
A Demon's Will

‘Power, Supremacy and Pleasure’ These are the three things that every and all demons prioritize above everything else…well, every demon except me that is. I am the current and only heir of the Demon lord, my mother Morana, the Queen of darkness and death. From the moment I was born, I had always acted differently from the other demons, and now I was about to find out why. The Oracle decides to pay me a visit and gives me a way to find all the answers I’ve been looking for. Now I must journey to the human realm to find out the truth… And of course, have some fun along the way…

Just_a_guy17 · Kỳ huyễn
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36 Chs

Time For Some Payback!


In the small city of Daekrahm, on the outskirts of the empire, a cloaked figured could be seen standing on one of the towers of a massive cathedral that overlooked the quiet city.

The figure starred, almost longingly, at the setting sun as it sunk past the horizon. A warrior in bright golden armor and a broad longsword sheathed at her waist, stood quietly behind the figure. She had a beautiful face with two black horns jutting out of her forehead.

As the sun disappeared completely, the woman in the cloak finally sighed and turned to the warrior.

"Today is the final day", said the woman ,"Do you think think they will bring him, Kathalia?"

Kathalia nodded ,"I am certain they will, my Lady. They are bound to you after all"

"There's no use for honorifics when it's just the two of us", said the woman as she stepped closer and stood in front of Kathalia.

Kathalia simply shook her head ,"I cannot bring myself to address the person I respect and admire so much by name. I am undeserving of it"

The woman sighed tiredly ,"If you say so"

They both walked slowly down the steps of the tower until they came to the large and spacious cathedral hall. It was crowded with hundreds, maybe thousands of ogre warriors all dressed in armor and armed with deadly maces, spears, swords and axes.

The woman moved to stand by the podium in front of the massive army and raised her hand to get their attention. The warriors immediately quieted down and waited for the woman to address them.

"My loyal servants!", said the woman, her voice echoing throughout the hall ,"Tonight, we shall finally see the fruits of our hardships!"

A cheer erupted at that, the warriors banging their weapons on the ground and on their shields.

"Yes!" the woman continued ,"As we speak, the bastard god Sirius, once feared by the gods themselves, is being dragged to us in chains!"

Another cheer of approval erupted.

"And once I offer him up to my father and I attain my former glory", said the woman ,"I will not forget the kindness and support you have all shown me throughout the years!"

With that, the warriors went crazy, cheering, banging their weapons and just jumping up all over the place. The woman simply laughed and turned back to Kathalia who also wore a wide grin on her face.

"I can't imagine what they'll be like once this is all over", said Kathalia.

"Hopefully they will keep their smiles", said the woman as she clenched her fist ,"I will make sure they do"

Suddenly, the main doors of the cathedral hall flew open and a figure walked in. Just as fast as they had started celebrating, the army of ogres swiftly drew their weapons and surrounded the intruder.

The intruder was a boy in black pants and boots, with a gray shirt and a black jacket. His black hair glistened in the moonlight and his violet eyes sparkled with a dangerous gleam.

"Now now, that's no way to welcome a guest", teased Azrael as he stared at the warriors that now surrounded him.

"Shut up!" yelled a large gruff-looking ogre in red armor as he aimed his spear at Azrael's neck ,"State your name and what business you have here!"

"I'd be careful where you point that thing-" Azrael warned eyeing the ogre's spear. His eyes glowed brightly for a moment and the ogre's weapon shattered into pieces. The warrior stumbled back in surprise.

"The same goes for the rest of you", said Azrael looking at the rest of the warriors that surrounded him.

The ogres stared at him warily and backed away slightly but still held their ground.

"Stand down!"

Everyone turned their heads towards the podium at the woman in the cloak as she made her way towards Azrael. The warriors moved aside and made a path for her as she walked gracefully towards Azrael.

Azrael got down on one knee and bowed to her, surprising the ogres that surrounded them.

"My loyal servants, do not be alarmed", said the woman ,"This is one of the demons I sent after Sirius to capture him"

She looked at Azrael and asked ,"Where is Sirius?"

Azrael got back up and extended his hand. The ring on his index finger glowed and a small cube appeared in Azrael's hand.

"That cube-", The woman caught her breath ,"Where...where did you find that?"

"Oh, I just found it in a temple somewhere-" everyone turned to see a boy sitting by the podium. He had dark blue hair and blue eyes. He wore a simple blue shirt and black pants and boots.

"It wasn't so hard", said Abigor with a shrug.

"Gleipnir roses are rare to see nowadays", said the woman sounding impressed ,"The fact that you actually obtained one is impressive on it's own"

"It's just a given for us demons-", came a proud voice from above.

