
A Dream of Sacrifice

Arth a magical world, where humans reign supreme due to their unique system of manifestation magic. That is whatever they imagine, they can create it in real world ranging from spells to objects. The people who can weild this type of magic are called Soothsayers. Skuph Empire, the reigning and only empire in the continent is flourishing well. There are small smirkshes, conquest, and conflicts happening in every part of empire but somehow capital Skuph is living peacefully in these times. But is it truly peaceful? Undercurrents are constantly swirling beneath the calm looking surface ranging from threat of unique terrorist organizations that target the weakness of very magical system on which humans stand pinnacle, and rebels who are constantly lurking around to upthrow the Empire to the yet another massive War looming in the near future. Skuph remains peaceful only at first glance, but in reality it was well under way towards the turlubent times already. But what happens when suddenly without any warning, a past calamity of war - an insane massacre artefact, is suddenly digged out to lay in front of everyone. Will it bring forth the anticipated chaotic times early, leading to eruption of chaotic undercurrent or is this another empty threat? But if it is true then the Rebels of destroyed kingdom, who are in possession of this calamity artefact must be stopped at any costs. But what is solution to a Artefact that can kill millions without a single shred of resistance? Is everything already lost... NO, there is yet some hope. Upon digging some undocumented history, there is a rumor of missing soldier from the past calamity, a lone survivor who 'may' have escaped this insane artefact. Now everyone is consequently looking for him, from Empire who wish to know secret of survival from calamity to the rebels who wish to eliminate the fish who might have escaped the net a decade earlier. But now question is - Who is this guy? and most importantly, Where is he?

Copper_mask · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

The Night court

Skuph royal castle witnessed another sleepless night, a thing that was becoming more and more common due to an increase in frequency of worrying incidents. Tonight's disturbance which made the whole castle aware, made it necessary for the Royal Court to convene right in the middle of night, with nearly two-third of ministers attending in the presence of the Estemeed Emperor. 

In the castle court, a man with a lean yet robust physique was sitting languidly on the throne. He was resting his head on his hand, with his elbow fixed on the armrest of the chair. His eyes were closed like he was napping, yet this carefree disposition had characteristic air of the royalty that attracted every eye in the attendance towards him. 

He was the Emperor of the Skuph Empire, the sole man who had expanded the kingdom inherited from his father into this glorious empire that spans over the entire continent. His hegemony started the day he ascended the throne as a twenty year old youth, wanting to rule the world.

Three large nations, similar to his own Skuph, ultimately ended up bowing before him in the end. To make them submit, this son of heaven used every tool available at his disposal. One was completely dominated by his diplomacy, second was broken from inside and third required forceful conquest. 

He broke down the Nation of Matis, by cutting all trade routes towards them, isolating them into a helpless position where they were struggling to even feed their population. He also deployed a large army at their borders to pressurize them. But contrary to expected bloodshed of war, he instead invited their Crown Prince and Princess to the tour of his newly renamed Empire. From there by his brilliant execution of diplomacy and some forceful threatening, the nation of Matis agreed to be subservient to the Empire. 

Kopjerrun kingdom was already on the verge of civil war with their princes unable to decide the King between them after the untimely demise of their Old King. The Emperor enthusiastically took part in the civil war, with his support a third character whom nobody expected arose and seized the throne and quelled the unrest by rivers of blood. Unexpectedly, the very next day he submitted to the Empire solidifying the claim of the Empire over the continent. 

Cross country of Nan'tis was the only country which he was unable to break through by any other means. Making him use War as a final resort to just roll over their feeble army with just numbers. The iron fist execution of war led to this area being completely incorporated in the Empire, unlike other two kingdoms who though bowed their heads yet managed to retain their rule over their lands. 

But now after uniting all three kingdoms and numerous small nations under the banner of his empire, he spends all day busy managing issues from all over the empire. Some people in the dark heard the rumors of him cooling down with age, but nobody dared to test it personally. 

Only at a very emergency, could he be bothered to deal with local issues of the capital and that rare occurrence was happening right now. Though it appeared that the tired Emperor was taking a nap, ministers didn't dare to show any negligence as they relayed tonight's incident which had concluded just an hour ago. 

They hurriedly recounted the bizarre criminal apprehension process, where plenty of blame was passed on to the Shadow Master in the situation. Due to Shadow guards being directly under the Emperor, there was no minister present to defend them, so the recount went exactly the way Mark had predicted. 

On the other hand, Mark Rook was too being blamed in the incident, but they were still being somewhat lenient towards him. It was mainly because of his status as an acquired Nobility, and a participant of Royal Politics. 

