
Michael's got worshippers

Luciana walked briskly into Michael's church. It appeared that they where conducting a service already, she just walked quietly inside, pretending to be one of the worshippers. No one took notice of her as they where busy performing their usual rituals. Their Leader seemed to stand out from other followers, he was on a pure white garment, while all the other followers wore black garments, except the new converts that where still on mufty, and that was where Luciana fitted into.

The leader danced a few more steps and did a few more rituals, then the mirror that was on what seemed like their alter started to smoke, the leader danced more vigorously as the  smoke started to increase, and the followers joined in the dance, same with the new converts, Luciana had to do what they where all doing to avoid being spotted out, then suddenly, Michael's face appeared on the mirror and they all shouted in joy.

"Motherf**ker, so this is how you give your instructions?." Luciana muttered. As she covered her face with the hoodie that she wore on her head. To avoid Michael from seeing her.  "Oh, great one we worship you, and we plead that you speak unto us your biddings for tomorrow, so that we would carry them out effectively without any complains as we always do." The leader spoke to Michael through the mirror.

Michael smiled as he knew that these guys had been worshiping him for years and he had never appeared to them, yet they kept on worshiping him, that was why non of them could recognize him when he came down to earth. He only appeared to them a few days ago when he wanted them to do something for him. And now he could bet that they could do anything for him, even as far as laying their lives just to please him, because they had confirmed that they where worshiping someone real. 

He stood there in the mirror in his full Angelic glory, his wings where out, and the sweet sight of the golden city displayed freely behind him. "Well I would like to reward you for doing what I asked you to do perfectly well, without asking any stupid questions, by tomorrow I shall send some heavenly gold to each and every one of you." He paused as he looked around. "I can see that you guys are really doing the work of evangelism really well. That's good, I will drop some silver stones for the newbies after their initiation too."  

Loud cheers and applause filled the hall as they hailed Michael for his generousity. He smiled before he finally vanished from the mirror.  Then the leader stood up and othered the chief whip to stand behind him as they carried out the initiation processes for their new members.

Luciana came out with the newbies not knowing what to do, she did not know if she should just show her self and force the leader to tell her where they kept Josh or if she should wait patiently till whenever they talked about it, even if it was in their next meeting. She sighed wondering if she could have that kind of patient. No, she needed to act now, she already missed him so much and she doubted of she could even go back home and stay a single minute without him.

The newbies marched in a straight line towards the alter but Luciana stopped on her track causing all attention to move towards her, the chief whip walked up to her; "Move!!" He commanded.

"Where did you guys keep him?" She whispered.

"What did you say to me?"  The chief whip asked.

"I said where did you keep him!!!!!" She thundered, as she removed the hoodie that covered her face, and revealed herself in her true nature...


Lucifer walked out of the Police department with Sia and her father. They wanted to see him off to his apartment before they went back to the hotel room. Lucifer had offered to give Him a lift with his car, but he had refused, stating that his house was just around the corner. "Sunshine, who did you say this guy was again?" He asked Sia.

Sia chucked as she looked at Lucifer briefly. "Well, he is my uhmm...  My boyfriend, we where planning to come and see you before he proposes  to be my husband, but we happened to bump unto you, that does not mean that we will not come to see you still. ."

Sia's father chuckled as he placed his hand on her shoulder, "I understand, you  don't need to explain. But you guys should do well to see me before the marriage else you won't have my blessings, and I will also like to meet his dad."  Sia and Lucifer bursted out laughing . "Don't worry dad you will see him too."  Sia said when she saw the look of confusion on her dad's face.. he smiled. "I better do". They followed him into the house.


(Back to the Museum with Victoria and the guard vampires. For clarity, the 5guards would be addressed as Guard1, Guard2, Guard3, Guard4, and Guard5, when addressed individually.)

"You guys are now part of us, and we are one family" Victoria said addressing the five Guards in front of the museum. "We are all on a mission to take back our right as the true leaders of Hell."

"Hell is real?" Guard1 asked. Guard2 chuckled wondering if Guard1 was insane. "We are now vampires dude, before now did you believe that vampires where real?" He asked. "You better believe everything they tell you because as for me I doubt nothing anymore." He added.

Victoria smiled. "Well I am glad that we are all on the same page now, I will be taking you to meet other members of the family, where you will get more information about the mission." 


( Writer's note : Season's greetings To everyone😍😍 Much Love from Here. I can feel the Christmas spirit boiling up.

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