
A Detective Conan Fanfiction Story: Fading Memories

When Ran found out Conan's identity, her life was in a tightrope and all bad luck in life came to their lives like a tornado. Ten years passed, he couldn't recognize her. She was a complete stranger to him. Will they be able to solve their complicated, tough case together? Credits to the true maker of Detective Conan, Gosho Aoyama.

MQWrites · Tranh châm biếm
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61 Chs

Chapter Nineteen: Rejected

Hayley's POV

"You did not obey my order, Hayley," Dad said.

I looked down as I felt every word striking on me like bullets.

His words felt heavy. He is really a competitive mafia leader but I can't seem to know why he keeps on saying to me that I need to oblige every rule he had for me.

I can't help but to clench my fist and prevent myself to keep my tears for myself.

I won't let Dad see my tears. He doesn't deserve it.

"Only my rules can be applied. Other than that, there's nothing you could do. Just do what I told you to do, not to do your own plan for just your personal hate for Kudo Shinichi's girl!"

I nodded weakly and still can't lift my head to look at my Dad's eyes.

His always like this, trying to make me feel weak in front of him. Like a puppy that always trained by his own owner.

I keep my tears not to fall as Dad lectured me. How could I deserve such lecture from my father if what I did was right? I thought. He should be grateful that I succeeded to get that girl out of Jimmy's life so that we could execute his plan properly. But... Why did it look like I have a mistake to pay here?

"I don't want to hear any more excuses rather than answers about the plan only. Do you understand, Hayley?"

I nodded. "Yes, Gin," I answered.

He ordered me to go back to my room and I quickly obliged. I let my tears fall down at the moment I locked my room's door.

Thousands of thoughts are running wildly to my mind right now.

Can't I be selfish for a moment? Can't I do anything I want as I have wanted? Should I just stay the way I am? Should I do what Dad wants me to do and be his puppet under his full control?

I love my Dad but sometimes, I hate his guts. I love the way he pulls me into this kind of dangerous yet exciting part of his life but sometimes, I felt that it was slowly suffocating me. But I don't why I'm still doing it.

Suddenly, my phone rang and I picked it up. I didn't bother to look at the caller's name. "Hello? Who is this?" I asked.

"It's me honey," the caller answered. I knew the caller just by her voice.

"Hello, Mom. What's up?"

"I just finished my job. We're just cleaning the corpse out of the place and we're done."

"That's good, Mom."

"I have something important to tell you," she said so suddenly that it strikes me badly.

"Tell me," I hurriedly said.

"Go to our spot near B.B. Me and your father will meet you there."

B.B.=Beika Bridge

"What time will I go there?" I aksed.

"Once the eclipse was still yet on sight. Once the eclipse is over, you won't get the information we will decide to told you."

"So, it is based on my codename huh? What a smart ass Dad is," I said with sarcasm.

I heard Mom chuckled on the other line. "Your father said he will give you anything you want if you come there on time."

That struck me too good. "Really?"


"So, my official codename now would be 'Eclipse' hmm?"

"It is really your codename," Mom said. "Anyways, I'll have to go. Got something working up here. Bye, deary. Love you."

"Love you too, Mom. Be careful to not be find by police troupes!"

"I will. Bye!!!"

Then, the call ended.

I scrolled through the contacts and called one person I knew that's left alone. After three rings, he picked it up and answered in a cold voice, "What is it?"

I smirked as I felt joy inside me. "Can you go on a date with me?"

"Sure," he replied and dropped the call quickly.

I screamed in happiness and jumped to the bed as I reminisce what he just said a second ago.

He's going on a date with me! He's going!

Shinichi's POV

"Wait, what did you say again? You're going on a date with that girl?" Haibara shouted and scoffed. "You know for the fact that she's behind all of what happened to Mouri-san right?"

"I know," I replied. I find out about that information when Haibara accidentally slipped Hayley's name through the conversation.

"Then, why are you still going on a date with her? I mean, not as if I'm going to stop you to go on a date but you know she has something up on her sleeves!" I ignored her and took my phone on the bed and tucked it in my jean's pocket. "Hey! Are you even listening to me, Kudo-kun?"

"I'm listening," I said and turned to look at her. She has that grim look on her face and worries visible on her face. I sighed. "Look, I'm not doing this so that I could get back with her. I'm doing this to find out about why she kidnapped Ran."

"We can just search through files and--"

"No, we can't do it. That's illegal," I cut her off as I finished putting my watch on my left wrist. "As a detective, I could find information with no illegal means."

Haibara sighed and crossed her arms. "You're really a hopeless case, Kudo-kun."

"Call Hattori and his girlfriend. I need some assistance with them," I said as I looked one last time in the body mirror.

"Huh? Why?"

"Call Sonoko too. Make sure to give me at least three guards from the Suzuki Family in case I need somebody to guard me."

