
Home check

"Alright guys the reason I called for this meeting, Is for us to  plan on how we are going to win the war, and then after that, my siblings and I  are heading to Scotland to confirm the safety of our home" Felix stated  then he paused for a while, to confirm if they where paying attention before he continued. "Well, what I had in mind was to Give Lucifer a Christmas gift, by attacking him on chrismas day, what do you say?." 

All the vampires around nodded, with a smile on their faces in acceptance , except Joe, who shook his head, negatively. "That would be too obvious, he would be expecting it, if he had already found out about us,  let's attack on a normal day, when he least expects it." Victoria nodded, "well I agree with what Joe has just said, the Less prepared he is, the more chances we have for victory..." 

"Alright" Felix replied as he nodded in acceptance. "We would pick a day that he will least expect. And then we strike. For now you guys should enjoy the hotel and order anything you want." He turned to Sam and Victoria. "Come on guys, let's go to  Scotland."  


Lucifer stood aside with Sia and Divina beside him as they watched the witches train really hard with the humans that Lucifer created. They made a makeshift Table with some empty crates that they had found in the open field, which they used to keep their drinks that they drank.  "They are not yet fast enough." Lucifer said taking a sip from the glass of beer, he had in his hand and returning the glass back to the makeshift table. "The vampires will just kill them in the twinkle of an eye."

"Relax Luci, they are really trying their best, and they have improved a whole lot than the way they where when I first saw them, hopefully before the war they would be fully prepared." Sia said. 

Lucifer sighed,  "now that's the problem. 'hopefully before the war',  now no one knows when or how the war is going to be, so I want us to be prepared at all times, and the way things are going is not really encouraging."

Divina closed her eyes tightly, she wanted to say something but she was not sure of how to put it to avoid causing any offence, but she had to say it anyway, "Lucifer, with all due respect sir, you are looking down at my soldiers and it is really demoralizing, these witches are the strongest human Weaponry on earth,  even the vampires that you speak so highly of, would tremble if they hear that we are on your side."

Lucifer sighed briefly. "Hmm. Well I hope what you are saying is really true. The training is over for today,  we shall continue tomorrow." 


Felix and his siblings dashed under the hot sun and into the woods to find their way to Scotland. They ran as fast as they could through the different vegitations of all the woods that lay between Italy and Scotland, as leaves of various trees brushed through their faces they where sure to have entered into the borders of Scotland. They stopped running and walked out of the woods. And decided to take a cab to the club house, since it was day time and they could not just run around the streets, to avoid attracting any attention.

When the vampires got to the  front of the club house, they could not believe their eyes, as they could not help but wonder, if they where at the right place or something. They paid the cab driver with the last  cash that they had on them and walked around the location that their clubhouse use to Stand in uttermost shock. "What do you think happened here?, Lucifer might probably have found out about our plans." Victoria whispered .

"Relax, it might not be Lucifer." Sam said.

"Then who else would burn out clubhouse?. It must have been him, damn, we are done for. He really caught us off guard this time around." Victoria blurted out. 

Felix sighed as he stared at his establishment all burnt to ashes, he did not want to take any hasty actions, "let's check if our safe is still intact." He said,  remembering that the most important thing that they needed now was money, because they where not ready to run back to Rome and besides they where only able to pay for one day hotel rent,  and from the look of things, they where going to need that hotel at Rome for a little bit longer. 

They had several safes in the clubhouse which appeared to have been burnt down, but where was one that Felix had insisted that they made ubderground in case of necessity. Sam had told him that it was just a waste of time and resources, but now he had known otherwise. Victoria sighed, "thank goodness you did not listen to Sam, when he asked you to forget about building the under ground safe."

"No time for thanks giving yet, let's check if it is intact" Sam suggested. They walked through the ashes and broken walls of the building. "I think it was actually somewhere around here." Felix said when they got to a particular point at the centre of the whole place. "Alright guys, let's dig."


Luciana smiled as she cleaned the water that dropped from her skin with her white towel. She hung it back at it's normal position as she got dressed in preparation for going to tell Felix about her wedding, she was planning  to go and visit him at the club house,  Which she did not know had been burnt down by Divina, well how could she have known, when she was not in town, when she had left everyone to be with her new found love at the outskirts of Scotland 

She wondered how Felix was going to react when she tells him about the wedding. She knew he'd be shocked, because no one would expect any celestial to recover so quickly from an ex lover, how much more She herself. The look on his face was going to be epic, and she could not wait to see it. She chuckled .


( Writer's note : Season's greetings To everyone😍😍 Much Love from Here. I can feel the Christmas spirit boiling up.

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