
Authority Challenged

Lucifer smiled as he walked around the room with his chest out. "none of those things will happen as far as I am alive... Speaking of me being Alive...."

He turned to Azrael, then to Luciana and Divina. " How did you do it. And you Azrael, how did you come out from the barnishment that day gave you out of existence."

Azrael sighed deeply. "well you would not believe it, Dad himself, stepped into time and brought me back here to bring you back to life with the white oak sticks he gave me but Div...."

"It will Surprise you to know that I believe what you said. Michael already told me about this before I was killed. I did not believe Hime then, but I believe him now as almost everything he told me happened exactly as he had said it!!!" Lucifer said, interrupting Azrael. He paused for a while before he continued.

"Guys by now you all already know, but I still have to say it. We have two great wars to fight. We have to fight for my kingdom, and as much as I hate to admit it, we also have to fight for my dad's kingdom, I cannot Let Michael take the throne and he knows it, that's probably why he planned my death in the first place." Lucifer added.

"Well I guess that's a Celestial problem. You don't expect we the humans to fly down to heaven and then to hell with you without dying first. And I am sure not ready to die now, I don't know about y'all." Detective James said emphatically, turning to the rest of the humans present.

Lucifer sighed. "Well you are kind of right. You can't go to either of both kingdoms without first getting eternal Life. And my dad who is the only person that can give pure eternal Life to humans is no where to be found now that we need him most."

"We could improvise you know?, Like you said earlier, nothing is impossible under the sun." Josh stated.

"Every other immortality that is not given by my dad is actually corrupt, vampires for example can transfer their immortality to humans and their human vampires can freely access Hell or heaven if they so desire. The truth is I could also transfer immortality to you guys, but I cannot risk turning you people into something evil." Lucifer said.

"Oh come on, how are you so sure that we'd turn evil, after all you are good, so we could give it a try." Sia stated.

Detective James giggled mockingly. " Oh that should be 'i could give it a try' and not 'we' because I'm not willing to turn evil completely, there are some things that I need to achieve first."

"I know we cannot be so sure about you turning evil but take a look at the demons - I gave them life - now look what they turned out to be." Lucifer added.

Everyone remained silent for a few moments pondering on what action to take next when suddenly Luciana broke the silence as an idea struck her mind.

"Well, I think we - Lucifer, Azrael, I and perhaps Divina should fly to heaven secretly and she's how we can convince someone to sit of God's throne in other to send immortality to the humans that we need and then we'd go to hell together."" She suggested. 

It sounded fair to Lucifer, although no one had figured out how they would be able to sneak into the golden City unnoticed, well they could probably do that now that no one was literally watching over the City anymore.

"Alright guys, agreed. So can we go back to the case at hand?" James asked.

Azrael sighed staring at James whom he thought was an overzealous police officer that wanted to nail his cases as soon as possible in order to get a promotion.

"There's nothing more to solve in your numb case, we just need to wait for Tiffany to finish with the samples so that we can send out condolences to the affected families and then we go back to the secluded areas where you saw the blood and hunt down those vampire and in the get some information from them also."


Felix paced from one part of the room where he was to the other. The other Vampires sat in strategic positions Listening to the interrogations that was going on between Felix and Leo their prisoner. They had found particles of Joe's ashes in one of the secluded streets as they where searching for him.

Obviously, Felix was now doubly pissed as they had confirmed that Joe was actually dead - it either meant that Luciana and her team had gathered his ashes and had taken it with them to wherever they went or that they had thrown the ashes into the air.

The thought of this alone made Felix more angry and also increase the drive for him to find where Luciana and her team were by all means, hence he was interrogating Leo trying to find out if he knew anything about Luciana and her team's whereabouts. This was because Linder had told Felix that Luciana and Divina had gone to see Leo earlier in the day before they left.

At first, Linder did not want to say anything about it but because of the way that Felix had stressed the importance of finding them urgently in order to retrieve Leo's ashes, she had to tell him everything she knew.

"I ask you for the last time, where did Luciana and the rest of her team go to? Huh? Back to Africa!?"  Felix thundered at Leo who was still tied to a chair, staring pitifully at the vampires that surrounded him. Linder Instantly regretted why she told Felix about Luciana and Divina's meeting with Leo in the first place.

"I swear, I don't know, they did not say...." Leo managed to say. But he was not able to complete his statement before Felix's hand landed heavily on Leo's left ribs breaking one of his ribs.

"Stop it!! Please, that's enough!." Linder heard herself saying out loudly.


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