


Although most of the Vampires present where pissed about the idea of bringing in werewolves into the battle, they dared not say a word to Felix about it because none of them wanted to get into his wrong side.


Magedon fell weakly on the floor of the room were he had been kept. He had tried as much as he could on several occasions to come out of the Sheriff's body, hoping that the immerse pain that he was feeling would just go away but all his trials yielded no possitive result..

As he fell to the floor, he desired to just remain in that position where he could continue to stare at the ceiling until he probably does or something. He was at this spot, with this thought in his mind when he heard the sound of the locked door opening. 

However, he was too weak to turn his whole head, so he just managed to move his eyes towards the direction of the door, to see who had just walked in. He was disappointed to see Lucifer.

"Please just let me go. Haven't you punished me enough?" Magedon managed to ask.

Lucifer giggled, he was enjoying every moment of the whole happenings. "Every demon in hell has been unleashed by max to bring your head to him. And I saw how zealous they are to kill you. Do you still want to be freed?"

Magedon could not help but wonder if Lucifer was actually saying the truth or if he just wanted him to cowardly choose to remain in the sheriff's body and suffer to death. 

If that was what Lucifer wanted him to do, then the fact is that he wasn't going to do such a thing - any other type of death was better than  the kind of pain that he was feeling now.

"I don't care if the whole world is after my life. Please just let me go out of this body." He stated.

Lucifer froze for a moment. Magedon sighed wishing that by any means, Lucifer might have had sympathy. But to his greatest surprise Lucifer bursted out into a session of loud laughter.

"Oh. Dear... I thought you might have already gotten used to the pain so I was thinking that it was time for your next stage of punishment. Well I guess the pendant is carrying out it's work effectively, so I'd just have to leave you here and attend to other important things." Lucifer stated after controlling his laughter.

"Please do not leave me here." Magedon begged. Wishing that he had not left Lucifer's grave side, atleast he'd have been killed by those who had come to free him, at least that would have been better than falling into the hands of the worst tormentor in the whole universe.

"This is just the beginning. Perhaps now, you'd recirgnize why my dad probably put me in charge of hell. " Lucifer answered before walking away and shutting the door amidst Magedon several pleas.


There was confusion in the Eastern part of hell as the vampires that had listened to Felix's declaration in the palace had come out and where not willing to tell those who did not go in about it. Some vampires tried to communicate to the others through signs about the discussions that were talked about  in order for them not to break the oat that they had taken.

Klaus just stood at a place watching as the vampires continued with their normal activities. Some preparing for war while others just leaving their normal vampire lives.

But he was not really thinking about what he was looking at, his mind was in somewhere else, he was thinking of how to steal the sword without being caught by Felix or any of the palace guards for that matter.

As he sat where he was thinking, something unexpected happened. He saw Felix and Victoria rushing out of the palace as though they where in a haste to somewhere. And all the palace guards where going with them.

Klaus moved closer to where they where going through and hid behind a pillar so that he could hear what they where talking about.

"Hey, come on Lucifer come see this, I think this is a great opportunity for Klaus to stalk your sword." Wendy stated as everyone present in the house gathered round to watch what was happening through the mirror.

Klaus could see clearly that Felix was not holding the sword.

"Why did you not come out with the sword?" Victoria asked as they walked out of the palace.

"Oh don't worry about it, we'd be back in a jiffy and besides, nobody would notice. Or even think of trying something stupid." Felix replied as he increased his pace with Victoria and the palace guards following swiftly behind him.

"Wait this is way too easy,  why would they leave the sword behind without any guard guarding it?  This could be a trap." Lucifer stated curiously. But Klaus obviously could not hear them through the mirror, that was why he needed to return to earth at the stipulated time agreed on earlier in order to get his next assignment.

Klaus waited carefully behind the pillar until Felix had gone farther. Then he dashed into the palace, it was empty... He sighed as he sped around in search of the sword.  And he found it beside Felix self acclaimed throne.

He sighed as everything seemed quite easy. He thought that he should just leave the sword and turn around but then this seemed like the best opportunity that he could  have in getting the sword without any opposition. "I just need to collect the sword and run away. No one would suspect a thing " he thought.

Then he sped towards the sword, grabbed it and as he turned to go,he saw Felix, Victoria and the rest of the palace guards standing right behind him.

"I knew this guy was a spy..." Felix stated with a smirk on his face.


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