
Chapter 12

Two endless minutes of waiting pass, it's scary. Finally, everyone is here.

- Naruto, which way is he? - The captain asks. I point in the direction with my hand. Hyuga activates the Byakugan and corrects me a little.

- He's getting closer! About a hundred meters, fifty meters! - Neji says quickly. Sasuke hits with a fireball. A little late, I support the attack with air chakra. The roaring projectile flies away into the distance.

- Contact! - Guy shouts and breaks into an attack, Kakashi begins to fold seals for something especially powerful.

- Water thunder dragon! - Sensei shouts, unleashing a technique based on water and lightning. Might quickly dodged the attack, it smashed hard!

I blow the water suspension to the side with an air wave, opening up my view. Zabuza was hit, but not fatally. He brushed Guy aside and rushed at me.

-You killed Haku!

-And your sword is big because your dignity is small?- I shout back the first thing that came to mind. I'm a fool, of course, to tease an enemy who was so furious that he rushed to take revenge without even healing.

-Bastard! You will know my pain! Haku was kind! - the missing-nin waves his rail. - You will answer for his death! - I barely managed to dodge, the sword, just like in the movies, cut off a tuft of my hair and scraped along the edge of the tread.

Kakashi deflected the next blow, blocking the sword with the shuriken of eternity. He didn't have time to counterattack, the enemy was moving too fast. Again a whirlwind of three jonin, in which I don't have time to see anything.

-To the sides! - a command from Sasuke. Without thinking, I jump as far as possible, but still get hit by a huge wave caused by Zabuza. While I'm getting to my feet, Momochi manages to break away from the fight with the sensei and rushes towards me. Halfway there, Sasuke meets him, breathing out a stream of flame. A short skirmish, from which the Uchiha flies out with his right forearm cut to the bone. Sakura rushes to provide first aid. Rock Lee rushes at the missing-nin, but receives a powerful kick to the stomach, and is sent off the bridge down to the shore.

For a couple of seconds, we are one on one. I saturate my body with lightning and wind, increasing my speed. I dodge two blows in a row, got it! Too wide a swing! My side is open! I rush to attack, but a knee flies towards me. I manage to slow down, slap my right hand on Zabuza's leg, in the moment that the blow lasts, I begin to form a rasengan right inside his body. Now his knee is a heterogeneous mess instead of bones and cartilage. The enemy, with an offended roar, lowers his two-handed sword onto my back, but Kakashi yanks it out with a replacement log. Saved! Almost... to hell with the details. In the heat of battle, Zabuza didn't realize that he had practically lost one leg, made a mistake, and managed to get a gorgeous cut from his thigh to his collarbone, left by Kakashi. The blood is gushing out just like that, you can see his ribs!

- Chidori! - the nukenin took the blow on the flat of the sword, it was knocked out of his hands, unnaturally twisting his wrists, the sensei's fist was also smashed to pieces. Gods. I hope Sakura can put this together...

Zabuza, pushing off with one leg and hand, rushes at me. I don't have time to do anything and just substitute the kunai, clutched in my left hand from the very beginning. I wanted to hit the head, but the blow slid along the protector and went into the collarbone, got stuck in the bone. The enemy knocks me down and reaches for my throat with his terrible teeth. He's already weak! He's lost a lot of blood, both arms are broken and his leg is almost torn off. Damn it, how can he even fight in this state?

I pull out a kunai and, trying to somehow push Zabuza away, I hit him in the neck from an awkward position, but the skin, saturated with chakra, doesn't give in. Second blow! Third! The monster's teeth reach my shoulder. I scream in pain. Several shurikens thrown by Neji are stuck into the nukenin's back. One of them apparently hit the spine, paralyzing the enemy's legs. How is he even conscious? An ordinary person would have passed out from pain shock long ago. Fourth blow! No result! I remember about wind chakra. Strike! A fountain of blood fills my face and eyes. I can't see a damn thing. With difficulty I push the limp body off me and crawl to the side on my elbows, backwards. I wipe my face with my sleeve and spit to the side. I'm shaking badly, I can't get up. I blinked somehow, my eyes are burning. Someone is shaking me by the shoulders, they are saying something, but I can't hear. I feel pain in my chest with surprise. I lower my head. Through the pink fog before my eyes I managed to see that from the left side, on top, there is a kunai sticking out, which Sakura carefully pulls out, her hands glowing green.

