

Magedon stood up in anger and cleaned the drop of blood that ran down his nose, then he brought out his demon knives..  the other 3 demons did same too. "Fine, let's have it your way."  Magedon said as he moved towards Victoria .

" Wait, how did you get those knives?". 

"No time for chit chat you want fight now let's do it." Magedon said as he rushed towards  Victoria . But she sped off and ran back to the night club.


Back at the night club Lucifer was very pissed to see Felix and Sam. But he was more angry at the fact that they had converted some humans.. he knew he could not take them alone so he looked for a way to hide himself. 

"Uhm, detective why don't you go in and interview them. While I check around to see if I would find anything." Lucifer said as he turned around to the street while James went inside the night club .

Lucifer sighed as he looked down and saw some particles of ashes in the floor. He bent down and felt it with his fingers. "A human vampire died here".  he muttered. As he stood up and followed the trail of the particles to a hidden corner.  "Rrg disgusting., This corpse looks like the Dave guy,  humans are getting hurt". Lucifer sighed. "And I can't let the police know that this was done by the Vampires, else more people would get hurt, I would make it look like an accident."  He added, as he stood up and took the body. 

Victoria ran into the Night club the same time Detective James was coming out. He had felt the cool breeze from her speed touching his face. But he could not imagine that it was a vampire. "Those guys in the club are just normal people trying to make ends meet". James said as he walked towards Lucifer. "Did you find anything?".

"Well yes I did find a dead body behind there, the forensics are I.Ding it right now". Lucifer replied as they both walked to the ambulance where Dave's corpse was.  "This body is definitely Dave's. We did some tests and ran some DNA matches and we where able to I.D him."  Tiffany the head of the forensic unit told them as they walked towards him.  "Well now we know that Dave is dead, but Father Friday is still missing, we need to find him, perhaps he might know something about this."  


As Victoria entered into the night club she was panting real hard. "He's alive, He's alive..". 

"Jeez you almost blew our cover with the police". Sam  said . "And who's alive? ."

"Father Friday."

"I thought you said you took care of him?". Felix asked.

"Yes I did..  but it seems like his body has been possessed by a demon from hell, I saw him and three others with demon knives. And they recognized me".  Falix stood up from where he stood.  "Well we had better find them and send them back to hell before they tell Lucifer about us". 


It was evening and magedon strolled the streets in search of Lucifer. He rushed towards a girl walking by the side of the road. He could perceive Lucifer's smell on her, which means she had been around him. He rushed towards her and pressed her against the wall. "where is Lucifer." He asked. Trying to scare her but He didn't know she was a Witch...


"( Writer's note: please do not forget to update daily as new chapters would be published. Your opinions about the book would go a long way. ❤️❤)"