
A Forbidden Love, A tale of a Grim Reapers heart

JennaDove · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Chapter Five

"Good morning", Alex said as I walked into the kitchen. The smell of bacon filled the room as well as the popping sound of the grease. "Good morning", I said as I smiled. "I made pancakes and bacon this morning. I have your pancakes ready but I'm just waiting on the bacon to cook", Alex said. "Thank you so much", I said as I smiled. It's now been two weeks since I had met him. We've spent so much time together since he has to protect me. He cooks for me every morning and his food is always delicious. I've taught him a lot of things too such as how to use the tv and Netflix. We've been binge watching shows together and it's so funny seeing him react to shows or movies about Greek mythology. My favorite thing was teaching him how to use Alexa. He doesn't like her very much but she's so helpful. We have grown pretty close since he's been staying here. It feels like I've known him forever. "So uh I have a question", I said as I sat down at the kitchen island with my pancakes in front of me. "Yeah?", Alex asked. "I sort of promised Kat that I'd go to a club with her to see her boyfriend's band play tonight and I was just wondering if you wanted to go", I said as I poured syrup on my pancakes. "Yeah sure. Crowded place. Less of a chance Jaeger would come for you there", Alex said as he took the cooked bacon out of the pan and placed it on a plate. "Uhm I was actually supposed to bring a date so don't get weirded out if Kat thinks your my date tonight", I said. Alex blushed as he smirked at me. "Don't worry. I would never be embarrassed if someone thought we was dating. Give yourself some credit", Alex said. "Yeah right. A guy like you should be with a smoking hot blonde or something. Definitely not me. I'm to normal", I said as I rolled my eyes. Suddenly Alex was by my side and used his hand to gently pull my face up so I was now staring at him. "You are beautiful swayze. You don't see it but everyone else does. Your beautiful on the inside too. Your heart is so pure. Your amazing", Alex said softly. Suddenly my heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. It was the same feeling I had felt two weeks ago when we was cooking the chicken and rice together. Alex slowly let me go and walked over and grabbed his plate and the plate of bacon. "Uhm thank you. I hope you know that I think your heart is pure too. There is so much good in you", I said as Alex sat down next to me. "Your crazy to think that", Alex said. "Your a grim reaper and yet you chose to protect me from your own kind. I can feel it Alex. Your good hearted", I said as I smiled.

