


Sam still sat where he was drinking, patiently waiting for the crowd present in the Hall to disperse so that he could alert the other vampires to come and finish the work. He was begining to loose patience as the crowd started to increase instead of reducing, it appeared that they where celebrating something, but he could not ubderstand what it was, he thought that the main celebration was suppose to be the next day, which was Christmas and not tonight, yet tonight seemed like when the main partying was happening. "Mehn the crowd is increasing, " he whispered into the talking device that he had.

Then he raised his head up and saw Divina coming down from the said case with the two witches that he had seen earlier, that was when it dawned on him that they where witches. And he now recognized one of them as the one that lead the witches that shared the demon knives into halves, the night that they killed magedon.  Divina on the other hand was a popular face already who had escaped hell a long time ago. He was shocked to see her too, and that was when it dawned on him that she could be the owner of the hotel.

"Holy shit, I am finished." He whispered into the talking device. 

"What is happening over there." Felix asked from the other end of the device.. 

"You guys will not believe who I am seeing right now guess, who just came out from one of the rooms?. Sam asked.

"Lucifer?"  Victoria shouted into the speaker.


"God?" Tracy asked causing a round of laughter to erupt from the vampires. 

"Seriously guys, I'm f***ing serious I suspect some fowl play here". Sam said.

Felix sighed, he could no longer endure the suspense anyore. "Tell us who the hell you are looking at." He asked impatiently.  

"It's Divina, the girl that once went missing from hell." Sam announced.

"Oh shit". Victoria exclaimed, "that explains the name of the Hotel. I should have known earlier, that power hungry b***h." 

"Alright we are coming in right now." Felix demanded. Sam was not sure if it was the right time for the vampires to pop in because the crowd was still much for the presence of all the vampires and besides they didn't get know what side the witches where on, perhaps they could tell them about their plan to take over hell and promise her eternal pardon if she and her witches fight by their side.

"No guys, don't come in yet, the crowd around here is still much, and besides, we do not know what they are up to yet. Who knows, we could tell them about our plan, and they might fight with us. Remember we are already acquaintances, we shared the demon knives with them, so it would be easy to convince them. It's Divina that I am worries about for now, we could just tell her that we can grant her eternal pardon, perhaps that will set her heart."  Sam suggested. 

"Alright then. We'd hold" Felix said as he and the rest of the vampires remained in the Boutique.


Back in hell, Amanda and Luciana where still trying to prove their points why Lucifer's sword should or should not be released to Luciana to take to earth, after listening to all their arguments Amazon finally came up with a decision. "I have made my decision!!" He announced as he stood up from his throne and stepped  closer to where Luciana stood.

"Luciana, I have known you for many years, we all have known you for a long time, the same way we have known Lucifer for almost eternity past, but that is not enough reason for us to release Lucifer's sword to you,  Lucifer himself asked us to keep it safe and that we will do." He stated with a sense of finality.

"But I am telling you right now that Lucifer is in danger, And Felix Has Azrael's blade. Please Lucifer needs his sword to win the war." Luciana tried to plead further.  

Amazon sighed. "For this also, we are going to put you on trial for Treason, until we are sure that you are not in any partnership with felix, I am sorry lucy". He said as he turned to the guards present.  "Lock her up."

Luciana's eyes widened in shock. "You cannot do this to me Amazon. Think about this I have not done anything wrong."

"I would have sentenced you to death, but because of the trust I have for you, I am sending you to trial." Amazon added. Luciana could not believe what was happening to her, she did not know if she was going to try to fight them all until they kill her or she should just give up. A she could think about was going back to earth in order to try and save Lucifer. And F**k, her wedding was coming up in less then 24hrs. She shouted as the guards came and took her away. "Aaaaahhhhh!!!!!".


Sam watched as Divina walked up to the speakers and made an announcement. "This is a very important announcement from the management of the hotel, in collaboration with the security." She stated as she climbed the podium. "Everybody  is expected to leave right now, go back to your homes or into your hotel Rooms and lock it up for your own safety, If you refuse to comply you will be doing so at your own detriment. I am sorry for every inconvenience this might cause, thank you very much." She stepped down from the podium and watched as everyone ran Helter scatter to different directions at the same time. Some ran home while the once that lodged at the hotel ran to there various rooms.

"Guys, I think they work for Lucifer, I need you guys here right now, she is clearing the whole place, shit is about to go down." Sam spoke fidgeting into the talking aid. He watched in horror as the whole place became empty,  until it was just him, Divina and the two witches left in the Hall.


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( Writer's note : Season's greetings To everyone😍😍 Much Love from Here. I can feel the Christmas spirit boiling up.

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