
New plan

Magedon could perceive Lucifer's smell on Selena as she came closer. Which meant that she had been around him recently.  He rushed to her, lifted her up and pressed her against the wall.  "Where is Lucifer?". He shouted... Hoping to make her scared. But to his surprise she did not fret. 

"About the same guy again?.. twice in one day, what are the odds." She muttered.   Magedon turned around and looked at the other demons behind him, who also looked back at him surprised. He slowly reduced his grip on her as he let go of her. "Are you not afraid of death?" He asked.

She chuckled. "Nah, instead it would help me get my reward faster, tell me who is this Lucifer that everyone is after, and are you not that priest from the...".

"No I'm not.. my name is magedon, and these are my friends, we are demons from hell, and we are here to take our king back to his kingdom.". 

"Oh.. so Lucifer is Really Lucifer, like the Devil?" Selena asked surprised .

"Yes ofcos."

"Well I know where he stays, I would take you to his lodge but that is all. I wouldn't like him to see me with you guys." She said as the demons agreed, and followed her to Divina's hotel.


Back at the night club Victoria was still mourning the loss of Steve. She held his ashes close to her chest as she thought about nothing but blankness. She startled as Sam placed his hand on her shoulder. "you seem to have been very close to this human?" . He asked . 

 Victoria sighed. "I've never felt such a connection in a while now. So I feel really bad that we didn't even get to enjoy immortality together.". Sam nodded."look Victoria , I know you need to  mourn but right now we have something more important. We need to go out there and stop the demons from getting to Lucifer first".  When he said this, Victoria nodded as she clean the tears of her eyes and stood up. "Okay let's go.".


Lucifer  walked into his lodge at the hotel after a long day's work. All he wanted was rest. He took one of the elevators that led to his room. She sighed as he brought out his keys from his pocket but froze when he saw that his door was unlocked. "Is Luciana back so early?". He wondered as he looked around, then he opened the door and was shocked to the Father Friday whom he was investigating. Sitting comfortably with three strangers.

"Father friday?". He asked as he walked slowly into the room.

"Nah why does everyone call me that. I thought you should have known better". Magedon answered as he stood up with the other demons and bowed before Lucifer. "Master". They all shouted in unison .

"Magedon!!!!?". Lucifer asked almost pissed. "What are you doing here?.".

"Everyone in hell is worried about you. Since you came to earth you have not even given us any  message or something" .

"You still have not answered my question. I said what are you doing here?". Lucifer asked. This time he was angry . Magedon stood up with his head still slightly bent. "We came here with Amazon's permission. We came to escort you home".   Lucifer nodded "I see, well I do not want to go back now, so I demand that you leave now. And go back to hell."

"Okay master" they said as they left the room. When they where out of the hotel  magedon turned to the others. "You guys know Lucifer is not the king of hell right now right?. And we don't Have to take orders from him."

They all nodded. "Amazon asked us to bring him back, so we would stop at nothing than to go back to hell with him. For now we need another plan" .

"What are we going to do now boss?" One of the demons asked. 

"For now, we enjoy earth, while we  restrategise". Magedon said with a smile..


"(Writers note:. Please do not forget to update daily as more chapters would be published ❤️❤️)