Even though Mark was eligible to attend this court as a Young Noble, he usually refrained from active politics of waging war of words in the court against other ministers. His career was more 'behind the scenes' politics of the Royal Court, therefore still making him suitable for having relations of give and take with him unlike Shadow Guards who are only loyal to the Emperor himself. 

The Emperor listened to the one-sided report, to which up until the end he gave no reaction. The ministers finally quieted down waiting for him to announce his decision, when suddenly a guard burst into the court with a hurried expression. 

"His Majesty!"

Only now the man sitting on the throne opened his eyes, his eyes staring directly at the newcomer. There wasn't a hint of tiredness or sleep in his eyes, rather coldness inside his gaze seemed to pierce straight into the soul of the onlooker. 

The messenger hurriedly bowed his head as he relayed, 

"There is an emergency. It's from the accomplice captured by the Young Master Rook, who was accompanying criminal Aukhy Auburn. 

Fortunately, he had caught him alive and then handed him to us. We did some basic interrogation about Criminal Aukhy and his identity and what they were up to in the capital, and got some pretty bad news."

"Cough!" One of the prime Minister coughed loudly to attract the messengers attention to himself as he requested politely, 

" What is it about? Say clearly. Is it even greater than the threat of Cross calamity?"

The Messenger glanced first at the old minister and then at the Emperor who was still quiet but was looking at him indifferently. Unable to bear the pause of extended silence in the court, he finally answered, taking this sign as the Emperor's acquiesce to revealing this information before his ministers. 

"His Majesty, he is a member of… The enlightened ones."



All the ministers, who were having curious expressions on their faces till now stood up collectively in shock as they heard the answer from his mouth. 

"Enlightened ones?"

"These terrorists…"

"They aren't just terrorists but pure lunatics… Are they looking towards capital this time? "

"Oh my god. It's bad, if they started one of those plague here… "

Knock knock…. Knock

A soft yet distinctly audible sound rang into the court, silencing the noise. The Emperor knocked lightly on his armrest to restore silence in the court. Even the shocked ministers who were chiming in with their concerns loudly shut their mouths forcefully upon hearing this sound. 

They collectively looked towards the throne where finally there was change in expression on the face of the Emperor. His face had turned a little serious as he finally spoke, 

"Bring in High knights and Elders to the meeting room right now, cite Level 2 Emergency. Also bring the captured criminal, we will interrogate him personally. 

And for the matter of Artefact scare… hmm, go ahead and report it to the High Princess. We have put her in charge of this matter. Till she says herself, all proceedings of this matter would be overseen by her."

With the final word, the Emperor stood up and walked out slowly with the ministers bowing to him. The thin stalwart figure commanded a unique air in his presence and only now after he fully departed did the ministers take a sigh of relief, finally exempt from the stern atmosphere of the court. 

They looked towards each other as they decided whom to send to the High Princes, but now, not many were that interested as before. Because the recent explosive news of - The Enlightened ones planning for something in the capital ruined every one's mood. 

"What do you think these lunatics are thinking this time?"

One of the ministers spoke up, unable to restrain his worry and curiosity. All other ministers looked similarly worried as frowns were visible on their faces too.

"They are terrorists, completely brainwashed lunatics who target the fundamental beliefs of us humans. If given a chance they could cause a never seen before havoc. We have been talking about Cross Calamity but even it is nothing before the things these terrorists have pulled in the past. 

I just hope whatever their plan is, it could be thwarted with timely discovery of their hidden plot."

"What should we do? The Emperor didn't even call one of us to the meeting room…"

At this moment an old man, who was one of the older ministers, approached from behind. Everyone quickly gathered around this experienced man, who was not only serving the current Emperor but was also once minister of the Emperor's father. He was one of the rare few who survived the reform of the court the current Emperor brought when he ascended the throne. 

They gathered around to hear his opinion as if anyone could be even close to guessing the true intentions of the Emperor, it would be this old man. 

"It's fortunate we are not being called for this matter. It's a security concern and ministers like us shouldn't get involved in this if we could help it. Let the army and those Superior Soothsayers worry about it. 

And also, though all of you are intelligent I still think it is better to remind everyone that this news shouldn't go outside these walls. That's why the Emperor let the messenger speak because he didn't want us to feel too alienated. 

But remember it is his majesty's kindness not necessity. Don't take… Don't even think to take his kindness for granted and cross the line drawn by his respectful behavior toward us. This matter should end here with us, unless his majesty himself calls us for it. 

Till then we should just feign ignorance and concentrate fully on the Cross Calamity issue, which is handed to us by the Emperor. Now come with me, a few of you, we are going to request an audience with the High Princess immediately."