
A Different kind of life in bleach

A man dies and after his plans goes of course, he soon finds himself in the world he knew. A world where he wishes to live and change what happened to the body he was in, along with other things along his path. Watch as he tries to become more then what he was in his old life, and better then the person he was in this life. Tags *actin *drama *strongtostrong *sliceoflife *romance (sorry but idk who yet and it’s not who you think it is. Maybe she could be one idk) Please enjoy. I own nothing.

KnowPain1 · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

Chapter 12

|mc pov|

Pulling my sword from the girl and kains chest, i looked down at her wide eyes while she took in air. Her chest trying its hardest to breathe while I turned my head away. Walking over to Kain's body, watching him reach out at the girl before i swung my blade.

"Ah!" Kain yelled out grabbing his arm tightly at the forearm, looking at the blood that gushed from his severed hand. Rolling around a little as he looked up to my face.

"Stop! Get away from me, get away! You freak!" Kain rolled on to his stomach, while spit came flying from his mouth, his brain racking itself to think of a way out of this nightmare. He tried to use his elbows to crawl away. The blood from his wounds and missing arm dragging behind me.

'That was a Letter? I thought it would be on the same level as the ones a thousand years from now, well I can see how he would be problematic. If he got a hold of people with stronger spiritual pressure the battle could be drawn out.' Looking down at his body I reached out. Grabbing his shoulder and flipped his body over like a sack of meat.

"So Quincy.. are you the only one? What's a Quincy doing in the place of souls? I mean.. there must be a bigger plan right? A Quincy as weak as you here alone. There is no way your kind would do so.. tell me.. really, why are you here." I spoke in a calm voice, looking at his face that twisted and his eyes that strained themselves looking at me.

"Like hell I'd tell you anything.. you made a mistake boy! You think my death will stop what's coming?! I will be reborn again! And when I do.." Kain yelled out like a mad man, his body convulsing while he let out a laugh but it was not long lived.

"Right.. you believe Yhwach would bring you back? After you already failed him?" My smile could only grow as I looked at his face. His eyes shaking while he looked at my lips. Hearing a name he didn't think I would know he tried to speak.

"Ahhhsdsddefgf." Kain's words came out in a incoherent mess while I stabbed Shinso into his tongue. Watching him yell while blood filled his mouth, watching tears fall from the corners of his eyes as he choked.

"I guess it didn't really matter, not like someone at your strength would be anything more then a disposable pawn. If he does bring you back, I can't wait to cut your head off.. next time." Opening my eyes to look at his face, they glowed a pretty teal. Reaching my hand down to press two fingers on to his chest .

Kain's eyes opened wider as if about to pop while he looked at my fingers, then to the words I mouthed with out speaking aloud. A bluish purple light shined before he gargled on blood and yelled out. Echoing far out into the forest before silence once again enveloped the night.

Looking at the bloody mess of flesh that was once Kain I stood there for a second, feeling the reiatsu explode from his body. Watching as the world shook around me as the bodies that laid in the village gave off the same spiritual pressure, not only me but all over the Seireitei and be on felt the change as it climbed. The air shook while I held my sword out, looking at it glow as it sank its teeth in to the reiatsu and drank what it could before it disappeared.


Farther north of the Seireitei almost at its center a building sat alone, it's white and black walls giving of a plain yet dreary feeling. It's tiled roof shifting a little while the wind blew against it. The trees outside swinging as a change in the air stopped everything. The leaves stopped moving, the wind growing calm before stopping and the sound left the area.

The night becoming as still as death while a light could be seen flickering with in the large home like dojo. The massive slide doors at its side opening in a crack before being closed again as shadows moved. With in this room lights from candles danced along the walls, accompanied by shadows that moved in and out of focus. The matted floor creaking while figures inside sat on their knees.

"Captain.." breaking the silence a man's voice reverberated in the room, not one of someone speaking normally but shaken with fear.

"I already know.. it would seem something interesting has happened." The rooms atmosphere changed while another voice spoke. Sweet yet lacking emotion in it as it carried itself to the man's ear.

The man along with his fellow squad mates looked up from their bowing positions. Their eyes slowly looking up to someones back. This persons long black hair that flowed down their back and the sword placed at their side.

"…" Wanting to speak the man opened his mouth yet no words came out, frozen in place by the person who turned their head to them.

His eyes opening more widely seeing the dead look in the beautiful woman's eyes, her long black hair that framed her doll like face and the unnatural small grin that formed at her lips.

"I'd like you to gather the rest of the men, I want to go out and recruit tomorrow.. make sure you find suitable candidates from the outer districts." The woman spoke lightly, every one of her words carrying the weight of mountains. The room shaking while she turned her head back to her sword.

"Yes, Captain Unohana.." The men in the room shook for a second before the air went back to normal. Standing they bowed before moving out, looking back one more time the man looked at the woman's smile grow as she slowly pulled her sword.

"Maybe.. Their is someone worth fighting, something to satisfy both you and me.." Unohana spoke softly pulling her blade out of it's sheath while looking at her dead eyes in its reflection. Before closing her eyes and thinking about what tomorrow would bring.

'I hope.. there is someone who won't..

disappoint me..'