
The Price of Silence

…as promised, I was out in a minute and he was still standing by the door. There was no look of regret or guilt and so when he leaned to give me a quick kiss on the lips, I didn't object. 

And when I held his shades in one hand and took my hand in the other, I didn't object either. 

The only time I removed my hand from his was when we heard the sound of people and movement in the living room. We walked wordlessly to join them. One thing was sure. 

We were going to have a repeat.


13 years ago

The hearts of children are so pure that they do not see the mistakes of their friends like most adults do. Loyalty, honesty and genuine love are the elements that form the basis of most childhood friendships. However, the strength of the friendship would be put to test as they grow older and the result depends on the children involved.