
A few angry words

A few angry words from Neji lead to a great many changes: "Hiashi-sama," Naruto bowed once more. "I ask you to make a bargain with me." To be with the girl he loves he makes a bet. The stakes? Only his future and his dream

Jack_Frost_3962 · Tranh châm biếm
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52 Chs

Chapter 39

She was walking through a field of flowers when on impulse she reached down and snatched one. She could remember a silly game she had played when she was little. A childish game that was supposed to tell you if the boy you liked also liked you. She brought the image of the boy she liked to mind and began to pluck the flower's petals. "He loves me… he loves me not…"


It had been six months since Sasuke's tragic death. When Naruto had first heard the news he'd literally been unable to imagine a world without the annoying teme in it. But the world kept spinning and life continued, even without Sasuke. In some way the last few months had actually been good. He'd gotten to lead several more B rank and two A rank missions. He was getting used to being the one in charge and was gaining valuable experience. He'd gotten to spend a lot more time with Hinata-chan and things between them were progressing nicely. Ero-sennin had taught him the rasengan and he'd mastered it. The pervy sage had been really amazed. Well, technically all he'd said was, 'not bad kid' but you could just tell he was really impressed. He was definitely getting a lot stronger.

But not everything was going well.

He was still certain he had the key to figuring out the Hiraishin no Jutsu. Unfortunately until he figured out what the dots represented he was no closer to solving it than he had been half a year ago. His sensei had been out of the village for the last month. He'd gone somewhere on a super secret mission from the Hokage.


One Month Ago

"But why can't I come with you?" Naruto whined.

"Sorry kid," Jiraiya had told him. "But this is a deep cover espionage mission and you just aren't stealthy enough."

Naruto eyed him for a moment with his spiky white hair and red and beige outfit. "And you are?"

"Don't let the outfit fool you kid, when I want to disappear I can."

Naruto had grumbled but nothing he said could compare with orders from the old man. "Well how long will you be away?"

Jiraiya had given an easy shrug. "Until I find something, there's no way to tell. It may be weeks or it may be months."


"Geez, calm down kid, I said maybe."

"But what am I supposed to do until them?" Naruto demanded.

"What do you mean? You train, go on missions, and work on the Hiraishin same as if I was here."

"But I won't have you here to help. How am I supposed to manage?"

"Now, now, kid don't get so panicked." Jiraiya gave him an easy smile. "The truth is you don't really need me that much anymore. I still have techniques to teach you but you're already one of the strongest ninja in the village. You've gone on plenty of missions without me and you already know I can't help you with the Hiraishin. That only leaves me helping you with training. Fukasaku will still be around and if you need more help just ask the old man I'm sure he'll find you someone until I can come back."

That had been it. Jiraiya had left and Naruto had not heard from him since. And he still had no idea when he might be back.

And that wasn't the only thing…


One Week Ago

"You're leaving too Hinata-chan?"

She came out of the kitchen with a steaming pot piled high with beef and vegetables. "I have to Naruto-kun. Tsunade-sensei is going to Nagamo to attend a major medical convention. They'll be discussing new medical procedures and newly discovered drugs. It's very important and as her apprentice she expects me to come with her."

"But… but…"

She set the pot down on the table and immediately came over to hug him. "It's a mission Naruto-kun; this is part of being ninja. You know how much I miss you when you leave on one of yours. I know you'll miss me but it'll be o.k."

He slowly nodded. She was right; this was part of being ninja. "How long will you be gone?"

"Three weeks."


Heading back from his morning workout with Fukasaku he was drenched in sweat and tired. At least the sadistic toad was willing to praise him a little; he had even been hinting that they might go somewhere special for, 'intensive' instruction. He shuddered a little at the thought of what Fukasaku would consider intensive if the morning workouts were ordinary. But he was also a little intrigued; the toad had said the training was what had made Jiraiya a sage. Jiraiya might be a super pervert but he was also a Sannin and the man who had singlehandedly killed Orochimaru. Anything that might put him on Jiraiya's level was definitely worth doing.

With his morning workout over his schedule was clear for the rest of the day. Except when the old man assigned him a mission Naruto was free to do as he pleased. He figured he would head home, do some chakra control exercises and study that stupid scroll again. He was feeling just a little down with both the pervert and Hinata-chan out of the village. Funny, I didn't realize how much I'd gotten used to having Hinata-chan with me all the time. Before they had started spending so much time together it had been normal for him to be alone whenever he wasn't training or on a mission. He had learned to accept the loneliness as just a part of his every day existence. But now, he hated it. He missed Hinata so much! Just the sight of her or the sound of her giggles would have been enough to make him happy. I'm going to ask the old man to assign me someone for training. That way I at least won't be alone all the time. Maybe Ebisu or Iruka are available.

