

Luciana stood transfixed for a moment, staring at nothing in particular for a few seconds. Azrael knew that she would be really shocked if he had revealed himself at once, so he wanted to take it slowly, but she was the one that made him go this far, by laughing at him and mocking his cover.

But then he wasn't going to stop now, he had to answer her question, even if she was transfixed, atleast she could still hear him.

"Well about be being a little bit late, you could blame that on dad, he always claims that he is never late, the day, Lucifer died, he knew - we where together - he told me that even at this time it was not too late." Azrael stated. Taking a deep breath before completing his statement.

"So all I need now is for you to take me to where he was buried and then we would see what dad can do." He said with finality. But Luciana did not reply.

"Hello... Luciana... Luci.... Luci...." He called, but she did not bulch.

He sighed briefly as he saw that Luciana still stood transfixed. He decided to stop talking and give her sometime to take everything in..


In Hell...

There was celebration in the Eastern part of hell when Victoria returned with some human flesh together with Mark and the rest of the hunting vampires.

 The vampires who had been waiting all the while that she was out hunting, shouted and cheered happily as she walked in with the rest of the vampires carrying the human bodies in their hands. 

"This calls for some partying." One of the vampires shouted at their arrival but Victoria refused to oblige, she did not want anything that would attract Max's attention to the Eastern region lest he found out what they where up to. And throwing a party seemed like one of the things that would draw max close to their door step.

"No!. There would be no party." Victoria said, causing a huge sigh to spread amongst the people.

"We do not want to attract Max's attention, do we? We know that if we do, that would be the end of our hunting spree. But that doesn't mean that there would be no celebration, we would celebrate on the low, and there would be no loud music." She added.

The vampires around saw sense in what she had said and they where okay with her suggestion, within the space of few minutes the whole place went lit in a festive frenzy, except for the fact that there was no music.

Those who played their music did so on a very low tune. The vampire jubilated as they split the blood equally amongst themselves, loud cheers where heard from different angles as the blood was distributed from place to place.

Those who got theirs gulped the liquid down there throats as though they they where hungry Lions that have been starved for days..

A smile formed on Victoria's face as she watched the vampires enjoy themselves, she knew she was a good ruler, and might probably get to rule hell someday and perhaps an even better ruler making hell a better  place for all it's in habitants, there would be no toture,  no Superior beign, every one would be treated equally...

She sighed briefly as the smile disappeared from her face - was all these really possible? - she asked herself. Yes she was a good ruler but was there any such thing as a good ruler in such a horrible place as hell? Life wasn't really balanced.

Why wasn't life itself fair, why did some places have to be Better than others? - she asked herself - why did some people have to happy only at the detriment of some other people, for example, she had never seen the vampires this happy in days, and the only thing that can bring out such Joy in them is when they are being fed with human blood.

But human blood doesn't just come on a platter, people had to be hurt, no matter how she tried to make herself believe that she wasn't going to hurt innocent humans by hunting only the guilty, she knew that she still hurt them in a way - by taking away their loved ones....

She wish she could change the way things are, and the only way she could do that was if she ever became God, or atleast have the chance to talk to him in a way that he could listen. She chuckled at the thought of that, the angry angels would not even let her cross the gate of heaven talk more of setting her feet into the throne room.

Well one day... Maybe just one day she could try, she thought. Then she turned around and walked into her throne room.


Azrael sighed as Luciana finally shook her head and was about to say something, she seemed to have been transfixed at a particular place for some munites but thank goodness she was back.

Luciana looked at Azreal for a few more seconds astonished, she did not know what to do. 

"Azrael... How did you... How did you come out." Luciana asked.

"Please do not call me Azrael when we are not alone remember, it is still a top secret." Azrael said, trying to make sure that she had not forgotten that he was still undercover as Felicia. When he was sure that he had made himself clear, he proceeded to answering her question.

"Well it seems like you are not aware, I dont know why, but God brought be back from his banishment himself, he said he wanted me to bring Lucifer back to life." He added .

"You mean God left his throne?" Luciana asked, now begining to understand why Michael had the guts to plan his overthrow. But what she could not understand was why God would go to this extent just for Lucifer.

Just like Lucifer She had thought that God hated him and had sent him to hell to suffer. Now she was more confused than ever, but for the mean time she needed to know what would happen next, now that Lucifer was already dead.


(WRITERS NOTE: Thank you all for your love and patience, “A Gift From Hell 2” Promises to be more exciting and interesting, I hope you enjoy as more updates will be posted everyday.. https://chat.whatsapp.com/KJ4wbTeFKfiJbnYnYWrzmt Click on the link to join the Whatsapp group where Thousands of other Lovers of the Book from all over the world talk about the book and bring about opinions for upcoming chapters.  

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