
A Demon Gods Road to The Thrown

Gubz_Jon · Kỳ huyễn
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Birth of The King

On a day where both light and dark met the earth a king was born, a father of the fallen god of darkness and a mother of a arch demon who fell in a forbidden love, gods and demon were in a constant battle of territory over the material world. who ever controlled the material world would gain access to the souls of that world which powered ancient magic and gave power to those who consumed them. Due to birth of a half god half demon a holy war broke out on the surface of the material world which resulted in millions of death of the mortal clans as well as both the goddess and demon clan. Due to the extreme casualties all the clans came together to end the fighting and it seemed both the goddess and demon clans started to die out. The child of forbidden love was left alone on the surface. As the child cried for his parents a group of wondering dark elf's came across it, they could sense it's extreme dark magical power and quickly hurried to their camp site. They all gathered around as the child slowly stopped crying a fell asleep in the elder elf's arms. "For this child is one of great power and need to be kept away from the human and other goddess loving clans, for even some of the demon clan may try and destroy him for his power" said the elder. The dark elf's took the child in and raised him as they traveled thru the lands of corruption; the outer parts of the land where much demon blood had spilled and corrupted the plants and animals as well as the landscape. Not all life could live here, animals and demon beasts would target goddess loving and pure creatures and even the demon clans followers if they where hungry enough. The dark elf's did not see a name for the child or hear of a child of prophecy so they gave him a name "Arcane Balfamore" he took the elders last name and was raised as his grandchild. As the Arcane grew he learned ancient magic as well as dark elf magic at a extremely fast rate and with power even the dark elf's had never seen. As he grew he took the appearance of the dark elf clan and grew to be physically Strong, Extremely Smart, and Loved my

mana.... This is His Story