
The Map

~3456 BC~

After Moses had brought the Israelites across the Red sea. God was having a serious conversation with him. "There is something I want to tell you, I have never told anyone before, not even my children.". Moses took a rock close by and sat on it, eager to hear the full story. "It's about Azrael's blade. I would like to tell you where it is incase you need it against the Giants in Jericho."

Moses listened carefully as God told him the location where he hid Azrael's blade and moses Carefully drew a map to the place. In a scroll and hid it inside a gold bottle. As the years went by Moses died. And the scroll was passed down from one generation to the other,  and during the Roman take over, Julius Ceazar IV collected this scroll and took it to Rome, where it has been Ever since..



The vampires where fully Ready to jurney from Scotland down to Italy to get the map.   "Let's go" Felix comanded as they sped into the coverage of the night darkness into the woods.

 "Wow, it feels good to be outside again after so long."  Lydia said as she felt the hardness of the tree trunks with her hands, while still on full speed.  

"There, we are now in Italy, we'd soon get to our destination .. hmm I smell victory" Felix chirped with joyous rage.


Lucifer smiled at Sia as she came out of her house clad in a beautiful Rosey gown, that was a little above her knee and grabbed her butts nicely.  He did not know when his lips flew apart from each other and stayed that way for some seconds while  he stared at her. But he was brought back from his sudden trip to wonderland when she cleared her throat.

 "Wow you look Beautiful." He managed to say. She blushed and nodded her thank you as he rushed to open the door of the limousine that he brought for her. She sat down comfortably at the soft sofa which made her feel sleepy immediately.

"Where would you like us to go?." Lucifer asked when he was already sorted beside her. She smiled at him. "Surprise me". Lucifer smirked and whispered something to the Driver who nodded and started driving towards the place He had told him.


Felix and the other vampires got to Rome that night. The human vampires where so happy at how fast they could travel between Nations. "We need to lodge in a hotel incase we don't go on the search this night." Sam suggested.  

"I'm already on that. Why don't you and the rest of the vampires go look for a Hotel room, while Victoria and I go get our map."  Sam nodded to Felix's comand as they turned to go. 

But Tracy still stood where she was. "I'm sorry but I want to go with felix. And Victoria".  Felix sighed as he placed his right hand on his forehead . "Ok fine, and we better get going now. The earlier the better, so that you will not get burnt by sunlight."  Tracy giggled and stood beside Felix and Victoria as the rest of the vampires went to get the Lodge.

"So, where do we find the Map Genius?". Tracy asked.  Felix smiled starting to find Tracy's jokes kinda funny. "Well, the map is at the church museum, we just need to go there and ask to be shown. And then we steal it without anyone noticing ."

"Wolla we move out.  And join the others at the hotel. It's am easy clean job". Victoria added.

"Yeah it sounds easy. But why didn't you guys want me joining the case in the first place?". 

"Well, if there's a delay or something we might have to stay there till morning and we did not want you getting barbequed by the sun." Victoria answered impatiently. "Now if you would not like to delay us any further with your irrelevant questions can we go now".

Tracy pouched her lips and bent it to the right side. "Sure, let's go, I'm sorry." Felix and Victoria laughed out loud. 

"Ok guys, Follow me". Felix dashed away into the darkness as Victoria and Tracy Ran behind him trailing his scent.


Lucifer popped open one of the  champagne in the limousine and poured it into the two empty glass cups between him and Sia. They both took their glasses and raised it up before hitting them together. Lucifer stared at her eyes as he sipped his wine. He could not help but wonder if things where still going to stay the same way when he showed her his full  nature tonight.

"We are here sir." The voice of the Limousine Driver interrupted his thoughts as he nodded and stood up coolly arranging his suit properly before opening the door and stepping out of the car. He held it open for Sia to come down too.

"Wow, where is this place?" Sia asked as she came down looking at the magnificent building that stood before them. Lucifer smiled eagerly as he saw the surprise and happiness in her face.

"Let's go in you'd see, I selected a place where we could have a lot of privacy to ourselves. Because there is something I really need to show you".  Sia raised an eyebrow wondering what it was. "You really are full of surprises," she said giggling.

Lucifer just smiled as they went into the beautiful building and took a lift to the roof of the building . The roof was arranged beautifully , Lit with an array of splendid lights, and rose flowers that matched the ones on sia's clothes where every where.

Sia's eyes widened in happy shock as she turned around and hugged Lucifer tightly. Lucifer hugged her back with a sigh. If only she knew what awaited her, he thought .

(Writers note:.  08172693022 you can chat me up on WhatsApp to talk about the book. Your  opinions would really go a long way. And  Please don't  forget to update daily as more chapters would be published ❤️❤️)