
Strategy All set

(Back to the Museum with Victoria and the guard vampires. For clarity, the 5guards would be addressed as Guard1, Guard2, Guard3, Guard4, and Guard5, when addressed individually.)

"You guys are now part of us, and we are one family" Victoria said addressing the five Guards in front of the museum. "We are all on a mission to take back our right as the true leaders of Hell."

"Hell is real?" Guard1 asked. Guard2 chuckled wondering if Guard1 was insane. "We are now vampires dude, before now did you believe that vampires where real?" He asked. "You better believe everything they tell you because as for me I doubt nothing anymore." He added.

Victoria smiled. "Well I am glad that we are all on the same page now, I will be taking you to meet other members of the family, where you will get more information about the mission." She sighed before looking from her right side to her left as though trying to count everyone of them. "Alright guys, let's go." She added as she ran towards the hotel where other vampires where with the others following swiftly behind her.


Back at the hotel, Felix and Sam where still battling on how to come out with a tactics to use for the war, they had already agreed to attack on Christmas Eve, but they needed an attacking strategy, like they needed to know when to arrive at Scotland, how to do that and most importantly, where to stay when they arrive. now that they knew that Lucifer was aware of their plan to dethrone him, they knew that he would be expecting their return, so they needed to camp in a place that he would not be expecting them to stay. 

Both Felix and Sam had mentioned different places that they could use as camp in the course of their planning. But those places where either too open as Lucifer could easily find the there or the not quite safe as the shed did not have enough covering from sunlight Incase they had to stay there during the day.  The issue of camping was really disturbing, that they had to suspend it in other to handle  every other tactical move that they needed to make the war victorious. And just when they where about rounding off, Victoria came into the room with, Tracy, Joe, Linder and the guard vampires.

"Are you guys still cracking your brains over little strategies?" Victoria asked as she walked in. Felix sighed as he shook his head, Sam laughed a little as he acknowledged that his pain in the ass sister was back from her mission, and she was successful he presumed. "We have already handled everything that we need to handle the only Problem we are having is where to stay. We need a place that Lucifer would find difficult to locate, or even least expects us to be." He told her.

Victoria smiled, "is that what you guys have been battling all night over?" Sam smirked at her question, "do you have any ideas genius?" He asked  contemptuously, as he placed his hand on his waist to support his aching legs..

"Well that is a piece of cake tho, we could use the abandoned Boutique where I tracked down the Demons that we got those demon knives from."  She answered with a smile on her face.

"And how secure is that boutique from sunlight?" Sam asked. Hoping to ridicule her. But she answered with ease, "the boutique has several dressing rooms and it is also a big boutique and could probably have a few lodges for the workers. We could stay there while we carry out our activities."

Felix nodded obviously impressed by Victoria's show of equipoism, "well that's good, at least now everything is settled." Felix said as he hieved a sigh of relief. "Tonight we rest, tomorrow after the sun goes down, we move to scotland and then we carry out what we have planned." Felix added firmly as all the vampires present, cheered in joy .


Lucifer and Sia left Sia's Father's house that night night a mixed feeling of happiness and relief, they where happy that  at least he was aware that they where together, even if he had not giving his blessings yet, but that could be sorted out some other time. Right now, all they needed was to get home and have a good night rest. They walked back to where Lucifer's car was parked, and they got into it. And drove back to the hotel. 

When they came down from the car, they walked into the hotel chatting and laughing loudly with each other. "I can feel the love in the air." Divina Saïd as they walked into the hotel which was still bubbling with life by that time of the night. The music was still playing and people where still drinking at the hotel's bar, some where havung dinner with each other. Lucifer chuckled at Divina"s statement. "I am going to have a meeting with you and the other witches tomorrow, there is something  that I really want  you all to know about."  He said.

Divina nodded courtly as she let Him and Sia walk to their room and shut their door behind them  as they seemed too tired to join the party .


"I am going to ask you guys for the last time now, where are you hiding my Josh?" Luciana asked with a loud voice. All the worshippers present where frightened to the bone when they saw her fallen angel's face. She opened the bag that she was holding and brought out the demon knives and the chains that was in it, scaring the worshippers more, expecially the newbies.

"What is this? And who is this Josh that you are talking about?"  The Leader of the worshippers asked. Trying to act bold, but deep down he was scared to the bones and wished that Michael could just come down and deliver all of them.

The question that the leader had asked pissed Luciana off, was he trying to make her look like a fool or something?. "Now listen, any more of this foolish questions, I am going to do something that you are going to remember painfully for the rest of your life." She thundered, then she brought out the letter that was  written to her and gave it to the leader, "now I am going to ask this once, and don't mess with me. WHO WROTE THAT LETTER?!!." 

The leader froze as he recognized the letter that she had given to him..


( Writer's note : Season's greetings To everyone😍😍 Much Love from Here. I can feel the Christmas spirit boiling up.

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