

" Leave  them alone they are our property." Selena's voice sounded firmly behind the vampires. Felix turned around angrily wondering who had such an audacity to challange his authority. "Who the f**k are you?". He asked  when he saw the unfamiliar figure in front of him. Selena smiled softly as the witches she came with unveiled them selves. "Well you'd see". 

"Uhm.. why don't you guys settle your issues privately while we  go somewhere else and watch. We promise not to run.". Magedon stated with a smile. The smug smile on his face pissed Victoria off as she rushed and grabbed his neck wanting to squash it. One of the witches made a move as to try to stop her. "Leave him he is ours." She said. But Felix and Sam stood in her way and punched her to the other side of the boutique.

"Astensius Maldives" Selena said. Her eye turned green and back to it's normal colour in a jiffy as she  sent a spell towards Victoria's angle. 

"Arrg". Victoria shouted in pain as she fell on the ground and held her hands tightly.  Everyone turned to look at Selena as she stepped forward.

"Well I know that we are all here for the same purpose, but  I would like you guys to step aside and let us handle this our way."

"Witches?..  Felix asked as everyone stared surprised.


"We've heard alot about you back in Hell. And I've always wondered how you got your powers".  Felix started. "But any way, since we are here for the same purpose I would not want to start up on the wrong foot with you guys. so I would let you guys join us in the fun.. But just for today. The next time you cross our paths we would show you what, we are made of."

"Well that's better". Selena said as both the vampires and the witches turned to face the demons.. 

"Oh, well. We would not go down without a fight tho." Magedon said as he brought out his demon knives..


Luciana spoke with Lucifer on the phone as she searched for the boutique.

"I think the demons are in trouble. It turns out that the vampires might be after them". Luciana started. "And if my guess is right then I might not be able to deliver the message to them."

"Comon you have to get there before they do anything bad to them."

"I'm on it boss". Luciana replied as she ended the call. She walked a few more steps before she saw the boutique in front of her so she rushed in. Her eye widened in shock, then she gasped; "oh my God..


"Mehn I need to call Lucifer now.." Luciana said as she came out of the boutique  and put a call to him.

"The demons have been destroyed." Luciana said immediately  Lucifer answered the call.


"That's not the worst thing". 

"What could be worse than that?. we do not even know what the vampires have in mind". Lucifer said.

"Their demon knives are missing. And you know you forged it by yourself in hell. You know it kills immortals". Luciana looked terrified but Lucifer tried to calm her down. "Listen Luciana, we are not certain that the vampires have the knives it might be with any body.  They might have even taken it back to hell." 

"I hope so.." Luciana said.


(Writers note:. Please do not forget to update daily as more chapters would be published ❤️❤️).