
Hunt and New Skill

[Gullinbursti wishes to be your subordinate. Do you accept, Y/N?]

Cram had a troubled look on his face when he was looking at the notification. Then his gaze turned towards Gullinbursti.

He had to admit this little boar(10 meters tall) had impressed him quite a bit. But, making him a subordinate will be troublesome.

After weighing the pros and cons, Cram decided to accept Gullinbursti as his subordinate.

Clicking Yes, in his system. Gullinbursti lit up like a mini sun blinding everything in it's vicinity.

After it calmed down, Gullinbursti who was now uninjured stood in front of Cram.

Buhi~ greeted Gullinbursti.

Cram nodded at Gullinbursti then checked his system for any changes. Except for the fact that Gullinbursti was healed and it's attitude against Cram changing from hostile to worship. Nothing much changed.

"Gullinbursti is a mouthful to pronounce, how about I give you a new name" said Cram.

"Buhi~!" replied Gullinbursti as he kept on nodding.

"Alright, hmmmm~ how about Gran meaning 'Great' and 'Strong'?" said Cram after thinking for a few minutes.

Buhiii~✓ approved Gran while in an excited manner.

"Ok then from now on you are Gran" said Cram.

Gran was happy when he was given a name as it jumped around in it's joy. It shook the whole area because of it's antics, but Cram thought he was kinda cute.

"Alright, calm down" said Cram to Gran as he flew up and patted it's head. Although, his head was full of unruly hair, it was surprisingly not hard and felt more like marshmallows.

But, one shouldn't be fooled as to how it felt. Because underneath this marshmallow like hair was a hard scaled head that was harder than mithril metal.

Gran looked confused but still stood in attention in front of Cram, as if he was waiting for Cram's order.

"I'm currently hunting in this Forest, since your a local I want you to show me where the strongest monsters are, got it?" said Cram as he got on Gran's head.

"Buhi~ buhi~" Gran as if saying 'leave it to me'

"Oh, yeah but first let's get rid of those pigs. They are a lot and if we let them be it wouldn't take long for them to discover a world outside this Forest. If that happens I'm sure their King will push for dominating the nearest town, as normal humans aren't that strong they'll probably just get slaughtered. So before that happens I- no we need to get rid of them" said Cram, while Gran was nodded intensely.

After that they both made their way to the Orc settlement.


Gran's Perspective


Gran is an apex predator, although he is still young since his only 7years old. He stood at the top of the food chain ranking him as a lower S class monster.

However, as a Gullinbursti he seeks a master just like his ancestors, who was subordinated by a God.

In the short 7 years of his life he has given up this notion as almost no one could stand against him(In Majin Forest). Even the S class monsters that reside in Majin Forest who were far stronger than him didn't even enter his gaze as he thought; given the few more years of his growth, he'll eventually surpass all of them.

But Cram was different, he thought that even if he grows and reaches his apex. He couldn't imagine defeating him. He compared Cram to the the Ocean, while he was a puny well.

Even when he fought with all his strength, Cram just toyed with him and even showed him pity when he was resolved to die.

In a his last struggle against Cram, he thought that he could outsmart him with the strategy he thought off, only to be awakened from his delusion with a kick to the gut, knocking him out.

He was horrified, he was helpless, he was angry at his own weakness, but then he realized he had found him. A master worthy to serve.

He woke up once more after his realization, he made his decision but saw Cram readying his stance.

He thought even against a weak monster like me, he didn't let his guard down. Making Gullinbursti a lot more sure of making him his master. He walked towards Cram and took a submissive position as he urged him with his cries for subordination.

At first he was worried he'd attack, but later found that it was needless as a bright light shined upon him healing all his wounds and raising his intelligence, he also felt a connection to his new master.

After Cram gave him the name Gran, he became more determined to serve Cram. As a name signifies the acknowledgement of it's owner, which will know later on.


End of Gran's Perspective


Cram and Gran, went on a rampage inside the Orc settlement. Cram found out that when Gran kills a monster, it's KP will be redirected to him.

Since, each Orc gave him and Gran 50-100 KP, the Generals and Champion 100-500KP and the Orc King 1000KP they earned quite a lot when they were done with the Orcs.

But they were just getting started. Cram and Gran went on and hunted every settlement in the Majin Forest. Some of those settlements had a lot of human skulls decorating their gates. So it seemed they weren't entirely unfamiliar with humans. It's just that they didn't know they came from outside the forest.

Some of the more intelligent monsters treated humans and other humanoid species as breeding stocks specially the women. Although, there are currently no human in the settlements, there were Harpies and Lizardwomen instead. But since they were classified as monsters with the same intelligence as orcs. Cram killed them as well.

Each and everyone of them were monsters that could one day endanger the lives of many humans if they leaked out of the forest. Cram decided to kill them all.

Since Gran was familiar with the place, he took Cram to every dangerous part of the forest after destroying almost every monster settlement in the area.

When they got to the territories of S class monsters, the fight were a little more interesting.

They had a lot of raw power and could probably destroy a town or two if let loose. Cram started a conversation with them, but to no avail. They seemed to have looked down on him just because he was human. The only reason they didn't attack immediately was because of Gran's presence. But, even that didn't last long as they challenged Gran to a territorial battle.

Irritated by the lack of courtesy, Cram slaughtered each and everyone of them.

At the end of the day Cram checked his points, he was amazed as he never expected there to be a lot. All in all Cram and Gran earned a little over 300k KP.

"Not bad" said Cram.

Buhi~ buhi~ replied Gran in agreement.

Then Cram immediately purchased 'Wood release: Wood clone skill' from his shop, which costs 100k KP.

Since Ki is a higher form of energy compared to chakra. Cram thought that maybe he could substitute his Ki in using Ninjutsu techniques from Naruto. Fortunately, he guessed right as he was able to immediately use the Wood clone jutsu after his first try.

Now with this jutsu I can finally advace my training, thought Cram.

Cram closed his game interface and was preparing to go home when he was reminded of Gran's presence.

No matter how much he thought of it, having a 10m tall S class monster, especially a Gullinbursti walking around the streets will cause panic.

Cram contemplated for an answer when he suddenly thought of Gran's shadow movement skill.

They tried experimenting with the skill, but found out that Gran can only stay within a shadow for more or less than a minute.

Having no other solution, Cram turned to his system.

The system recommended him to unlock the gift function of the store, which costs 50k KP. Then gift Gran the Mana manipulation Skill, which costs 50k KP. Plus, Transformation magic, which costs 80k KP.

This'll give Gran the power to transform into anything it wanted, just like the blue cat and Oolong from Dragon ball.

Cram sighed at the cost of each skill, but eventually gave in as he had no choice. After unlocking the gift function of the store.

Cram gave Gran the Mana manipulation skill and the Transformation magic.

Gran received both gifts, as information from both skills flowed within him like a long forgotten memory.

"So how is it buddy? Can you transform" asked Cram a little nervous.

Since Gran was quite since he gifted him with the skills. He thought that may be it failed and he spent so much KP for nothing.

But needless to say, Gran nodded at his question. With a 'Poof' of white smoke. The 10 meter boar was gone, and in it's place was a cute brown puppy sized baby boar. (Imagine Swinub from Pokemon)

Cute, thought Cram as he lifted Gran and put him on his shoulder. Gran nuzzled it's snout on Cram's cheek while Cram petted his head.

"Alright, then let's go home" said Cram as Gran replied with a cute Buhi~!

Cram then begun to float, repositioned Gran on his chest hugging him like a plushie. Then flew at full speed back to Akane town.


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