- So-so, who do we have here? Ah! Cockroaches from Konoha! - a nasty shrill voice.

- Who are you? - Sasuke's rough voice.

- Where are my manners?! I'm Gato! - he finally showed up, the idiot, I didn't believe the canon at this point at all - Although I usually don't talk to corpses! So. I have 120 select thugs behind me, and if you don't do it right now...

The roar of a fireball and a shrill screech. Several explosions and crunchy, squelching, wet sounds. Panicked screams. The flames roar a few more times, lightning crackles.

-121 corpses. - Hatake's cold and tired voice. - Sakura, don't get distracted, Naruto's lung and thigh are punctured, the bone seems to be shattered. - So that's why I couldn't get up, that bastard also smashed my leg. When did he have time? - You'll deal with me a little later, it's okay.

- Keep the kunai in my hand. Put it separately. - I say before losing consciousness again.

I spent the rest of the week lying in bed under Sakura's supervision, although I felt fine after two days. I had something to do. Kakashi and Rock Lee (with a broken rib, but he didn't want to be treated by Sakura, considering her a traitor) guarded the bridge, Sasuke and Neji ran around the islands and hunted for gangs of bandits, having a competition between themselves. At the same time, they got valuables and a lot of metal. Maito alternated guards and sometimes joined the guys in the hunt.

My request was fulfilled, and that very kunai was lying in a separate bag with me, along with Zabuza's protector. At home, I'll put it under glass with a description of this story, I'll show it to the children later, because the great swordsman was killed, and not just anyone.

So, what have I been doing all this time? My inner world opened up, and I rushed there.

Flashback, the first hit in the newly opened inner world.

I went inside with a shudder, running along the corridors, splashing through the puddles that were never completely removed. A hall with a grate, behind which the grass sways and the sun shines. A reddish fog spreads along the ground, I feel Kurama's chakra in it.

I pass through the grate, but I don't see anyone. I split into several copies, continue the search. One of the clones found! Dispelled the technique. The new resident is sitting under a tree, in the shade.

A girl about my age, slightly shorter than me, completely naked. A beautiful curve of the waist, a flat tummy, small breasts that already stand out quite well. Pointed fox ears, hair down to the waist and nine long silver tails. I just sighed in admiration. The girl warily twitched her ears and looked at me suspiciously, hissing incredulously. A beautiful face, blue eyes with a red pupil.

- Hello, my name is Naruto! - I introduced myself, trying to get closer, but the girl growled warningly and showed an even row of white teeth with slightly protruding fangs.

-Listen, I won't hurt you! Let me come closer! - But she only growled in response. I remember that she must have strong empathy, and I begin to convey my sympathy to her. A difficult trick, to be honest.

The girl stopped growling and her face reflected bewilderment. I carefully take a few steps towards her. A few more. I mutter some soothing nonsense and reach out with my hand, but don't have time to touch. The girl herself jumps towards me and hangs on my neck, purring contentedly. I sigh with relief and hug the miracle to myself.

End of flashback.

Over these few days, I managed to teach Ku to dress and walk on two legs. She learns to talk amazingly quickly, although she often can't find the words, but when I come, she always chatters away. I jokingly called her Kuro, but the girl picked up on this address and now only responds to Kuro and Ku-chan.

My face must be extremely pleased, because Sakura looks at me with suspicion.

No one even thought of naming the bridge in my honor. They simply called it the Konoha Bridge.

We left without a lavish farewell, because we were not popular with the people. People mocked the corpses of bandits and looted, and then quickly robbed each other. I doubt that with the appearance of the bridge, something will quickly change here. Rather, the bandits will live a little richer. The people will continue to starve in their hovels, because they need to work, and not whine and spit at their neighbors. Kakashi found Haku's grave and sealed the body, he'll give it to our scientists, maybe they'll dig up something interesting. What was left of Zabuza was also in the scroll of the sensei, because the unusual shape of the teeth hinted at the possibility of a blood legacy. The decapitator was dragged by Guy, as the strongest. The way back always seems shorter. So it is now. They got there quickly and without incident, except that once they came across completely brainless bandits who risked setting up an ambush. They struck in sync with Sasuke, Sakura casually drowned the bodies in the ground. They didn't even stop.