I quickly got out of my car and turned to see Alex getting out of the passenger side. He grabbed his leather jacket out of the car and began putting it on. His dark black hair was still long and shaggy. He wore a dark red T-shirt with dark black jeans that was ripped in the knees. Now he has on a black leather jacket and oh my god he looked so good. the jacket really showed off his muscular form. If I wasn't carful I'd probably start drooling. "This doesn't look bad right?", Alex asked as he Gestured at his clothes. "No no! You look great!", I said with a little to much enthusiasm. We had gotten all his clothes at a thrift store not to far from my work. All he had was the clothes I had met him in. All his stuff is in the underworld. "Okay. I'm trying to be as human as possible", Alex said. "I'd never know you was a reaper", I said. "Cool", Alex said as we began walking towards the building. Once at the door I paid for us to get in. The man let us through the door and into the building. Suddenly I felt something grab my hand. I looked down to see Alex's hand holding mine. He must of noticed me starring at our hands because he said,"Sorry I just don't want us to get separated". "No no it's fine. I understand", I said. I looked around to see if I could see Kat anywhere but I didn't see her. "We'll find her", Alex said as he began leading me through the crowd. After a few minutes I spotted Kat sitting at a table. "Hey I see her!", I yelled over the music. I quickly led Alex over to the table where I seen kat sitting. "Swayze you made it!", Kat said excitedly as she hopped up out of the booth to give me a hug. "Hey glad you could make it", drake yelled over the music from the table. "Oohhh and you brought mystery guy", Kat said as she smirked. "This is Alex", I said as we all sat down at the table. "Boyfriend?", drake asked. "No no just friends", Alex said. I felt a pain go right through my heart as I heard the words. "Yeah just friends. We only met two weeks ago" I said. "Oh okay", drake said as he nodded his head. Drake was a tall guy with short blonde hair that he always spiked up. Sometimes he'd even put colors such as blue or green in his hair. He had dark green eyes and a slender frame. He wore a dark blue T-shirt with a pair of dark blue jeans. "Let's order drinks!", Kat said. "Yeah that would be great!", I said. "I've gotta go help the band set up but by the time you get back we should be about to start playing", Drake said. "Good luck babe. I'm so nervous for you", Kat said as she took drake's hand. "I'll be fine", Drake said as he smiled. Drake stood up and kissed Kat's forehead then walked away. "So uh Alex. What kind of drink do you want?", Kat asked. "Ah just a Bourbon on the rocks", Alex said. "Ahh an old soul huh?", Kat asked. Alex smirked as he shot me a glance and I had to hide my giggle. "Alright let's go", I said. Kat grabbed my hand and began pulling me along with her. "Will you be okay?", Alex asked as he grabbed my arm. "I'll be fine", I said as I smiled and let Kat pull me along with her. The bar was up near the stage so it was a lot louder there. I feel awful for the bar tender he must get massive headaches every night. We both stopped and waited in line. I looked up to see a random band playing and colorful light danced across the ceiling. "So what's the deal?", Kat yelled over the music. "With what?", I yelled back. "About mystery guy. I mean come on he's hot! Make a move!", Kat yelled. "It's not like that. I mean we almost kissed twice but he pulled away. I'm certain he doesn't feel the same way about me", I yelled over the music. "He'd be an idiot to not feel the same! Maybe you just need to tell him how you feel", Kat yelled. "Okay now your the insane one", I laughed. The line slowly moved forward and now we was next in line. " whatcha need?", the bartender asked. "I need a—", Kat started to say but was cut short by a loud noise and someone's scream. We turned around to see that it was the colorful lights exploding from the ceiling. Glass went flying everywhere and the sparks started shooting out. The big red curtain around the stage burst into flames so fast that the ceiling was already on fire and it was spreading. "Oh my god!", I yelled as I grabbed Kat's hand and tried to pull her. "I've got to find drake!", Kat yelled as she pulled out of my hand, "Swayze get out of here!". Kat took off running towards the fire so fast. I quickly ran after her. The heat from the fire was so hot but we needed to find drake. There was no way I was going to let my friend die. We both ran up the steps of the stage and tried to run around the fires up there. "Kat! Kat!", Drake screamed. "Drake!", Kat yelled as she ran to him and hugged him. "Come on! We have to go!", drake said as he grabbed Kat and i's hands. I looked up just in time to see a wooden beam falling. "No!", I yelled as I pushed Drake and Kat out of the way. I quickly fell back onto the ground as the beam smashed into the stage sending embers into the air and burning my face. "Swayze!", I heard Kat scream. "I'm okay. You guys get out! I'll find another way!", I yelled as I pushed myself off the ground. "I can't leave you!", Kat cried. "Drake get her out!", I demanded. Drake nodded and began pulling Kat away even though she was screaming and trying to get free. I quickly turned and ran down the steps of the stage. By now the fire had spread through out the building and almost every one was out. The crowd was still screaming as they was all pushing to get out. "Swayze!", Alex yelled as he pushed his way out of the crowd. In a flash he was in front of me. Alex slammed into my body hard as he pulled me into a tight hug. "I'm okay really", I said. "I have to get you out!", Alex said as he began pulling me toward the front doors. "I don't think so", a voice yelled. This sent a shiver down my spine and I could feel Alex tense up. We both turned to see Jaeger standing behind us. "You did this!?", I yelled. "Well I gotta kill you at some point this month so yeah", Jaeger said as he shrugged his shoulders. "I will protect her Jaeger and even if that means killing you!", Alex said. "Oh yeah. Well you'll be the one dying here Alex. You and your little human girlfriend!", Jaeger yelled. "She's not—", Alex started to say. "Cut the shit Alex! I spent two weeks looking at her family files! Why don't you tell her or I will!", Jaeger yelled. I looked up to see Alex have a pained look on his face. "What's he talking about Alex!?", I yelled. "I was the reaper that took your parents souls... your mother was still alive when I got there and she seen me... she spent her last breaths pleading for me to save you.. so I did. I ripped your seatbelt off and pulled you out of the car. I pulled you away from the area so you wouldn't be hurt", Alex said. My mouth dropped as I stared at him. Suddenly memories began flashing back from the crash. My parents screams.. the sound of the metal crunching and the car rolled and flipping. Then I remember a man carrying me but I couldn't keep my eyes open so I only had a small glance. He wore a dark black cloak with the hood up. It was Alex! I remember now! "You saved me that day!? I remember you carrying me", I said. "I couldn't let you die. But it's my fault they are after you now! I just wanted you to live!", Alex said. "It's not worth getting yourself killed Alex! I can't bare the thought of you dying!", I yelled as I began to choke on the smoke. "Swayze it is!", Alex said as he grabbed my arm. "Why!?", I yelled. "Because.. because I love you Swayze! I'm sorry but after the years of watching and protecting you.. I.. I fell for you.. you was eighteen when I realized my feelings for you. You was so sad all the time and I just wanted to make you feel better. Then I guess I started to have feelings", Alex said. "Aléxios your such an idiot. She's a human. What sane human would love a grim reaper!?", Jaeger yelled as he began laughing. "Alex... I love you too", I said. Suddenly the I could feel myself feeling faint. My throat hurt so much from the smoke. Was I dying? Was this it? At least I could die happy now knowing that Alex did love me... I slowly closed my eyes and felt myself fall to the floor.