

The middle-aged guy who looked like the director walked over just as Claire was about to answer.

He had seen the noise and was looking serious. He looked back and forth between Claire and the actress and asked, "What's going on here?"

Right away, the actress pointed at Claire. "This stupid jerk ruined my dress by spilling coffee all over it." She has no right to be here!"

The director fixed his eyes on Claire and his face became serious. "Is that truthful?" Can you imagine how annoying this is?"

Claire tried to explain by taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry; it was an accident." I'm here to—"

"I don't care why you're here," the director cut her off. "We can't have someone who causes chaos on set. Security, please take this woman out."

Claire felt a surge of fear as a security guard stepped forward. Before she could protest, Ethan appeared on the scene, his presence drawing instant attention. "Hold on a second!"