

Lucifer sighed as he  dressed up, preparing to go to work for the day. He sighed because he knew it was not going to be work as usual. Rather it was more like a meeting with Sia, where they needed to settle things and  straighten up their relationship. Because The last time that they talked,  it was clear that she had forgiven him and he had nothing against her.  But What was left was for him to tell her everything that she needed to know, and that was scheduled for today at work. 

He still had his doubt about telling her about the war and stuff, but he also knew that the vampires could return anytime and any day, since he was already training the witches in preparation for their return, he also needed to keep Sia on an advantage. As they always say that knowledge is power, he needed to let her know about what was happening, so that at least she would protect herself in the little way that she could.  He checked his watch and it was almost time. "Oops." He said as he dashed out of the hotel room, entered his car, and drove out to the police department.

He hoped out of his car and locked it swiftly before heading into the building. Sia was already on her duty post, she smiled at him as he walked in, he returned the smile Ashe greeted everyone around before walking into his office, Sia followed him almost immediately. "Hey." She greeted before sitting at the chair at the other end of Lucifer's table. 

"Hey." He replied. And after they had exchanged pleasantries and all other formalities, Lucifer went straight to the main business of the day. "Alright so I promised that I was going to tell you everything that I have been hiding from you." Lucifer sighed trying to think of the best way to explain things in order for her to know how dangerous they where.

"When I came out of hell, some vampires escaped hell without my knowledge or the knowledge of any of my friends that I put in charge of hell. At first nobody knew what these guys wanted, but now it is clear to me that they are planning a war, to overthrow me. Right now, I am fully prepared for them. I did not want you to know earlier because I thought you might get into trouble for finding out, but now I am convinced that you would be safer if you actually know about it."

Sia sat quietly on the chair that she had taken when she walked into the office. She needed sometime to process all that she had heard, it was a lot, but she knew that she had Lucifer by her side to protect her, so there was no reason to panic. Well except for the fact that they where not really living together. So she had to ask; "would it be okay, if I move in with you into your hotel room?" 

Lucifer thought about the idea for a while, it was really nice, atleast there would not be any surprise kidnapping or something. And besides the room was big enough, Divina had given him the biggest room at the VIP section of the hotel, so staying with one additional person was not really going to be a problem. "Fine that's really nice, please move in tonight." Sia smiled as she nodded her acceptance.


Felix and the rest of the vampires walked back to THE ENTERANCE  where the passage that had led them into the map was. And true to their guess, it was also the pathway that lead out of the Map. They landed on the outskirts of Rome and luckily for all the human vampires, it was actually Late at night, and the sun was not up in the sky. Tracy sighed "finally, we are going to have a good night rest for the first time in a few days."

"I think my body really needs that sleep now " Lydia added. As she yawned widely.

"So where are we headed? Do we go back to our hotel room here at Rome or we run back to scotland?" Victoria asked. Felix was kind of confused about the reply he was supposed to give. He was not quite sure how many days they had spent searching for Azrael's blade and the money they paid  might have expired. going back to scotland would have been a better option but it would take a lot of strength which they no longer had, and even if they did, they where not really sure about how safe the Clubhouse would be because they had not received any report from the guard vampire that they put in charge there.

"Give me all the money on you, we are going to stay in the hotel rooms here in Rome until we are sure about our home in Scotland."  Felix declared as all the vampires obeyed and gave him all the cash they had on them, until it was enough to retlnt the hotel rooms needed .

"Okay guys. Tonight we rest, by tommorow I will send spies over to Scotland to ensure our safe return"..


Luciana smiled as she laid on her bed planning her wedding in her head, the whole place was filled with papers where she had thrown away a lot of things that she had written before, that did not really go in line with the lattest plan she had in mind. She did not really have much friends,  so she probably was not going to invite anyone except Lucifer and Divina, who might as well come with there friends or duur, who cares. She sighed. "Christmas is like 2 weeks ahead and I'm already getting worked up about this wedding." She whispered to herself.

She had eventually done the research about Christmas and found a lot of interesting things about the day, and she felt kind of lucky to be getting married on that day. She chucked for a moment, but her mood changes when thoughts about Felix flooded her mind. "Arrrg!!"


( Writer's note : Season's greetings To everyone😍😍 Much Love from Here. I can feel the Christmas spirit boiling up.

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