
A Demon King's Journey

The Gods and Goddesses of the Celestial Realm was bored with their eternal lives. All they do was sit in a throne, observe organisms throughout the galaxy and give them tribulations to overcome. Such a boring way to live! A God then suggested an idea to create a game where they can watch to entertain themselves. The Gods and Goddesses strongly agreed on the idea and they decided to create a planet where they will transport their 'toys' from different planets across the galaxy. Follow Ardiel, our demon protagonist, as he explore the vast outer space and be the peak of the so called [God's Game].

Eidoriyan · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
14 Chs

Information (not finished, beware of spoilers)

Mentioned Characters, Places and Monsters (updated when a new character, place or monster is added in the novel)

X = dead

- Characters -

Ardiel /ar-jel/

X Mikelo /mee-kel-lo/

X Benedict /ben-nee-dik/

X Edmund /ed-moond/

X Kevin /kev-veen/

Iriel /eer-yel/

Eliana /el-ya-na/

Variela /var-yel-la/

Fecuro /fe-koo-ro/

Feruel /fer-rowel/

Terun /ter-roon/

Suro /soo-ro/

- Places -

Ambrysie Desert /am-bray-see desert/

Jelsinco Forest /yel-seen-ko forest/

Furieles Town /foor-yel-les town/

- Monsters -

Camulf /kam-moolf/

Katir /kat-teer/

Rhifallo /ree-fal-lo/

~ Money ~

1 platinum = 10 gold

1 gold = 10 silver

1 silver = 10 copper

- Beasts Ranks -






E - Rhifallo

F - Camulf, Katir


- Hierarchy of Demons in society -

Demon King or Queen

Demon Prince or Princess

Demon Duke or Duchess

Demon Marquis or Marchioness

Demon Count or Countess

Demon Viscount or Viscountess

Demon Baron or Baroness

Demon Lord or Lady

Demon Citizen

- Hierarchy of Demons in military -

Demon General

Demon Captain

Demon Soldier

Demon Trainee

- Rank of Classes -

*Other unmentioned classes are hidden classes like berserkers, paladin, witch, assassin and etc.

~Offensive Melee classes~

*Sword users

-Title depending on your skills (ex. Sword of Lightning John or Chilling Blade John)

Grand Swordsman

Master Swordsman

Expert Swordsman

Elite Swordsman


*Dagger users

-Title depending on your skills (ex. Dark Shadow John or Master of Stealth John)

Grand Thief

Master Thief

Expert Thief

Elite Thief


~Ranged Classes~

*Bow users

-Title depending on your skills (ex. Archer of Winds Jena or Blazing Arrow Jena)

Grand Archer

Master Archer

Expert Archer

Elite Archer


*Magic users

-Fire, water, wind and earth has the same ranking system, just different elements at the start of their rank

-Title depending on their magic used (ex. Infernal Mage Jena or Frozen Queen Jena)

Grand (chosen element) Wizard

Master (chosen element) Wizard

Expert (chosen element) Wizard

Elite (chosen element) Wizard

(chosen element) Wizard

~Defensive Classes~

*Shield bearers

-Title depending in your skills (ex. Shield of Steel John or Iron Fortress John)

Grand Shield bearer

Master Shield bearer

Expert Shield bearer

Elite Shield bearer

Shield bearer

~Supporting Classes~

-Title depending on your skills (ex. Lightbringer Jena or Healer of Light Jena)

Grand Healer or Priest

Master Healer or Priest

Expert Healer or Priest

Elite Healer or Priest

Healer or Priest