
I need to hear

"Awwwn, so cute. I hope you get another chance to do so soon enough." Sia stated as they walked into their desks.

Momentarily, Magedon stepped into the police department with his bandaged head. 

"Holy! Shit! Sheriff Dan is here." James stated as they both  busied themselves with the case files on their desks even the other police officers that where less busy started to act as though they where choked up with work.

They where all shocked to see that the sheriff came to work that day, but non dared say a thing. But surprisingly the sheriff did not bother to check and shout out instructions for them as he always did. He just walked straight into his office, and sat down.


"I really wish you guys where not human vampires I'd have gone out with you guys in search of those betrayers but the sun would melt the both of you before you even step out of the compound." Felix stated.

"But I suggested that we go at night " Tracy replied.

"We cannot go at night, it would be suspicious, people might have already retired to their various homes and no one would want to entertain strangers when the sun goes down." Felix replied.

He sighed in frustration as he wondered what he was going to do next. He thought about going out alone, but he would not be able to face any of them on his own.

His thoughts where caught short by what he thought was a pleasant surprise,  His sister came walking into the hotel building with a group of vampires.

He did not know if he was going to be sad, Happy, anxious or Relieved to see her. He had not heard any word from her, ever since she went down to hell with Max. Now here she was standing before him.

"Hey bro. Hey guys." Victoria greeted with a smile on her face when she got to where Felix sat with Tracy and Linder  at the bar of the hotel.

"Hey Vic." Tracy and Linder replied in unison. But Felix frowned. Victoria saw the look on Felix's face and instantly knew that she had a lot of explaining to do. She sighed briefly.

She knew that she had never forgotten about her brother on earth, infact he had always been in her heart, but handling the vampires in Hell had seemed like a lot of work even to someone as hardworking as herself. She just did not know how to put her explanations into words, so she had to apologise anyway.

"I'm sorry bro, I know how you feel. Hell's been so hectic and Dad had always given me a lot of things to handle at different times of the day that I barely even have time fir myself not even to rest." Victoria stated.

"And you could not even send a message to me through any of your vampires?" Felix asked.

"Dad took all the vampires that went back to hell with me. Now they all serve as his personal guard at the central city. The other vampires with me, do not know their way around the earth." Victoria stated.

Felix sighed. He had to accept whatever she had told him, wether he believed that they where true or not, because the fact was that He needed her help more than she needed his. 

Perhaps she could assist him to find Luciana and her team. And she could also help him to take over hell. But then, he wondered why she had really come to him, he let her and the vampires that she came with to sit as they talked.

"I've heard you. We are siblings and we cannot hold grudges against each other. So tell me, what brought you here, don't tell me that you just came to say hi." Felix asked as Linder served chilled human blood to all the vampires present.

Victoria giggled. "Well, basically I came to see how you are doing. How is everything going on your path."

Felix sighed deeply, well if she wasn't going to say what she wanted, then he was going to tell her what he wanted, he thought.

"Everything is not working fine. Things have been really bad ever since you left." Felix stated. Then he turned to the other vampires that came with Victoria.

"Uhm, guys?! Tracy would show you around the hotel room, I need to discuss something with my sister privately." He told them.

"Oh shit!". Klaus muttered to himself, he knew that he needed to be there, in order to know their plans. The more information he knew, the more rest assured he was that he was on a safer side. 

He thought roughly on what to do, in order not to leave with the other vampires, but no idea seemed to be coming into his head.

Momentarily, a crazy idea, came to his mind and he prayed silently that it would work. As he stood up from his sit with the other vampires, he knowingly made himself to fall sidewards, in a way that his knee bone got dislocated.

"Ahh!," He shouted as he fell to the ground holding his dislocated joint.

Everyone turned to him to see what it was that had happened.

"He broke his knee." Tracy stated as she felt the dislocated joint with her palm.

"Carry him out, he'd heal shortly, after all he is a vampire." Felix stated.

Klaus' heart skipped a beat when Felix made this statement, it seemed as though his planned had  failed. He rolled his eyes as Tracy and Linder tried to lift him up and take him away.

"Leave this one, he is trust worthy, we can trust him." Victoria stated, causing Klaus to hieve heavily in relief.

"Are you sure about that?" Felix asked, not quite convinced if it was right to let Klaus hear what he was about to say. But Victoria nodded in the affirmative which made him signal Tracy and Linder to free him.

So they let him sit, while the rest of the Vampires moved away with them.


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