
A Dragon's Perspective

[UPDATES EVERYDAY AT 4PM GMT! "So here I am, the First Son of the High-and-Mighty Noble Dragon House, with a plan so brilliant it’s stupid: screw the heir’s mantle and kick back with a life full of leisure, money, and women. But here's the kicker—I had no damn clue that during my drunken blackout, I got zapped into a friggin' novel I once skimmed. Turns out, the character I’ve become was meant to die early on. Great. My lazy-ass plan just flipped the script. Now, instead of living easy, I’m a walking Calamity Magnet, scrambling to survive in this godforsaken world. Talk about ironic bullshit." "I'll carve out my own path, even if it means dealing with all the BS that comes with it." ________________________________ ●Magic Castle- 10 Extra chapters (RIP my Sleep Schedule) [THE DISCORD IS UP AND RUNNING COME SHOW SOME LOVE... LINK: https://discord.gg/WFaZeMPaCM

HeavenlyMike · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
39 Chs


The sky above the Vels' home was still streaked with smoke as the townspeople of Claire gathered around, their faces painted with worry and exhaustion.

The fire had mostly died down, leaving behind a charred skeleton of what was once a home.

The acrid smell of burnt wood and the faint, lingering heat filled the air.

Among the crowd were some of Taren's closest friends, drawn by the commotion and their concern for his well-being.

Among them was Jaxon, a burly blacksmith with a heart of gold, and Lila, a healer known for her gentle touch and sharp mind.

With them were Kiera and Rylan, siblings who ran the local inn and had been friends with Taren since childhood.

They stood by, coordinating efforts to put out the remaining embers and salvage what they could.

"Taren! Over here!" Jaxon bellowed, waving his massive arms to get his friend's attention.

Taren, looking dazed and injured, stumbled towards them, supported by Kiera and Rylan.

The squad noticed Taren's pants drenched in blood between his legs as Laila covered her mouth with her hands, a look of shock in her eyes.

"By the gods, what happened?" Lila exclaimed, her hands already glowing with healing energy as she moved to examine Taren's wounds.

Taren winced as Lila's magic began to work on the cuts and bruises covering his body.

His voice was shaky as he tried to explain. "There was... a fire... a masked man... He came out of nowhere."

The townspeople continued to douse the smoldering remains, buckets of water splashing against the blackened wood and those capable of elemental magic let out gushes of water and wind.

Conversations buzzed around them, but Taren's friends focused on him.

"A masked man?" Rylan echoed, concern etched into his features.

"Did he say anything? Did he take anything?"

"He didn't take anything," Taren replied, his voice growing steadier.

"He was... he was threatening me. Said something about the Astarot family. Something about... money I owe them."

Jaxon let out a low whistle. "The Astarots? That's serious, Taren. What did you get yourself into?"

Taren's face paled further. "I sold them some land. But it was a scam. They found out."

Lila's hands paused for a moment, her eyes widening in shock.

"You scammed the Astarot family? Taren you idiot, that's suicide."

Kiera, who had been listening quietly, finally spoke.

"You need to get out of here, Taren. If the Astarots are involved, they'll stop at nothing to find you."

"But where can I go?" Taren asked, desperation creeping into his voice.

"They'll find me wherever I run in the Beast Continent."

Jaxon nodded gravely. "That's true. They have influence everywhere. Your only chance is to get out of this continent altogether. Head to one of the other continents. The Human Continent, perhaps. Or the Elf Lands."

"But how?" Taren muttered, his mind racing. "I don't have the resources or the knowledge to make such a journey."

"We can help," Rylan offered.

"We can pool our resources, get you a ticket on a train to the port. From there, you can take a ship."

As the friends continued to discuss possible escape routes, Lila finished her healing and stepped back.

"There, that should help with the pain for now. But Taren, you need to think this through carefully. Running is risky, but staying here is a death sentence."

A young boy from the town ran up to them, out of breath and wide-eyed.

"There's a healer coming, from the next village over. Should be here any minute!"

Lila nodded her thanks and turned back to Taren.

"We need to get you stabilized first. Then we'll figure out the next steps."

Taren looked around at the ruins of his home, his mind spinning with fear and uncertainty.

"I can't leave without knowing where my family is. The masked man... he never answered whether they were okay or not."

"That's even more reason to get out of here," Jaxon said firmly.

