
Election or war?


Divina also knew that she was not even an angel at all. So they continued to stare at Michael not knowing what next to do.

"Come on, I am waiting. Prove to me that you are all angels." Michael added smirking.

The arguement had already started to draw a lot of attention as it became a center of distraction to all the angels that where passing by. 

Lucifer sighed deeply, this was not looking good for him, or any of them for that matter especially Gabriel. He was going to loose a lot of vote if they discovered that he was siding with Lucifer or something of that nature.

Lucifer had to rack his brain to think as quickly as he could for possible solutions to the situation at hand. Suddenly an idea came to his mind, he was not sure if it was going to work out, but he had to try it out anyway.

"Okay, fine wait a minute. If one of us can prove to you that we are really angels, will you go away? Lucifer asked, playing the last card that he had in his head.

Micheal smiled, thinking that he had gotten hold of them, he knew Lucifer was trying to play smart, so he thought of a way to outsmart him.

"Alright then, one of you has to prove that you are angels, but it's not going to be you dude. Some other person should do that." Michael stated firmly.

Lucifer hieved a huge sigh if relief, his little game had worked out in his favour, he smiled briefly. "Alright then, as you wish."

Azrael stepped forward and easily brought out his wings, to the amazement of all the angels present, some of the onlookers lost interest immediately and walked away, hence the unwanted criwed that had gathered earlier suddenly disappeared.

"So, what now?" Lucifer stated.

"I believe you have somewhere else to be don't you?" Gabriel added.

Michael felt a little bit embarrassed, but he covered it up as much as he could, after all  he was going to win the forthcoming election, at least that would reduce most of the amount of shame that he felt.

He was about to say something when the Huge trumpet was sounded. The huge trumpet was seldomly blown, it was only blown whenever there was an important event that needed the attention of everyone in the golden City.

Now it was blown to signify the start of the election process.

"It's time" lLucifer muttered as they all walked towards where the election was going to be held.

The Arch angel that was in charge of the election stood up to  address the crowd before the voting started.

"Shall all those interested in contesting for the throne step forward." He stated at the end of his long welcome speech.

Michael boldy went up to the podium with a smile on his face, finally the long awaited day had arrived, and everything was working perfectly well up till now, according to how he had planned. 

Shortly after Michael climbed the podium, Gabriel did same and Lucifer too.  Michael's eyes widened in shock, he had not been expecting any one to dare step on the podium with him apart from Gabriel. And he had thought that Lucifer and the other weird angels as the appeared in their disguise where there to vote for Gabriel.

Now that one of the weird angels had climed on the podium to contest, Michael was really confused, he did not know what to think any more. However, he had to keep his calm,  whatever they had in mind, he was sure that they where going to unveil it soon, and if it did not go according to his plan, then it was definitely not going to happen as far as he was concerned.

Momentarily, the Arch angel in charge of the election gave the contestants a few moments to say what they had in mind.

Michael started first. He stated everything that he had already told most of the angels that he would do once he became king. He gave his speech so perfectly well I'm a way that one would think that he had memorized everything that he said .

The angels that he had already succeeded in convincing earlier to be on his side started ti cheer loudly, thus other angels joined in momentarily.

"Seems as though dude's got a lot of fans." Lucifer whispered to Gabriel, who just shook his head in shock as he turned to look at Michael who winked at him in return with a smirk on his face.

Soon, it was Gabriel's turn to give his manifesto. At first he felt a little bit intimidated by Michael's excellent performance but then he picked up the oaceas he started to talk.

"You all should be ashamed of yourself. I still stand my ground to say that Dad would be disappointed in all of you when he returns his rulership is for eternity, you all should prepare to face his wrath when he returns." Gabriel stated as murmurings spread like wild fire among all the angels present.

"This is nonsense, we already scheduled an election and that we must do. " Michael protested, when he saw the look on the faces of the Arch angels conducting the election.

"It's Enough, we have one more contestant, let's hear from him." The arch angel stated adjusting his siting position.

Lucifer smiled. "Thank you all. Do you guys remember when Lucifer tried to Take the throne?.. you saw how dad angrily flung him out of the Golden City to suffer in hell. He did not succeed in sitting on the throne, yet look how grievous his punishment was,  Imagine how horrible ours would be if we successfully conduct this election. I stand with Gabriel, this election is trash." He stated.

Michael frowned. This was absolutely out of place. He turned to look at the arch angel. And was shocked to see the arch angel in charge standing up from where he sat.

"I'm sorry guys, but I can no longer  conduct this election." He stated.

"Then you are calling for war!!." Michael stated angrily bringing out his deadly bow and arrow...


(WRITERS NOTE: Thanks to everyone for following up the story so far. I'd like to see more reviews as it would help future updates, if you haven't dropped any reviews yet, please do, I hope you enjoy as more updates will be posted everyday.. https://chat.whatsapp.com/KJ4wbTeFKfiJbnYnYWrzmt Click on the link to join the Whatsapp group where Thousands of other Lovers of the Book from all over the world talk about the book and bring about opinions for upcoming chapters.  

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