
A fated Love

Time goes by fast. A couple destined to love each other meet and make love. However, the relationship did not last long because it was accompanied by a curse. Fate separated them again, but at the same time brought them back to a new life. Will they love each other again?

Lunartiana · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
1 Chs

chapter 1

In a dark alley, lit only by a dim street lamp, a man was running in a hurry. It seems that behind the man there is someone chasing him wearing a brown hoodie jacket.But unfortunately, the path that the man took was a dead end there is no other way to escape. The man turned to look at the person who was chasing him with a bit of fear.

" I know you want to see him again right ? That person you love . " said the strange man.

" Yes of course but why ? Who are you I also do not know ! Do not interfere in my business . "

"Okay then.. I'll tell you one thing. I really can't bring back people who have died, but ... I can bring them together again in the afterlife!" the foreign man took out a knife from inside his hoodie jacket.

I feel my body feel cold. I saw a knife stuck in my chest. I tried to save myself, but I don't think I can. This is really funny..since death o People I love, I always want to kill myself. but when death has come to me, I still want to live.

"maybe..if that is possible..i want to be able to live with him again my light." everything turned dark. I fell into endless deep darkness.


time passes quickly in another world..

There was a man with black hair and black eyes who was running in the alleys around the market . The conditions there are very crowded and many people gather there.

"Wow, as I expected! This royal war victory festival is indeed very grand and exaggerated." I saw many food stands and other knick-knacks stalls.

However, when I was looking at the food stands, I saw the hooves of horses and the sound of cheers from people. " hey you see? As expected, we won again, didn't we? Long live the noble king!" shouted the residents.

"Yes, the king brought glory for the empire! but do you know the rumors about the princess?"

"what rumours?"

"You know that the princess can't smile, right? Then she also has a bad temper and is often angry." other people immediately spontaneously closed the person's mouth for fear that if it was heard by the king, the king could be angry.

I decided to finish looking around and started walking out of the crowd. and I accidentally collided with someone wearing a brown hood.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to." I wanted to help the person to stand up, but the person refused.

"It's not a problem .." accidentally a strong wind blew and knocked the man's hood off. looks the face of a beautiful woman with slightly pink red hair. "Oh no!" the woman screams panic.

" Why do you look panicked ? " But I seem to have found the answer after seeing that several knights started heading towards us . the woman immediately stood up and pulled my hand to run too. the two of us ran in several places until the knights didn't catch up anymore. I took a deep breath.

"Why did you take me to run too!" I feel annoyed that I ran as if I was a criminal

" yes because of reflex anyway .. I'm sorry. I don't see any significant change in expression. He looks like someone who doesn't really apologize.

who exactly is this woman? does she really feel guilty or not?