"Once you're safe, you can figure out a way to get them back. But you can't help them if you're dead."

Kiera placed a comforting hand on Taren's shoulder.

"We'll find out where they are. We'll help you. But right now, you need to survive."

As the healer arrived and began tending to Taren's injuries, his friends continued to strategize.

The reality of the situation was sinking in for Taren. Running away was the best option, but the thought of abandoning his family gnawed at him.

"How long do you think I have?" Taren asked quietly.

"Not long," Rylan answered. "The Astarots will be relentless. We need to act quickly."

"I can get you a train ticket," Jaxon said, determination in his voice.

"There's a train leaving for the port city tomorrow. From there, you can catch a ship to the Human Continent."

Taren nodded slowly, his mind a whirl of plans and fears. "I don't have much choice, do I?"

"No, you don't," Kiera said gently.

"But we'll do everything we can to help you. You're not alone in this."

As the healer finished her work and the immediate danger passed, Taren's friends began to make arrangements.

They pooled their resources, gathering money and supplies for his journey. Taren watched them, a mix of gratitude and despair in his heart.

The next morning, Taren stood at the train station, a small bag of belongings at his feet. His friends had gathered to see him off, their faces a mixture of sadness and resolve.

"Take care of yourself, Taren," Jaxon said, clapping him on the back.

"And don't fucking look back!"

"We'll be in touch," Rylan said, handing Taren a small communication crystal. "Use this to contact us if you can."

Taren nodded, swallowing the lump in his throat. "Thank you. All of you."

As the train hissed and began to pull away from the station, Taren felt a sudden, overwhelming sense of dread.

He couldn't leave. Not like this.

With a quick decision, he grabbed his small bag and jumped off the train just before it picked up speed.

His friends, who had been waving him off, looked at him in shock as he landed back on the platform.

"Taren, what the hell are you doing?" Jaxon bellowed, rushing towards him.

"I can't leave," Taren panted, catching his breath.

"I have to make this right. I need to go to the bank and withdraw everything I have. Maybe I can pay off the Astarots."

His friends exchanged worried glances but eventually nodded. They followed Taren as he made his way through the bustling streets of Claire, heading towards the central bank.

The tension was palpable as they walked, each of his friends unsure of how to help but knowing they couldn't abandon him.

"You know you don't have enough money, Taren," Lila said gently as they approached the imposing bank building.

"Even if you give them everything, it won't cover what you owe."

Taren nodded, his face set in grim determination. "I know, but I have to try. Maybe it's a start."

Inside the bank, the atmosphere was cool and quiet. Taren approached the teller, his heart pounding in his chest.

"I'd like to withdraw all the funds from my account, please."

The teller, a middle-aged woman with a stern expression, tapped a few keys on her ledger. She looked up at Taren, her face impassive.

"I'm sorry, sir, but your account has been locked by order of the Astarot family. You cannot access any funds."

Taren felt the world spinning around him. "Locked? But why?"

The teller gave him a sympathetic look.

"I'm afraid I can't provide any more details. You'll have to take it up with the Astarots directly."

As Taren stumbled out of the bank, his friends gathered around him.

He was in a daze, his mind unable to process the situation.

"They've locked my account. I can't get the money. How am I supposed to pay them back?"

Jaxon shook his head, his expression a mix of pity and frustration.

"We warned you about this, Taren. There's nothing we can do. You're on your own."

Even though Taren was their good old friend for years, there was no way they would have their families starve just to try to help a friend pay bills he brought upon himself.

Seemed harsh, but emotional support was all they could offer.

They did warn him for years to stop scamming and stealing for a living after all.

Rylan put a hand on Taren's shoulder.

"You need to face them, Taren. Apologize, do whatever you can to make amends."

Lila nodded, her eyes filled with concern.

"It's your only option now. Head to the Astarot House and plead your case. It might not get you anywhere, but it's better than running away."

With a heavy heart, Taren agreed. His friends, despite their earlier reluctance, pooled their money to pay for a carriage to take him to the Astarot estate.

As the carriage rattled through the streets, Taren's mind was filled with thoughts of his wife and daughter. He whispered apologies to them, cursing himself for being a terrible husband and father.

The carriage finally came to a stop in front of the Astarot mansion, its towering gates looming ominously.

Taren stepped out, his clothes disheveled and sweaty. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves.

With shaky legs, he approached the gates, ready to face whatever awaited him inside.