Here are the gates of Konoha, finally! We stop at the guards, show the scroll with the mission and the protectors along with the documents. They look askance at my torn protector, because it was almost crossed out by that sword strike. I'll have to change it. Finally, the green light is given. We walk along the streets of the village, which we haven't seen for a month and a half. I didn't think I'd miss it, but here it is.

A short wait and we enter the kage's office, hand over the mission and tell the details.

During Kakashi's report, the kage nervously chews on his pipe. We've reached the interrogation point.

- Is there any poison left?

- Yes, Hokage-sama. - Sakura bows. - I can provide a sample and documentation, along with the test results provided by Naruto.

After Hiruzen nods, the vial and several scrolls are handed over to the ANBU who quietly approached.

- Continue reporting, Hatake-san.

The story of the chunin attack, the further journey, the fight with Haku.

- So, Kyuubi took the blow on itself? What is the current state of the bijuu, does it need help, what is your relationship with it... her?

- Yes, Kyuubi took the wounds on itself. At the moment, it feels great, but is not combat-ready, it needs time to restore its skills. The relationship is... very warm, friendly, Hokage-sama. - I answer the questions one by one.

- The recovery period? - The Kage quickly got over his surprise. It did not show on his face, only in the emotional spectrum.

- My immediate presence in the inner world is required, so from a month to several, depending on my employment. - I'll answer honestly.

- You are exempt from missions for a period of one and a half months. Restoring the bijuu is a top priority, you can consider it an A-rank task. Focus on this!

-Hai, Hokage-sama. - I bow.

Then the remaining days were described, the fight with Zabuza, during the story of which the kage looked at me somehow unkindly, and the way back.

-I see, considering the conditions, you did great. Give the sword to Naruto, he dealt the final blow, right? - The Hokage waited for the senseis to nod. - Besides, it is useless to the village at the moment. There is a civil war in the Mist, there is no point in returning the blade and negotiations. Gai-sensei. Your team will be supplemented by another genin...

-Hokage-sama! I would like to submit a request to be transferred to Team #7 as the fourth member. I believe that I will be able to fully reveal and implement my skills there. - Neji interrupts with a bow.

-The request will be considered. Gai-sensei, you are in for a very unpleasant conversation, stay at the end. Neji, for the time of Naruto's absence, I give temporary permission to carry out missions in the seventh team. - The Kage's voice is already very unkind.

In fact, Maito is not guilty of anything, but he was responsible for the team, and he lost one genin and was unable to improve relations between the other two. If Neji died, Maito would be in disfavor with the entire Hyuga clan, and it does not matter that the branch is not the ruling one.

By the way, there are no cursed seals of the junior branch in this world. The seal is the same for all members of the Hyuga clan, it destroys the eyes if they are removed. This fuin was given to the clan by the Uzumaki, back in the days of Uzushiogakure, as a sign of good relations. When the union of three villages destroyed the Uzumaki, the Hyuga were the first to arrive to help. The Senju arrived next. Judging by the archives, the massacre was something special, Uzushiogakure was wiped off the face of the earth. The enraged Konoha people pursued the enemy regardless of losses, and stopped only after driving the enemy army somewhere in the middle of nowhere, on the very edge of the archipelago. Both the political and economic consequences were simply horrific. It was then that a split began to brew in the fog, which also got it pretty badly, and by the end everyone had quarreled, and a fight against everyone began. Konoha lost more than half of its shinobi and could only be called a great village due to the four great clans: Uchiha, Hyuga, Senju and Uzumaki, almost all who managed to escape settled with an ally.

The post-war famine undermined the strength of four of the five great villages and provoked several more battles. Konoha had the Senju, which, if desired, allowed them to harvest three crops a day, although they completely depleted the land. Great power. It was at that moment that the Leaf began to dictate its will to the others and was considered the greatest of the hidden villages, but now we do not have that influence, the Raikage has gained strength, and in the fog the civil strife is slowly subsiding. Judging by the whispers, there are suspicious anti-Konoha movements in Suna. The Stone maintains neutrality in all matters and tries not to interfere, while we adhere to a neutral-dominant policy. We are stronger than any single hidden village, but we cannot provoke them into an alliance, Konoha will not withstand such a confrontation.

A little about the creation of matter using chakra. It is not real, only mokuton, which commands plants, and doton, using real earth, can create something real. For example, a water dragon that emerges from a puddle does not have water in it as such, but rather a semi-material water-type energy that will almost immediately evaporate into natural chakra.

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