
A Demon's Will

‘Power, Supremacy and Pleasure’ These are the three things that every and all demons prioritize above everything else…well, every demon except me that is. I am the current and only heir of the Demon lord, my mother Morana, the Queen of darkness and death. From the moment I was born, I had always acted differently from the other demons, and now I was about to find out why. The Oracle decides to pay me a visit and gives me a way to find all the answers I’ve been looking for. Now I must journey to the human realm to find out the truth… And of course, have some fun along the way…

Just_a_guy17 · Kỳ huyễn
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36 Chs

Happy 5000th Birthday!


Over 5000 years had passed since Morana became the ruler of Hell. Although the centuries had been tough with countless rebellions against her rule, Morana had risen above every single challenge and gained more and more power.

All for the sake of her son. And today was a special day. She had to make sure everything was perfect.

"Is everything ready?" Morana asked as she strode through the hallways of her palace, her black dress and scarlet hair flowing like water behind her.

The maid by her side bowed her head ,"Yes, your majesty. Everything is set in the ballroom and most of the guests have already gathered there"

Morana stopped.

The air in the room became colder, an aura of malice surrounded Morana. She glared at her maid a dangerous glint in her eyes ,"Most?"

The maid flinched and lowered her head down even further ,"Forgive me, your highness. There are those who still wish to test your patience"

Morana sighed, irritated, and calmed herself.

"I see", said Morana as they continued walking ,"It's honestly astonishing to find that there are still fools who are loyal to my husband. Find out who exactly isn't here and report to me immediately, Alvah"

"Yes, your highness", said Alvah and she melted into the shadows.

Morana continued walking until she stopped in front of a pair huge stone doors guarded by two towering demons armed with enormous battle axes and covered in dark armor standing on each side.

They bowed to her before grabbing the sides of the door and heaving them open with a loud grinding noise.

"All hail her Majesty-", said a voice from the other side ,"Queen Morana, Ruler of Darkness"

The doors opened to a large, outdoor and beautiful ballroom filled with hundreds of smartly dressed guests who were chatting or gossiping about something.

But the noise immediately died down as they made way for Morana, their heads bowed. Morana strode quietly and elegantly passed them towards her throne at the back of the room and sat down.

Morana waved her hand lazily and everyone raised their heads. Once more, a voice rang out throughout the entire ballroom.

"And now, all hail the heir to the throne, The Angel of Death ,Azrael!"

The giant stone doors slowly opened once more and a teenage boy walked in. Unlike when he was younger, he had no horns and his black hair shimmered grey in the light of the ballroom.

He was dressed in a fog grey suit with a black shirt and although barely visible, there was a black collar around his neck. His eyes glowed purple and fire seemed to dance around in them.

He walked slowly but purposely towards Morana. The guests made way for him with their heads bowed as well.

"My son", Morana smiled and held out her hand.

Azrael gave a small bow, took her hand and kissed it gently. He looked up and returned her smile.

"Mother", said Azrael, then he turned to the guests.

"Congratulations on your 5000th, young master!" everyone in the room chorused.

Azrael raised his hand ,"I thank you all for attending this event. Please raise your heads and enjoy the party"

Everyone raised their heads and clapped loudly before going back to chatting and milling around like before.

Morana frowned at Azrael ,"You did not have to thank them. As heir to the throne, they have to attend your birthday"

"You're right, I didn't have to", said Azrael as one of the servants came forward and handed him and Morana some goblets of dark nectar ,"But I wanted to"

[*Dark nectar: a drink of the underworld infused with the blood of the world dragon. Has a sweet taste and the ability to heal wounds and recover energy.]

Morana sighed and rubbed her head ,"I will never understand you"

Azrael chuckled and took a sip ,"You don't have to"

Suddenly, Alvah appeared by Morana's side. She bowed to Azrael.

"Greetings to you, young Master", she curtsied ,"Congratulations on your 5000th"

"Thank you, Alvah", said Azrael.

"Dear", said Morana ,"Would you mind excusing us. There are some matters I must take care of"

"Of course", Azrael nodded ,"I have probably kept our guests waiting too long anyway. If you'll excuse me"

He bowed and walked away. Almost immediately, Azrael was surrounded by several women, all from high ranking noble families.

"Congratulations on your 5000th-"

"Congratulations, young master-"

"If you would allow me to bestow this humble gift-"

"Please accept this-"

Azrael smiled to himself and whispered under his breath ,"Let the party begin..."

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