
Chapter 7

I shut the door behind me and facetime Zade. He gets so busy during missions that he barely talks to me. He answers the call shirtless, showcasing his tattoos and with wet hair that indicates he just go out of shower.

"Hey, Rose. How are you."

"Magnificent," I retort and indicate towards my scar. "Vince won't let me do anything. It has been nine days. I can barely get my laptop."

He chuckles. "Typical Vincent. He's too protective of you"

"Met anyone in Vegas?" He scoffs.

"I go there to work, Vera. Not to pick guys to date."

"Boring," His work phone rings and he answers it. He is speaking German so I don't understand what he says but it looks like he has to go.

He hangs the call and looks up at me. "I've got to go, Vera. You take care of yourself and I'll meet you soon okay? Love ya."

"Byee. Love you." I hang up and turn off the lights and lie on my bed. Soon enough, sleep engulfs me.

• • •

A loud clattering noise wakes me up. I sit up with a jolt and see a silhouette near my doorframe. I switch on the light and it takes me a few seconds for my vision to get clear.

"Vince?" I mumble sleepily.

"I'm- soo sorr-y, Ver-a" He slurs. God, is he drunk?

"Are you drunk?" Stupid question, Vera. He's legit stumbling to me.

"Me? Drunk? Never. I'm so sorry to wake you up, my love." He still slurs. He is so trashed.

"Can you tell the time then?" He turns and looks at the clock on my wall and points at it. "Clockkk, I'm no-t dddrunk." I laugh. I notice him holding a beer bottle in his hand.

"Vince come here, please."

"Whatever you say, Vee." He smiles that adorable dimpled smile.

"Give me that bottle."

"This," He points to the bottle. I nod. He shakes his head. "Nope."

"Are you going to disobey me, now? You have never said no to what I say." I emotionally blackmail him. Just a bit.

"You're right, Vera. You are always right. I never disobey my queen. I don't know why I did right now. Who am I to say no to you. I'm sorry." He hands me the bottle with a little frown.

"I can't believe I said no to you. Who do I think I am. I'm sorry if I hurt you-" He starts slapping himself.

"Whoa there, Vince," I take a hold of his hand. "You didn't do anything wrong at all okay?"

"But I-"

"You didn't do anything wrong. You are a good boy." His dimples show again.

"Here drink some water now." I hand him a bottle of water and he chugs it down.

"Come on now you need to change. These clothes are hella uncomfortable." I eye his slacks and white shirt.

He begins undoing his buttons unsuccessfully. I walk over to him and do it for him. He smiles up at me. Gonna be a long night.

After a few minutes of struggling and lots of pervy comments from Vince on his own body, I finally get him changed into the spare set of t-shirt and pajamas he has here.

"You kept my clothes for me?" His eyes shine bright as he looks at me. He moves forward and hugs me tightly, burying his face in my neck.


"You are so sweet, Vera. My adorable burrito."


"Yes because you are cute and warm like a burrito." I laugh.

"Let's get you on the bed." With a bit struggle he gets on the bed and I get up beside him.

"Can you cuddle with me, Vera? I barely sleep without you at home."


"Yes," He nods. "I'm not lying at all. You know, drunk sober speaks words thoughts." He nods again. Cute.

"I'll cuddle with you."

"Yay!" He smiles. I turn off the light switch and he hugs me tightly. We're both on our sides, face to face.

"It's so dark! Can you turn on the lights?"

"I can't sleep if I turn on the lights, Vince. I'll turn on the dim lights." I turn on the red and blue lights, they cast a dim glow in the room.

"It's so cool." He giggles.



"You look so beautiful. My pretty, pretty girl. Thank god you are with me. My best friend." His dimples show again as he smiles adorably. Ugh. I'm a sucker for those.

"Thank you" I smile.

"Can we go on a long drive?"

"We can't do that right now, darling. You need sleep."

"I love it when you call me darling." He pokes my cheek.

He points toward the scar on my chest. "Does it hurt?"

"Not at all, because you took care of me."

He frowns.

"I can't stop hurting because I took care of you. I'm a bad person, I can't heal other person. I only destroy everything."

"Why would you said that? You took care of me Vince. You took care of me so I can walk painfree now and my wound doesn't get hurt. You are the best person I know. You make everything better." His voice is starting to get a little steady now but he still seems drunk.

"Do I? Because dad says I'm a bad person and I destroy everything and I don't deserve anything good. Like you."

"Vince you don't destroy anything. And you deserve everything in this world. Better than me, okay?"

"No. You are the best thing that's happened to me but I don't deserve you."

"You don't deserve me. You deserve someone better than me Vince."

"I only want you."

"You're too good for me, Vince."

"No. Dad said I'm not good. And even worse for relationships. I'm not good, Vee." Rage burns in my chest. This fucking bitch.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"Dad said I'm not allowed to tell anyone. I don't deserve it. Do I deserve it, Vera? I always take care of my men and my mafia, I take care of the shipments, the explosions, I even got security for my men's family so they don't get attacked. What do I do to earn my dad's trust and your trust, Vera?" He looks so sad it makes my heart sink. This fucking boy is going to make me fall for him.

"You don't have to do anything, Vince. Anything. You have done so much for everyone. I'm so so so proud of you," His eyes shine bright and he smiles telling me how much those words mean to him.

He scoots more closer to me and wraps his arms around my waist. His face is buried in my neck.

"Goodnight, my Vee." He giggles for a reason I don't know.

"Goodnight, Vince." I kiss him on the forehead and he sighs contentedly.

I wrap the blanket around both of us. "You're an actual burrito now!" He giggles. I smile. Him and I are going to have a nice conversation tomorrow.