"Hey, Naruto-kun!"

A loud shout brought him out of his thoughts. He looked up to see a smiling face. "Hey! Sakura-chan, how are you?"

The pink haired girl in her familiar red outfit came up to him. She'd been deeply depressed following Sasuke's death and the two of them had hung out quite a bit. But once she seemed to be feeling better they had sort of naturally drifted apart again. "I'm just fine Naruto-kun; I'm going to the bridge. Kakashi-sensei scheduled a noon meeting."

Naruto rolled his eyes. "Which means he'll show up around two."

She laughed a little. "Yeah, probably."

He had always liked her laugh. It was nothing like the cute little giggles Hinata made. Sakura's laughter was always open and free, unlike Hinata's which was always sweet and private. He liked each girl's laughter.

"Tell me something Sakura-chan, why are you going to the bridge now when you know you're just going to end up waiting?"

"Force of habit I guess, and somehow I just now that the one time I don't show up there on time Kakashi probably will."

"Well anything's possible I guess."

She looked at him in his sweat drenched grey T shirt and black shorts. Since he'd begun his morning workouts his legs and arms had really become tone and well defined. Even all that perspiration failed to turn her off, it just seemed to make his tanned skin glisten. Naruto-kun's really gotten kind of hot. She thought. Hell yeah he has! Inner Sakura shouted her agreement. Come here to me darling!

Naruto was suddenly looking at her with concern. "Are you o.k. Sakura-chan? Your face looks kind of red."

"Ah, it's nothing, just all this August heat." She quickly changed the subject. "So where are you headed Naruto-kun?"

He was about to say home when his stomach betrayed him and growled loudly, causing Sakura to start laughing.

"Wait! Let me guess, you're going to Ichiraku's right?"

Feeling embarrassed he rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah, I guess I am."

Buy him lunch! Inner Sakura cried out loudly.

What? Her regular self thought.

Buy him lunch! This is the perfect chance to spend a little time alone with him!

But… but he's with Hinata now. Wouldn't that be…

He's your friend right? Friends can buy each other lunch right?!

Well… I suppose that's true. There wouldn't be any harm in two friends having ramen together.

Right, totally innocent… heh, heh, heh. Inner Sakura rubbed her hands together.

"Hey Naruto, why don't I join you? In fact, it'll be my treat."

"Really?!" Even after everything he'd gone through just the thought of free ramen was enough to excite him.

She nodded decisively. "Yeah, just think of it as my way of trying to make up for all those times I turned you down when you offered."

"That would be great Sakura-chan!" He paused. "But what about your team meeting."

"Hey, I've got two hours, right?"

He nodded, his mouth already watering. Free ramen always tasted extra yummy. "Right Sakura-chan!"


When they got to Ichiraku's Naruto noticed that Ayame and her dad acted just a little weird when they saw him arrive with Sakura. Over the last few months when he came by it was almost always with either Iruka or Iruka and Hinata.

The two of them sat down at the counter and began to eat. Despite his ravenous hunger Naruto ate at a controlled pace instead of swilling it down in one big gulp.

Having endured many team meals together Sakura noticed the difference. I guess being with Hinata really has changed him.


"Yeah Sakura-chan?"

"Tell me what's going on with you, I want to hear about your missions and about everything you're doing."

With the invitation he eagerly began telling her about everything he could. He told her about the missions he'd led and some of the lessons he'd learned about being the one in charge. He told her of mastering the rasengan and some of the other things ero-sennin had taught him. He told her about Fukasaku's hints and about the murderous morning workouts. He also told her about Hinata and what she was doing as well. He told her about everything except studying the Hiraishin.

Sakura sat there and found herself happy to just listen and take it all in. He was as excitable and eager as always and she was very glad that some things would never change. I've missed him. She realized. He was like sunlight; he brought warmth into her world and dispelled the darkness. Once she would have been upset by his rambling monologue. In the past she would probably have hit him just to quiet him down. But now all she wanted was to hear the sound of his voice and be near him.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" A girl's voice spoke and someone entered the small ramen stand. "I hope I'm not intruding."

"Oh, hey Ino-chan," Naruto greeted her. "No you're not intruding; Sakura-chan was just treating me to some ramen."

The young blonde lifted a whisper thin eyebrow and glanced at her best friend. "Is that a fact?"

