
A Sharp Tongue

Li Weiyin stopped what she was doing and pulled out her phone to make a call. But, Xia Ran's husband picked up and said she was busy. All Li Weiyin could do was ask how she was doing, and after understanding the situation, she hung up.

"Yinyin, I keep feeling like there's something strange about Ranran's incident," Guo Miaoxuan said after Li Weiyin hung up. She then pulled out her phone and said, "You don't know how much news there was a few days ago..."

Li Weiyin barely paid attention to the news. Even when her own family got into trouble, she only found out about it through Fang Meixian.

They were all screenshots on Guo Miaoxuan's phone. Some articles said that the wife of Guanyu Group's chairman was suffering from domestic violence and that the company's cooperation in Italy was being delayed. Others said that the wife of Guanyu Group's chairman was suffering from mental illness, that she was suicidal, and that she cheated...

"These news articles can't be found anymore, but I have a video of Rong Fan admitting to domestic violence!"

Guo Miaoxuan played the video and watched as the slender man with almost perfect facial features spat out, "Yes, I was violent with her."

Just a few simple words caused Li Weiyin to almost snap her chopsticks in half.

Rong Fan was once the dream guy for thousands of girls in Hua Country. He was only 2 years older than Lou Yucheng, but they were like a senior next to a junior.

As Rong Fan took over Guanyu Group when he was only 21-years-old, everyone assumed that Guanyu Group was over. But, he ended up using 2 years to turn over a 10 billion profit for the company and became famous overnight.

At his most popular point, he entered the altar at 24 and got married. After he got married, he kept low-key and never got involved with women. Li Weiyin knew Rong Fan well because of Xia Ran.

She knew about his manners, his character, and the way he looked at Xia Ran affectionately with no eyes for anyone else.

He could never be violent with her. Li Weiyin was more worried about Xia Ran, "I will visit Xia Ran after I deal with my own matter."

"Let's go together!" Guo Miaoxuan immediately raised her hand.

Li Weiyin did not refuse. She quickly prepared something for Guo Miaoxuan and left after eating dinner with her.

As she left, Angel chased after her for a long time, but she couldn't take Angel back with her.

By the time that Li Weiyin returned home, it was already late at night. The taxi dropped her off outside the estate and she walked down the quiet street to get home. However, she felt like someone was following her and turned back a few times to check, but she saw no one.

She did not bring her handbag with her today and did not have the self-defense stick that she always carried, so she sped up her pace and rushed home.

But, the footsteps behind her seemed to get closer. Once they reached a certain distance, Li Weiyin turned around swiftly and the person behind her stood still.

His clean crew cut, burly body, and sinister gaze made his originally handsome face a little less attractive.

"Li Weiyin, I heard the Li Family is in trouble. I can help you if you marry me," Han Qiu's gaze was as dark as the night.


"In an era where morals are declining day by day, it seems like every Tom, Dick, and Harry thinks they can shoot above their league."

Before Li Weiyin managed to say a word, she heard a deep, charming voice filled with disdain and contempt.

Han Qiu and Li Weiyin looked towards the voice with caution and saw a tall, strong body leaning against a street lamp. Today, this man was dressed in a wine-red shirt with his sleeves rolled up, revealing his firm forearm. The top three buttons of his shirt were left casually undone and his toned muscles almost burst the shirt open at its seams.

He looked like he had a pair of phoenix eyes, but they weren't. His gaze was deep and his eyes were long and narrow. Even though he was being sarcastic, he was still charming.