
Pigs and a Boar

After leaving the church, Cram wondered if there was a good place to hunt so he searched his Map.

Hmm, I wonder if I should hunt some bandits or just kill strong monsters, thought Cram as he contemplated on what to do next.

He searched for areas that were densely populated by monsters. There were 3 places he could go to if he didn't include Alvarez.

First was the Majin Forest, which was filled to the brim with B class and above monsters. Second was Mt. Altana which has the same population as Majin Forest. And Lastly, Mt. Zonia which was the dwelling place of A-S class monsters.

Mt Zonia is a little far so that leaves Majin Forest and Mt. Altana. Since they have the same population of monsters let's just pick the nearest which is Majin Forrest, thought Cram.

After picking the place he wanted to go too. Cram immediately went towards Akane Town's gate. After he passed the gate, he ran southwards until there was a bit of distance from Akane town and flew using Ki towards Majin Forest.


Majin Forest

Cram landed in a nearby clearing right in the upper right corner of the whole Forest.

"Here should be fine" said Cram as he landed. He checked the map for any monsters in the area.

He found out that he was actually near an Orc settlement, that's why there weren't any monsters that attacked him immediately when he landed. Because there were guards that happened to be in the area.

Speaking of which, those guards which were approximately 10-15 Orcs are now racing towards his location at marginal speed.

He thought that because they had a settlement they'd have at least the minimum amount of intelligence to ask questions before they attacked. Sadly, they were eyeing Cram as if he was rare game. They were racing each other to claim him as theirs and get him all to themselves.

Well, their pigs after all, thought Cram as he was reminded about the book he read about different monster types and their respective categories. It stated that Orcs are monsters driven by nothing but lust and gluttony. They are selfish and stupid monsters that prefer to be alone than in groups.

However, there are rare occasions when they form up as group's. It is when a King of their species appear.

As it looks like this settlement was quite systematic since it even has guards. Cram guessed that there should be an Orc King that is leading them. After contemplating for a bit an Orc finally arrived.

When the fastest Orc was around 10 meters away from him. Cram summoned "Sword" and ordered it to skewer the foolish Orc.

Startled with the sudden appearance of the purple energy blade that was summoned. The Orc couldn't dodge and was impaled in the gut. The momentum of the sword didn't stop and dragged the 2m tall Orcs body right above it's companions before "Sword" exploded showering the rushing Orcs with the earlier Orcs Blood.

Unable to coop with sudden cruelty, all the Orcs froze in place. Then they heard it, in a low but playful tone the man's- no! the monsters voice.

"Aren't you guys a bit to weak to be B class, Hmm? Well, it doesn't matter you guys can't understand me anyways" said Cram as he summoned "Sword" once more for each Orc.

The swords that were summoned glowed with an ominous purple aura as it was pointed to the pitiful Orcs. The Orcs begun to panic as they saw the same purple swords appear as the man called out.

Although, they didn't know what Cram was saying. All the orcs understood that the game they were fighting for wasn't prey, but a predator that they shouldn't have messed with.

After Cram saw the changes on their faces. He grinned another evil smile which cause the Orcs to feel suffocated.

Before they could run for their lives. Cram ordered the swords to "Execute" killing all the Orcs in the area.

After the massacre of the Orcs, Cram detected a giant red dot on his map rushing towards him.

Cram summoned "Rebellion" in order to intercept the unknown monster.


The beast roared as it neared Cram, it was trying to intimidate him as its charge gained speed. Rocks, Tree's and even monsters that stood on it's way, were trampled, uprooted or just plain destroyed when it hits the monsters mighty tusk's.

Finally, when a few more trees were destroyed by it's charge. Cram saw it's figure, it was a boar.

A huge boar to be precise. It's body unlike your typical pig wasn't fat, but instead resembled that of a rhinoceros, but with thick dragon like legs. It was 10 meters in height with claws that were longer than a tigers and skin that is thick and scaly like an armadillo, it's fangs were like that of a shark, but more compact and sharp. It's tail were just as scaly as it's skin but at the end of it was sharp spikes. Lastly, it's tusk and snout were huge and mighty, that destroying castle walls would be nothing in the face of this beast. The identity of this being was that of legends that Cram had read about, a Gullinbursti.

