
A Gift From Hell Book Two (2)


Lucifer was not really prepared for the war that he had faced. He had come to earth with his side kick Luciana after conquering hell thousands of years ago from the vampires who where the original Rulers under the rule of Max whom Lucifer killed.

 He came to earth to defile his father, who was the creator of the universe, and to piss him off the more, for sending him out of the Golden City. But it turned out that Felix (The New Leader of the vampires)  followed Lucifer out of hell together with his siblings (Sam and Victoria), to raise an army of rebellion against Lucifer. 

Along the line Lucifer met Divina, the leader of the witches who where the most powerful beings on earth and he also fell in love with a Human girl Named Sia. Luciana on the other hand who was once madly in love with Felix later fell in love with a human named Josh...

A lot of things happened as time passed by and when Felix was finally ready to face Lucifer with the most powerful weapon in the whole Universe (Azreal’s Blade); He sent Sam (his brother) to spy on Lucifer.

Lucifer was able to spot out Sam as one of the vampires, by the help of his two most powerful witches (Divina and Selena). Sam knew that his cover had been blown so he contacted Felix, but before Felix could arrive with his army, Lucifer had already killed Sam.

Felix was met with more surprises when he saw that Azrael’s blade was almost useless in his hands. Then the biggest surprise of all came when Max was resurrected from the dead to join the fight. Joining the Fight, Max was able to wield the full power of Azrael’s blade,  here by un knowingly causing Confusion to everyone present.

When Lucifer saw that he was losing, he asked Divina and Luciana to run away with Sia (His human bride) in other to protect her.  After several pleas of protest which was countered by Lucifer, they agreed to flee with Sia. 

Lucifer stayed back and fought max with Selena and the rest of the rest of the witches on his side.  Selena asked Lucifer to flee when she saw that they were not winning the war, hoping that he would be safer in hell.

Max left Felix to handle the Rest of the Witches while he went after Lucifer with The flaming sword accompanied by Victoria (Felix’s Sister). Felix finished up the remaining witches and was left on earth with His Human Vampires. (Tracy, Linder and Joe).

Immediately Lucifer landed in hell, he started to form a strategy to defeat max, but his brother The Arch Angel Michael paid him a Surprise visit Telling him how He had seen the future  after sitting on God’s throne, and how God himself could not change it, even though he had Gone into time to bring Azrael back from Banishment. He also told Lucifer about his big plan (Taking over heaven) and how everything was falling in place, He told Lucifer that his death was coming and that no one was going to stop it…

Back on earth, Felix and the rest of the vampires had captured Josh (Luciana’s Human Lover) in a bid to lure her and Divina out of where they were hiding with Sia. But Luciana hired Wendy; a well trained Bounty Hunter from Africa where they were and trusted Him to help her free her lover.

Felix was caught in a hot steamy sex with Tracy at the time when Wendy was trying to break Josh out of captivity, and so he did not hear when Linder was knocking to report the situation on ground.

After knocking for some time, she decided to follow Wendy on a second thought, at least he was going to lead her to where Luciana and the rest were, at least that was there prime target… or so she thought.

She followed Wendy, and true to her suspicions, he took Josh to the outskirts of Africa, where Linder, Divina and Sia where hiding.  Eventually, she got her call across to Felix and Tracy, and was able to send her location to them.

Unfortunately, Leo (a werewolf) who she had once met had trailed her scent. The duo got into a fierce fight, and when Leo had beaten up Linder almost to stupor and was about to strike her to death, Michael stepped in between them, hitting Leo on the head and stopping the fight in the process, informing Leo that he had a plan, and he needed her alive to be able to accomplish his “Big Plan”….

Meanwhile in hell, Lucifer saw that he was drastically losing the war. Max and his vampires had already conquered the Northern part of hell that was controlled by the lost souls, as their leader readily surrendered to max without any war. Next, Max moved to the Southern part which was controlled by trapped beings of all kinds, who where on Lucifer’s side, the trapped beings tried as much as they could to hold max and his vampires in a tight war... but max had other plans, he left his soldiers at the battle ground and headed to the West.

Lucifer did not want to sit at home and wait for the war to come to him, so he moved to the western part of hell with some of the fallen angels to join forces with MAGEDON (A demon whom he had raised from death) and his demon soldiers, to go against max and attack him and his vampire soldiers by surprise.

But Magedon already had his own surprise in stock for Lucifer, He lured Lucifer to stay a bit longer in a bid to celebrate him for bringing him back to life. Lucifer reluctantly stayed as that was the only way he thought he could get Magedon to release his soldiers.

As they celebrated, Magedon suddenly ambushed Lucifer and the fallen angels as they stabbed them to death including Amazon (Lucifer’s best friend) leaving Lucifer in the hands of Max, who had been hiding inside all along without Lucifer’s knowledge. He happily came out, and stabbed Lucifer to death....


(WRITERS NOTE: Thank you all for your love and patience, “A Gift From Hell 2” Promises to be more exciting and interesting, I hope you enjoy as more updates will be posted everyday.. https://chat.whatsapp.com/KJ4wbTeFKfiJbnYnYWrzmt Click on the link to join the Whatsapp group where Thousands of other Lovers of the Book from all over the world talk about the book and bring about opinions for upcoming chapters.  

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