
Christmas Eve

Lucifer and Sia where finally done with work and they walked got into their car and drove home, on their way home, they made a stop at a shop to  get a drink. Sam followed them all through from  a safe distance behind, when they stopped  at the grocery shop to get the drink He thought that it was a good time to strike, but he needed confirmation to do so. "They are alone now, I need permission to take Lucifer down. Now that they least expect it." Sam asked through the talking device.

"No, do not do anything to him until he gets into the hotel, we do not want to attract the attention of other humans do we?." He heard Felix say from his listening device. "Alright, copy that boss." He replied, but deep down he felt like it was really a good opportunity to strike Lucifer down, but since Felix asked him not to, he had to obey orders. And step back. He stood where he was and watched them enter back into their car with some snacks in their hands as they drove off.

Lucifer had had the feeling that he was being followed, since the beginning of the day up until this time, but he assumed that it was probably the witches that where doing their job. On his way pack from the police department with Sia, he had purposely made a stop at the Grocery store to confirm if he was being followed by someone else other than his guard witches.when he came out he looked around and could not see any one. He sighed briefly before he got into the car. As he drove of, the feeling of being followed increased the more.

"Honey do you notice anybody following us?". He asked Siia, she turned around and looked through all the rear mirrors in the car before replying. "Nope." She replied.

"I've had the feeling that we are being followed" he said. She smiled at him. "It's probably the withes." She replied with a giggle.

When they got to the hotel, they got down and went in, when they got to the bar of the hotel, it was as busy as it used to be. Some people where busy eating, while others where drinking and chatting loudly. San entered a few minutes after them and watched them walk up to their room, he saw the room number and smiled as he walked to the less noisy part of the hotel to talk to Felix and the others.

He pressed the button on his talking device and spoke to them. "Hey guys, I am in the hotel now, I got their room number, but the place is kind of crowded right now so  I don't think we can do anything for now."

"Yes". Felix showed in joy as the other vampires around him started to clap happily. "That's progress, we are really making progress. Just stick around and monitor what is hapoening. We would be there in a much later time, when the crowd must have reduced."  He added.

"Alright copy that." Sam said as he walked to take a sit at the bar, "I need a drink please." He told the bar tender, who nodded and started to pour him a drink. She mixed several drinks in a glass and passes it to him. He nodded his thanks as he took a sip from the glass. Then he looked with his side eyes and saw the weird ladies that he saw earlier in the day, standing and looking at him from across the hall in a really scary way.


Luciana arrived at the river that lead to the western gate of hell, the route which she and lucifer had always used to go to and fro. When she stood at the bank of the river, she looked around knowing that no one was around and even if they where, they would not recognize her because it was already dark at night. She sighed Before turning to her through nature, then she jumped into the river and swam speedily to the gate.

"Luciana?." The demons at the gate asked when she got there. "Yes I am the one, and I have an important mission to accomplish for my master." She said. She knew that Lucifer had already freed her but, who would believe her if she said she was here to repay Lucifer's favour.. the demons nodded and let her through. She smiled as she walked in.

When she got in, hell seemed look a little different than the way it was when she left. It was not as bubbling as it was. Probably because Their king Lucifer was out for far too long than normal or because everyone that made it lively where either on earth or dead, she chuckled as her heart listed everyone of them tar she could remember as she brought out her wings and flew to the center of hell where Lucifer's sword was. "Lucifer, Magedon and his trouble some demons, Felix and his siblings." She chucked when she thought about Felix and his siblings. What is hell without all these guys, now there's a serious war that's about to happen on earth, and she was the only one that could stop it, or so she thought..


Selina and one other witches where the ones who had spotted Sam sneaking around, outside of the hotel in the morning, they did not know he was the one because of the disguise, and he was too far for them to perceive his scent, neither did they check with their witches'  eyes to confirm if he was a vampire or not.  They had also noticed him following Lucifer and Sia around town, but they hid them self to allow him take the first move before they could strike. Now they saw him follow Lucifer into the hotel. And also when he read their to number and hid to make a call.

"This guy has got a lot of nerves walking in here" Selena said. As they saw him sitting at the hotel's bar asking for a drink. "Let's confirm if he is a vampire or just am ordinary spy. " She said. As they their eyes turned green, and they saw that Sam was really a vampire. "Holy shit he is a vampire". The other witch said in panic.

Selena held her hand trying to calm her down when Sam turned around and his eyes met with there's, "why are these guys looking at me weirdly, he wondered."....



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( Writer's note : Season's greetings To everyone😍😍 Much Love from Here. I can feel the Christmas spirit boiling up.

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