"Your family could do it, Kudo-kun, so no need for Suzuki-san to barge in your plan."

"That's totally unnecessary, Haibara. I gain so much to my parents, now, I need to take care of this on my own without their help."

She lets out an awkward laugh and raised an eyebrow at me. "You think Mouri-san would like to see you date with another woman?" she asked so suddenly that made me stilled on my position.

I sighed and looked at her. "I know she won't like it but let's just say that I'm doing this for her sake, not for my own desires."

She rolled her eyes. "Well, that's always what men says but it always ends up different in the end."

"Don't include me to those men you're talking about," I said and opened my room's door. Before I leave, I turned back to look at her and said, "Make sure to call them or you'll be dead." And I closed the door.


Poirot Cafe. That's the place where she texted me to go and in coincidence, I also found myself standing in front of that Uncle drinking many beers.

I sighed heavily as I closed my phone and looked up to Ran's house. It was Uncle Kogorou's agency and I saw Uncle's head through the agency's glass window.

I composed myself and force myself to focus only on my job here. I stood properly and walked to the cafe. As I got in, someone screamed my name in English that made me flinched a little. My cheeks turned red as I saw few of the people, even the staffs, looking at me like I was a new customer arriving with a girlfriend screaming my name loudly.

I looked at the woman who screamed at my English name and saw her grinning all the way to her ears. She looks happy but I'm not.

As I walked to the table where Hayley is, I suddenly felt a pressure beside me. I looked and saw one of the staffs looking at me. He has doubt in his eyes. He has blonde hair and a tanned skin, apron dangling on his neck with white long sleeves inside.

"Rei-kun," the old chuby old woman called when she got out of the door inside the waiter area.

The man who's looking at me averted his look on the woman. "H-Hai?"

"Go, wash the dishes," the old woman orderd and the person named 'Rei' obliged but as he was about to enter the cooking area, he stopped midway and looked at me again with those emotion in his eyes again before continue walking in the area.

I sighed and walked to Hayley's place. I sat beside Hayley when I get to her table.

I could feel her happiness by just her staring at me. "I'm so glad to see you here, Jimmy!" she said gleefully.

I ignored her and called the old woman and told her to give us juice and two crossiants. The old woman left and in just a few minutes, a waiter came out and gave us our order and what a coincidence! It was the man who's staring at me with doubt minutes ago.

He didn't say anything. He just put our orders down and left without looking at me but I caught the glimpse glance of him as he entered the cooking area.

What's his problem? I thought. He's super weird.

"So, Jimmy, how are you today?" she asked and sipped through her juice.

I sighed and crossed my legs. I took the crossiant and bite a huge bite to it. "Fine," I said.

"Fine?! That's all?!" she said, looking annoyed by my answer.


"How about your girlfriend? I heard you and Rachel are couples now."

"Yeah and someone barged into our relationship when she heard about it," I replied as I sipped to my juice.

Her eyes turned into slits. "Are you talking about me?" she asked.

"Who else would I talked about?" I fired back and looked at her. "You're the one who planned to kidnap my childhood friend, right?"

Her face went pale. "W-What are you t-talking about?" she stuttered.

"Don't lie to me, Hayley. I know you're behind all of that," I said. There, straightforward to her face.

Her face became red. "And so what if I am?" she said angrily. "She just stole you from me! I am your girlfriend and always be your girlfriend! You said to me before that I'm the only girl whom you'll marry, right?"

I sighed. "Don't exaggerate what I said before. I only told you that you're the only girl I'll look, not to marry."

"But that's just the same!"

"It's not," I gritted my teeth. "You're just dreaming we will get to the point when we'll be wed but that's not going to happen."

"You said we'll do!"

"No, I did not say anything like that!"

"Is it because of that Rachel?" she asked. Her eyes are puffy and her tears was so close in dropping down her cheeks. "She was nothing but a hook to our relationship, Jimmy! I know that she's just going to be a one-time girl for you so you could have some rest in our relationship!"

"Don't try hard to make my decision change, Hayley, because it's not going to happen," I said coldly at her and finished the crossiant and drink the juice quickly.

"Where are you going?" she asked as I stood up from my seat.

"Going home," I replied and put the money on the table before leaving the cafe.

"Wait, Jimmy!" I heard her shout but I won't turn back anymore.

It pissed me off when someone is trying to make Ran the bad guy when she's the first person who makes me feel like a normal person, not a detective lurking around finding and catching criminals with the police headquarters.

"I said wait!" I heard her shout again and felt her hold my hand. I stopped walking and slapped her hand away from my hand. "Won't you just listen to me?!"

"Why would I listen to you? You just tell dirty words to my girlfriend, Hayley."

