

Eyes dead and body's sluggish, I'm drained. It was tiring today even if I barely did anything big. It was just the usual sweeping of the floor in the mornings, washing the dishes, playing the same game for over five or more hours then washing the dishes again or taking a nap. It was the same thing everyday yet it exhausted me like the time I was making the last chapters of my thesis in the last minutes. I take a glance up and see that I'm only a few steps away from reaching the top. Weird. I thought I was walking moderately and not as slow as this, it's like I've become a snail. So up I go faster and flip my blanket, covering myself up, finding that comfortable position to sleep in.


I can't sleep, my eyes feels like they're being forced to stay open, a new weird feeling. Is this what it really feels like when you've drank caffeine to stay awake? Because well shit, I shouldn't have drank that coffee for "fun". Sighing at my idiocy, I close up my eyes again and my mind automatically forms a time in the future, the usual time I imagine scenarios in. It's nice to occasionally think about how would you turn out in the next few years, it makes me curious what choices would I possibly make in order to become 'this' and 'that'. So this time, I imagined being a waitress.

I lack knowledge from this type of job except from what I've gathered from TV shows and movies but some aspects of it might be wrong though that's fine too, this is only a scenario I'm making up and it's not like I'll actually do it.... probably.

I imagine wearing what a barista would wear and has a tray with drinks on it. I was serving this one lady's drink when she suddenly started talking meanly. Her animated mouth moving quick, her spits getting on my vest while the ices in her drink slowly melts from how much time she's wasting. Poor ice cubes, left to be ignored and abandoned, only being noticed when you're halfway to completely melting or fully gone. You bunch must've wished the lady just calm down and talk slowly right? Poor souls, I worry for your other people.


Today's scenario was pretty dumb.