Everyone looked up to see a beautiful girl sitting elegantly on the chandelier above. She wore a gorgeous white dress and her hair was the color of fresh snow. Her crystal-like eyes looked bored and but gleamed like gems.

"Azrael, shall we get over with this already?" said Samira tiredly.

"Sure", said Azrael as he offered the cube to the woman.

The woman took the cube in her hand and glared at Sirius who sat quietly inside.

"Finally...", she muttered before looking up at Azrael ,"Well done, you have served me well. I now release you to return to your realm"

As soon as she said that, three links of chains appeared from her wrist to all three of them. The chains cracked and shattered, freeing them.

The woman watched and waited for Azrael to vanish and return to his realm along with his friends. But she frowned when nothing happened.

"What's the matter?" Azrael asked her with a smug smile ,"You seem uneasy. Are you waiting for something?"

"W-why have you not returned yet?" the woman asked hesitantly.

"Oh, is that what's bothering you?" Abigor laughed loudly.

"Maybe it's because-", said Samira as she twirled an ice dagger in her hands ,"-we recently obtained physical bodies"

The woman's blood run cold as she heard that and she stumbled back.

"Impossible!", Kathalia shouted ,"It would take at least 30,000 bodies to incarnate all three of you!"

Azrael chuckled softly ,"There's always more than one way to do something, little ogre"

Kathalia gritted her teeth as she stepped in front of the woman in the cloak with her sword drawn.

"Run, my lady!" she said ,"We'll hold them off!"

"What?" asked the woman as she snapped out of her daze ,"But-!"

"She's right, my priestess!", said another warrior as he drew his own weapon ,"You gave this life to us, so we will happily give it up to save you!"

"You guys...", said the priestess quietly.

"Hmm...", said Azrael.

"So she's a priestess, huh?" asked Abigor.

"Shut up!" said one of the warriors as he lunged forward and swung his mace at Abigor. His mace simply passed through Abigor's body, making the illusion vanish. The warrior clicked his tongue in annoyance as Abigor reappeared on the chandelier next to Samira.

"My lady, please flee!" Kathalia repeated desperately ,"As long you survive, there is hope for us!"

"We can't have that now, can we?" said Azrael and he looked up at Samira and said ,"Do it"

Samira raised her arms and chanted ,"Contain my target and separate them from the world, Isolation barrier!"

A visible blue barrier rose around the entire cathedral, ruining any hope of escape.

Kathalia cursed but kept a level head ,"Protect the priestess at all costs!"

The ogres roared and charged at Azrael. Azrael smirked as he dodged all their attacks with ease.

"I'm not really one for bullying the weak", said Azrael ,"So I'll give you something else to play with"

He jumped up high and extended his hand towards the ground below him.

"Summoning magic-", Azrael smiled darkly ,"Shadow wolves!"

A wide magic circle appeared and out came a pack of large snarling wolves. Their eyes were red and gleamed with hunger, their fur as black as shadows.

"A pack of shadow wolves?!" one of the warriors cried out in disbelief ,"But aren't shadow wolves B-rank monsters? And he has a whole pack?!"

Azrael landed lightly in the middle of the pack and raised his eyes at the army of ogres who now looked terrified in the face of the wolves.

"Enjoy your meal...", said Azrael with a smile.

With that, the wolves howled and pounced at the ogres, ripping them apart limb from limb. The wolves' teeth bit through their armor and weapons as if they were made of paper.

The ogres tried to defend themselves as best as they could but their weapons couldn't inflict any damage to the wolves. As soon as someone destroyed a wolf's body, it would simply regenerate using the shadows of the surroundings.

"I'm glad you gave me that human spell book to read before we came here", said Azrael as he rose and sat down next to Samira ,"Humans have a very nice variety of spells"

"And powerful too", Abigor added.

"I couldn't agree more", Samira nodded as they looked over the carnage that unfolded beneath them ,"Anyway at this rate, that priestess will be bowing down at our feet in no time"

As she said that, a blinding light burst forth from one end of the room. The light instantly vaporized all the shadow wolves, making Azrael frown and turn to check the cause.

A beautiful woman in an orange dress stood by the podium. She had long locks of golden blond hair and light brown skin.

Her gold colored eyes blazed furiously like two miniature suns as she stared at the dead lifeless bodies of her soldiers.

"I swear-", she said through gritted teeth ,"I swear on my life that I, Diana, priestess of the sun, will avenge you my fallen comrades"

"Priestess of the sun, huh?" said Azrael as he stood up, his eyes gleaming with wild excitement ,"Finally someone I can play with!"

Diana clenched her fist and glared at him with intense rage.

"I'll kill you!" she declared and charged towards Azrael.

Enjoy the book! Feel free to add to your library or comment your thoughts:)

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