"I'm your only girlfriend, Jimmy! I'm the only one! Can't you see I'm the only girl for you and not her?" Tears flow down her cheeks as she said those words. It's hurting me seeing a woman crying but I have less pity to the girl in front of me right now. "I love you. I really do. Can't you see it?"

"Sorry, Hayley, but I don't feel the same way as you do," I said and left her alone in front of the cafe.

Gin's POV

While waiting for Eclipse, I take out a cigarette and a lighter out of my pocket and light it up. A motor bike suddenly went dashing in front of me and park beside me. As the driver of the motor bike takes off her helmet, her blonde hair flows down her black silk, sexy body suit.

"Honey, don't smoke here. Eclipse wouldn't like it if someone notice us again in a public area on the middle of the night. You know that we can't take another ten years of being jailed, don't you?"

"I don't care. That person told me to bring Eclipse here so I agree with it," I said with a serious tone.

I looked at my watch. It's nine thirty in the evening and at that exact time, a motor bike arrives but it's not Hayley.

"Yo!" Singani greeted us. He's with a person on his motor bike, a slim woman rather. "I'm with this person who ordered you to bring sis here and since we're here to talk about that, where's sis?"

I heard Vermouth sighed. "My, my. I thought she would be here In time but how shocking my dear wouldn't have come in time."

We waited for a few minutes and a motor bike appeared again. This time, it is now Eclipse, parking her bike beside her brother's.

"Hey, sis! What's up?" Singani greeted her sister as she took off her helmet.

"You're late, Eclipse," I told her.

"Sorry, Dad," she replied.

"What are you doing this past few minutes, honey? You're supposed to go here at eact nine-thirty," Vermouth commented.

"I'd just ran some trouble. I think someone is trying to follow me a while ago so I confused his tracks a little bit so he could follow me through. Wait, Dad. Are you smoking?! I told you not to smoke here, aren't I? Smoking is not good for your health so you should need to stop starting now." This girl really needs to stop trying to stop me from smoking.

"Whatever, Eclipse. I've been smoking for many years now. Been my hobby when I got into the Black Organization as the leader," I commented and looked at the woman behind Singani. "So, what's your order, Ma'am?"

She started to explain all of what we're going to do and must do to achieve the plan she wants us to execute. We all nodded.

"Count on us. We can handle it," Vermouth and Eclipse suddenly said in unison. They both look at each other and laughed.

I ignored them and invited Singani to go home. Those two woman really has no change at all. I drive through the streets without everyone noticing I'm back for another revenge.

Vermouth's POV

"Geez. Your father's always like that. Geting away without saying anything. Gangsters always be gangsters at heart," I said as I stared where Gin's bike disappeared.

I looked at her when she's still silent. She's staring at nowhere. She's completely spaced out. I thought.

"Does... something bothering you?" I asked her that made her snapped out of her reverie.

She looked down and she gripped tightly on her motor bike's handle. "Nothing important," she replied.

"I know you have one. I'm your mother, I could feel it," I said and force her to look at me. The corner of her eyes are red and her eyes are puffy. "You've been crying the whole day after you went here, haven't you?" She looked away and didn't looked at me. I sighed. "I knew it." I sat on my motor bike and looked at her warmly. "Is it that Shinichi boy again, Hayley?"

She looked at me and slowly nodded. I shook my head in disbelief. This girl will really never learn.

"You know that that girlfriend-boyfriend thing between you and the Kudo boy is just for the plan, right?" She nodded again in reply. "Then, why are you acting like that?" I asked her. There's no response. That means one thing... "Are you in love with him?" I asked her.

Slowly, she looked up at me and my eyes widened as I saw the raw emotion in her eyes. It was sadness, hurt, and her eyes are begging for love.

"So... You really love him?" I asked her once more. She nodded quickly. "That much?" She nodded again. I sighed. "Hayley, you know that this is just--"

"For the job. I know," she cut me off. "But I can't help but to love him. He's kind and fun to be with. His life was thrilling but not the thrill we have."

I sighed again. I don't know how many times I've sighed when we're talking about this topic.

"Hayley, someday, you'll understand what's important and what purpose do we have aside from those feelings you have for him."

"Is your feelings for Dad the same as I feel right now, Mom?" she asked suddenly that made me stunned.


"Is it the same feelings, Mom? I mean, those feelings couldn't be just for business matters, right? I mean, you're both in the same team and you fight as a team," Hayley said.

I chuckled by her curiosity. "Oh, dear. You'll never understand my feelings for your dad."

She frowned. "Huh?"

I faked a smile at her. "For now, focus on our purpose. Someday, you'll understand what I mean."

She looked at me with a deadpan look. "Geez, Mom. You're always making me look like a child."

I grinned. "You're always be a child for me."

"I hate it."

"But I love it, honey."

She rolled her eyes and started the engine of her motor bike and drift off the area, leaving me alone to the dark place where me and the rest of my family were before.