
A Doctor Who Just Wants to Paint

Sheila Barker is a child prodigy who was sent away by her family to a foreign country after her mother's death. Years later, the Barker family calls Sheila back because they have arranged a marriage for her with the Long family, one of the most powerful in the country. On her return journey, Sheila meets a strange man who, for some reason, ends up greatly influencing her stay in that country. How will Sheila face this arranged marriage while seeking to end her relationship with her family once and for all? Author's Note: This story slightly incorporates special abilities with fantasy elements. Every place name, medical term, and jargon used within the context of the work is mostly fictitious.

EimonQ · Thành thị
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109 Chs

It'll Be My Pleasure

Benjamin's response echoed in Sheila's mind like a lingering reverberation.

'Let's say I liked you...'

It was a simple phrase, almost innocent, but its impact on her was profound.

Sheila tried not to give it too much importance, but the words enveloped her, leaving a strange sensation in her chest.

If Benjamin had helped her just because he liked her, did that mean he would do it for anyone else he liked too?

And if so, why did that provoke a dull ache inside her?

Sheila tried to rationalize it. After all, thanks to that same attitude of Benjamin's, she had received his help. She had no right to complain. However, the idea that he could be so willing to do the same for another woman, with the same kindness and generosity... made her uncomfortable.

An irrational thought, perhaps, but she couldn't help it.

Sheila lowered her gaze to her plate, feeling her appetite slowly fade away.