Cram wasn't interested at the beast in front of him, even if it was one of legends it was nothing but points in his eyes. But, who would've thought that after killing a few monsters that we're barely B class. He would meet a beast that was strong enough to be categorized as an S class.

Cram summoned "Sword" once more and fired it towards Gullinbursti.

Gullinbursti felt his immediate doom when he saw the purple Sword rushing towards him. However, before sword could impale the large scaly boar. It disappeared in the Shadow of a nearby tree. Sword hit the tree and it exploded, but Gullinbursti was nowhere to be seen.

A few seconds later, it reappeared once more behind Cram's back and attacked him with it's tusk. Cram had already felt it's presence and dodge effortlessly. Then jumped back a few meters away from Gullinbursti.

It looks like this guy has a skill to jump from shadow to shadow. Interesting, thought Cram as he was beginning to get amused by the monster in front of him.

Gullinbursti thought Cram was a wizard that specialized in summoning those energy swords. So it immediately charged towards Cram so that Cram couldn't summon his "magic".

It was Gullinbursti's biggest mistake. Cram readied his stance. When Gullinbursti tusk were about to collide with him, Cram swung Rebellion like a baseball bat. Using the thick unsharpened side, he blasted Gullinbursti up in the sky.


Gullinbursti was in disbelief as it launched into the sky. However, before it could get a hold of the situation, Cram suddenly appeared right behind it and slammed a kick on it's thick scaly back making Gullinbursti squeal as it crashed towards the ground like a meteor.


A crater of more than 20 meters was created on the ground.

At the center of it was a fainted pitiful boar of Legends.

Cram looked at the fainted boar and thought it was quite amusing. Then he saw Gullinbursti move. It had regained it's consciousness and had a painful expression on it's face, as a lot of it's bones were broken, It's left hind leg was mangled and it's scales even had a lot of cracks while at some parts of it's body were bleeding. But it still faced Cram with the intent to fight. Even if it knew it was a meaningless struggle.

Cram was moved by it's spirit and was going to leave it be. However, Gullinbursti saw this as him not taking his resolve seriously.

So it once again charged towards Cram, albeit slow and limply. Cram turned towards the charging boar and sighed at it's stupidity. He raised Rebellion and was about to end it's life. But when he swung his sword towards Gullinbursti. It once again disappeared, and attacked Cram from the shadow behind him. Although, it's effort was admirable it still didn't work on Cram who had really high awareness. Cram dodge Gullinbursti's attack by a hair's breath and kicked Gullinbursti towards a nearby tree knocking it out.

Cram was amazed by how smart the boar was.

Its still a kid compared to the 100m Gullinbursti legend stated in the book, but it was already quite strong and intelligent, thought Cram.

It used the shadow of his Rebellion and used it's skill to move from shadow to shadow or something to disappear. Since the sun was behind Cram and because the Rebellion was raised. It's shadow was a lot longer than it actually was.

Gullinbursti saw it as an opportunity to make a surprise attack. When he saw Cram swing his Rebellion, it immediately jumped into the shadow and with it's momentum reappeared behind Cram with the full force of it's charge.

Too bad it didn't do anything as he was once again countered and knocked out.

Cram was now contemplating on what to do with the boar. When it once again woke up. Cram was about to take another stance, but what it did, surprised him.

Gullinbursti walked towards him while limping. It no longer had the intent to fight. Instead, it's eyes were shining when it was looking at Cram. It was as if it saw him as it's father. Gullinbursti got down on it's belly and spread it's legs while facing Cram.

Cram was confused at it's display, when suddenly a system notification appeared in front of him.

[Gullinbursti wishes to become your subordinate. Do you accept Y/N?]

Gullinbursti - https://www.google.com/search?q=gullinbursti&client=ms-android-oppo&prmd=isvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjqorfV6_3gAhUWIIgKHV9TCOkQ_AUoAXoECA4QAQ&biw=360&bih=630#imgrc=ghx7nHbAUA7eTM

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