Sakura suddenly felt guilty and looked away as she answered. "I just thought we could get something to eat and talk a bit."

"And you even offered to pay, that's very nice of you." Ino looked at her. "I thought you had a meeting with your team today."

"I do, but Kakashi-sensei won't be there before two."

Ino looked pointedly at a clock on the wall. "Then shouldn't you be going?" The clock showed it was already a quarter to two.

"It's this late already?" She stood up and put some money on the counter. "I'm sorry Naruto-kun, I've got to go."

"That's all right Sakura-chan, let's do this again soon." Naruto gave her one of his huge smiles.

"Definitely Naruto-kun! Bye."

As she left Ino fell in beside her. "What the hell was that forehead?" She whispered.

"What?" Sakura said defensively. "I'm not allowed to have lunch with an old teammate?"

"Don't give me that, I saw how you were looking at him. And since when do you offer to buy someone else's boyfriend lunch?"

"It's not like that." She said sounding even more defensive.

"Uh, huh."

"It's not! It's perfectly innocent! I just wanted to have lunch with him because he's a friend."

Ino looked at her. "I hope that's true Sakura, because I wouldn't like to think you were the sort to go after Hinata's boyfriend. This isn't like how things used to be with Sasuke. Naruto has someone, he and Hinata are a couple and it looks like they're happy."

"I know that."

"Then you know it would be wrong to go after him, right?"

"Ri… right," she answered slowly. "It would be wrong."

"I'm glad you agree," Ino put a hand on her shoulder and offered a warm smile. "There are still plenty of guys out there for us. You'll find someone. A nice good looking guy… with a fetish for large foreheads."

"Shut it Ino pig!"

Laughing Ino took a side street and let her be.


"You made it!" Tayuya said as she arrived. "Amazing, you're an hour and fifty five minutes late but you're still here before Kakashi!"

"Yeah," she was just a little winded.

"So what kept you?" Tayuya asked.

"I was having lunch with someone and lost track of time."

Tayuya sent her a sly grin. "Did this someone happen to have blonde hair and three scars on each cheek?"

Sakura looked away feeling embarrassed again. "It wasn't like that."

"Like what?' Tayuya teased.

"It was just a nice lunch between two old friends. It wasn't like I was doing anything to try and come between him and Hinata."

"Why not?" Tayuya asked seriously. "If you don't do anything you're never going to end up with him."

Sakura suddenly looked at her in surprise. "What?"

"Look Sakura," Tayuya said. "It's kind of obvious you like him, I've seen the way you look at him some times. And I happen to like Naruto; I think the two of you might work. So I say go get him."

"I can't do that! He has a girlfriend!"

"You didn't seem to mind competition when it came to Sasuke."

She blanched a little at the reminder of her first love, but enough time had passed that the sound of his name no longer hurt. "That was different, Sasuke never chose anyone."

"Is the boy married yet?"


"Is he married?" Tayuya repeated with a roll of her eyes.

"Of course not!"

"Is he engaged?"

"Uh, no."

"Then go… get… him." She emphasized each word with a poke of her finger in Sakura's forehead.

"But Hinata…"

"Will definitely be hurt if he ends up choosing you over her. But wouldn't it hurt you to lose someone you care about without at least trying to get him? Love is war! And until he is married or at least engaged the battle is still there to be won." She laughed. "In the end it's his choice, and you may still lose. But wouldn't you rather fight and at least know it wasn't meant to be?"


There was a swirl of wind and leaves and Kakashi materialized before them holding a book. "Sorry I'm late, there was this dyke that had sprung a leak and I was forced to stick my finger in it until help came."

"Liar!" Sakura shouted and tried to put thoughts of Naruto out of her mind.


Itachi arrived in the Hokage's office wearing dark blue civilian clothing. He had made it a point not to dress in anything that bore the Uchiha fan symbol.

"Thank you for coming Itachi," Sarutobi said.

"Though I am no longer a ninja I remain at your service."

Sarutobi nodded. "About that, tell me something, would you be interested in performing a duty that would involve using some of your ninja skills?"

Itachi looked at him in mild surprise. "You mean to assign me a mission?"

"In a manner of speaking," Sarutobi grinned slightly. "How would like a temporary teaching assignment?"


Walking through the field the girl plucked the last petal. "He loves me not." She let the petal go and watched it drift away on the breeze. She stood there for just a second and seemed to be lost in thought.

Sakura then tossed aside the flower stem and picked another. "Two out of three," she began plucking. "He loves me…"