
Demons on Earth

"As the acting ruler of hell, I hereby give you (Magedon), and three other demons permission to go to earth and bring back our king." Amazon declared. Magedon Bowed."your wish is my command ".  He said as he selected three fierce looking demos to go on the mission with him. 

Demons could only posses the body of people who just died and their souls just left there body within a few seconds.  Hence Magedon came up with a plan. His plan was that he would go to earth first by possessing any available person about to die. And then he would select strong bodies for his companions.  Magedon was ready to go to earth at about the same time that Victoria was about to rip off father Friday's heart. 

As Victoria plunged out father Friday's heart and threw his body on the floor she took the white oak stick and  ran back to the place where Steve's ashes where, in front of the night club, then Magedon possessed Father Friday's Body. 

"Damn this guy does not have a heart". Magedon muttered as he touched the hole on his chest (father Friday's Body).  "Well his my type. First we need a change of clothes and then, I bring my friends to earth so we can guide our king home.".he said as he hit the road in search for a boutique or something. 


Victoria  gathered Steve's ashes and put it in a bottle as she went back into the Night club. Felix was still laying on the ground with blood everywhere, while the other vampires watched helplessly at him, waiting for the beetroot effect to wear off. "Ahhg, I'm starting to feel my strength return" Felix muttered as other vampires began to check themselves. "But the bleeding won't stop." 

"Don't worry I got this under control. All we need to do is get something to melt this white oak stick and then we give him to drink."

"I'm on it." Lilian said as she sped off to the backyard and returned with a hot substance. Then they melted the white oat stick and gave him to drink. 

Felix groaned for a second as he tasted the melted white oak stick but then he forced himself to drink all of it. Then  he stopped bleeding and his wounds started to heal. Victoria sighed deeply in relief since she noticed that she was not going to loose another loved one in one day. "Did you get them?, The bad guys I mean?.  Sam asked Victoria.  "Yes, I took care of them..".


 Two huge men where in a boutique selecting the suits they where going to buy. "How much is it?". They asked the owner of the shop. 

"It's just 50pounds" He replied. Then his eyes widened in shock. "Oh my God!!!". 

"What is it?". One of the guys asked as they both turned around and shouted in fear as they saw a guy dressed in priestly atire walk into the boutique with a hold on his chest and blood all over his body.

 Magedon smiled broadly as he walked into the boutique. "Ahhh, atleast everything I need is here. Clothes for my body and bodies for my friends "  he said as he brought out his demon knives and charged at the men.  When he got go where they stood, the two huge guys tried to defend themselves by throwing punches at him, but he was way faster than them as he sleeps their throats open with his demon knives. The boutique owner tried to escape from the back door but magedon threw a knive at him which pierced deep at his back and then he fell.

"Hmmmph, you can come out now". Magedon said as he changed his clothes to a pair of suits that covered the hole on his chest. And within a few seconds the three dead men stood up with deep breaths. Possessed by the Three demons that where to accompany magedon. 

"I like this body, it's huge". One of the demons said.

"No time to admire this stupid flesh". Magedon said as he added finishing touches to his dressing. "We are here for a mission. So let us accomplish our mission". 


 (Writer's note: Please do not forget to update Daily As New chapters would be published everyday ❤️❤️ and i would love to see your reviews as it would really go a long way ❤️)