

"To defend our land !!!" All the trapped beings of all kinds echoed. They included, Zombies, Dinosaurs, half humans and half horses, and every other type of being that one could think of...


The next day on earth, Wendy sat on one of the chairs in the bar of the hotel, thinking of how he was going to break into the room where he had seen them take Josh into and release him,  He knew that nobody would notice him go in and get to Josh, but he fears that he might be caught, sneaking out with Josh. "Well maybe I should just waituntil it's late at night before I carry out the rescue mission", he thought.

"Hey what would you like to drink." He heard the bartender asked. He turned around to make his request, but paused in shock when he recognized the bartender as one of the vampires. He tried to comport himself, as he prayed in his heart that talking with her will not ruin his mission.. "I'd like two hot shots please." He said. 

Linder smiled at him suspiciously as she poured his drink. "My name is Linder. And you?." Wendy wanted to pretend as though he did not hear her, but here eyes was all over him and she was going to notice, if he tried to throw his face away. He sighed deeply. "I'm Wendy." He replied.  

"I have not really seen you around this area and I've been here for a while, are you new in town or something.?  She asked as she passed him his drinks.  Wendy felt like standing up and walking away, but he just had to take the drink that he had ordered for. He took the drink and gulped both Shots into his throat, then he dropped his payment on the table for Linder before replying. "Well you would not happen to know the faces of everybody in this town do you?." He asked.

"It's a small town, and probably not, but atleast id be able to spot out any new person if I see them." Linder replied with a smile.. Wendy sighed and faked a return smile before turning to leave the hotel. As he turned to walk away, he bumped into Joe. "Sorry , he said rushing out as quickly as possible in a way that Joe did not see his face."  Joe chucked as he walked towards Linder.

"Funny guy." He said as he got to the bar. He could not help but notice Linder staring at Wendy as he left. 

"That guy really acts weird in a suspicious way." She said. Joe shrugged. "Well different people behave in different ways."

"Well this one is different."


"Rrrg, nevermind." Linder replied as she went back to mixing her drinks.


Max smiled as he saw the South gate of the Trapped beings open on its own accord without him even saying a word. They must have surrendered on time. He thought but as he wanted to take a step his eyes widened in shock as all the trapped beings of all kinds rushed at him and his vampires shouting loudly. At first Max panicked his soldiers also lost heart,  but Max remembered that he had Azrael's blade and he shouted. "Chaaaarge.!!!" As he ran towards the incoming crowd. His vampire soldiers ran smoothly behind him. Waiting to see the effect of the sword.

Max ran through all the trapped beings, cutting them through with the flamming sword, he cut them with ease, not even stressing a muscle. The vampire army cheered in joy as they rushed on the remaining trapped beings and began to  break them into bits. The leader of the trapped beings saw that they where loosing as quickly as possible. So he shouted from the tower, "retreat retreat." Lock the gates he comanded some of the beings managed to enter back into the South before the gates where closed. While max slayed the ones that remained outside.

"You're under siege, surrender now and I might consider sparing your lives" max shouted to the Leader of the trapped beings at the top of the tower.  

"We will never surrender to you, we fight till the end." The leader shouted back at max. Who smiled in return and said;  "fine by me then, Break down the gates." As the vampires cheered and cut down heavy logs from need by trees and began to hit hard on the gate.

The leader of the trapped beings sighed, he knew that his gates was fortified, however he also knew that the vampires where strong and desperate and they will eventually break it down. But atleast it could buy him some time to get to Lucifer. He turned to the fastest manchariots in his army. "run as fast as you can through the back gates to Lucifer and tell him that we need back up as soon as possible, we coul round up these vampires right here and the war would be over." He comanded as the manchariots sped away through the secret  back gate of the city.


It was late at night on earth, and Felix dressed his master bedroom to have a good night rest, when he heard a loud knock on the door," who could that be?" He wondered as he walked towards the door and opened it and he saw Tracy standing at the other end of the door, immediately he openend the door, she winked at him and walked in. "Shit could shouldn't be here." Felix said as he closed the door behind her. "If you are here then who is watching the prisoner?" He asked.

Tracy chuckled as she threw herself on the bed, "relax, the prisoner is safe after all the door is locked and Luciana ain't here yet so loosen up, don't be so up tight. " She said. Felix sighed as he went and sat beside her on the bed, "I was about to sleep before you walked in" Felix said.

"Fine then, I'd sleep here with you tonight." She replied with a smirk on her face.


****** °°°

°°°°I am beginning to see some reviews about the book and it is really encouraging, please keep it up I really appreciate.. for those that have not done their's yet, do not forget  to Pleasethe book and drop a Review today .. 🤒🤒  I Love you guys 🤾❤️❤️❤️°°°°°°°

( Writer's note : Season's greetings To everyone😍😍 Much Love from Here. I can feel the Christmas spirit boiling up.

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