest of Dilemma  but he did not show up. Some of the vampires where already tensed and tired. They just wanted to go home and rest. "Let's forget about Tracy for now,you can come back when you become king of hell please." One of the vampires suggested.  

Felix turned to him in wrath and bounced towards him, but he was stopped by Sam and Victoria who pleaded on the vampire's behalf, that he might have reacted out of frustration. Felix sighed slowly, just then Lydia spotted what seemed like the sorcerer walking afar off with a female figure. "Uhm guys, I think I see something." Felix and the rest turned and saw them too. "Tracy !!" Felix shouted, as he dashed towards their direction.


( Writer's note : Season's greetings To everyone😍😍 Much Love from Here. I can feel the Christmas spirit boiling up.

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