
A Demon's Will

‘Power, Supremacy and Pleasure’ These are the three things that every and all demons prioritize above everything else…well, every demon except me that is. I am the current and only heir of the Demon lord, my mother Morana, the Queen of darkness and death. From the moment I was born, I had always acted differently from the other demons, and now I was about to find out why. The Oracle decides to pay me a visit and gives me a way to find all the answers I’ve been looking for. Now I must journey to the human realm to find out the truth… And of course, have some fun along the way…

Just_a_guy17 · Kỳ huyễn
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36 Chs

An Old Friend


'Crap crap crap crap crap!' was all I thought as I barely avoided the flashing figures of Sirius and Azrael. The moment they had started trading blows, the area within the barrier had instantly turned into a field of chaos!

Luckily for me, the shockwave from their first exchange had been enough to knock me all the way to the edge of the barrier. From here, I could at least endure through the rest of the battle without taking damage.

I squinted my eyes, trying to follow their movements but it was no use. They were just too fast! I bit my lip in frustration.

'Why does it always end up like this?' I thought to myself bitterly 'Will I never be able to help him?'

As I was caught up in my pitiful thoughts, I almost didn't hear the voice coming from my wrist until it yelled "Sam!"

I jumped a little at that and looked down at the bracelet I was wearing. It was Abi! I'd completely forgotten all about the communication bracelets we'd gotten back then.

"Abi, where are you?!" I shouted, trying to make sure he heard me above all the explosions.

"I'm here, right outside this strange barrier!" he responded ,"Fey's ready and everything but she says has to be within three metres of the dragon bastard or she can't do anything!"

"We'll figure out a way after Azrael tires him out!" Samira shouted ,"For now, you guys come over to the east side of the barrier, I'll open up a hole for you to pass through!"

"You made this?" Abigor asked in surprise ,"That's cool! Could, I learn too? Cause-"


"Right right! We're on our way!" he said.

I waited for a few minutes before I felt their presences on the other side of the barrier. I reabsorbed some of my mana from the barrier from a section of the barrier, just enough for them to pass through.

They rushed inside and I quickly closed the barrier behind them. Abigor immediately raised his arms to protect himself and Fey from the intense shockwaves.

"Damn!" said Abigor through gritted teeth ,"That's the power of a God for you"

I glanced behind me as the clash continued. So far, it looked like the battle was pretty even.

"Azrael's gonna win, right?" Abi asked.

I didn't answer him. This was the first time I had ever felt worried about Azrael.

Suddenly, Sirius and Azrael stopped and faced each other. My eyes widened in shock because I could now see that it hadn't been an even battle at all. Sirius had transformed slightly, with glistening blue scales covering his arms and the sides of his face. His eyes now resembled those of a reptile.

Azrael on the other hand, for the first time that I'd ever seen, was all battered and bruised. He had dozens of cuts covering his body and a larger cut above his eye, oozing with blood. But despite all his wounds, he was still smiling!

"Azrael!" Abi tried to rush to his aid but I saw Azrael muttered something under his breath and another barrier separated us from him and Sirius.

Abi cursed loudly and punched his fist against the barrier. I couldn't blame him. I wanted to help Azrael too and not just sit on the sidelines and watch him suffer.

"Let us in!" I yelled.

Abi clicked his tongue in frustration,"It's no use, all we can do for now is watch and hope for the best"


(10 minutes earlier)

I grinned as I exchanged my first blow with Sirius, the impact sending chills up my arm. The shockwave alone was enough to send Samira flying out of the way.

Sirius laughed maniacally with a crazy gleam in his eyes ,"I may have underestimated you, little demon! Show me more!"

"Here I come then!" I responded and increased my output from 40% to 50%"

Sirius immediately noticed my increased speed and strength and nodded in approval, also increasing his own.

"Yes yes!" said Sirius enthusiastically as he lashed out at me ,"More power!"

I increased my power even further and pushed to 65%. Even more than I had used against Lily! And still, Sirius came at me with renewed speed and strength.

"More more more more more!" he said as he transformed slightly. His hands and face were covered with blue scales and his eyes became reptilian.

With that he started to push me back, slashing at me with his long black claws. I went even further and jumped to 70% to defend myself.

Even at 70%, all I could do was put us on the same level. I quickly stepped back to catch my breath. I had cuts all over my body and I was losing a lot of blood but I just couldn't stop smiling.


I turned my head and saw Abigor run towards me. If he joined me now, he'd just give me more work to deal with trying to protect him from Sirius.

"Setorir...", I chanted quietly and a barrier formed around Sirius and I.

"A wise decision", Sirius commented ,"I would have killed him first since he's weaker"

"You and I think quite alike", I chuckled ,"But I've had my fun. This ends here"

"What can you do?" Sirius jeered, pointing at me ,"Just admit that you're done and I might feel merciful enough to let you live since I like you"

"70%...", I muttered quietly.

"What was that?" Sirius asked.

"You're the second person I've ever fought who's made me go past 70%", I said ,"But you're the first ever-"

My aura suddenly burst forth with renewed force. The air around me ignited and burned with violet light, crackling and popping as if they were tiny explosions. Sirius stumbled back in surprise.

"-who's pushed me to use 80%!" I shouted with glee and shot towards him.

I could see the shock on his face as I lunged forward and punched him in the gut, making him cough up ichor, the blood of the gods. But I didn't stop there! I pummeled him from all different angles, not giving him any room to recover.

Sirius dropped to his knees, retching and coughing as he clutched his abdomen.

"This match is done", I said ,"Surrender, Sirius"

Somehow, Sirius managed to painfully get to his feet and glared at me.

"You really think...", he said ,"That will be enough to keep me down?!"

"No", I pointed down at his mid-section ,"But that will"

Sirius looked down and realized that he was on fire. Every spot on his body where I had punched him, bright purple flames were slowly eating away at his body.

Sirius' face paled as he looked at me and asked ,"Are those-?"

"Primordial hell flames", I nodded ,"The flames that devour all. Even you"

Sirius cursed unhappily ,"It seems I have no choice but to surrender if I want to live"

"Yep", I said as I dropped the barrier. Abigor and Samira immediately rushed over to me with a mix of concerned and furious looks on their faces.

"You should have let us help!" Abigor complained.

"Here, I'll heal your wounds", said Samira.

"I'm fine", I pushed past them and looked at Fey ,"Do it"

Fey nodded and I extinguished my flames as she tossed the Gleipnir rose at Sirius. He couldn't even resist as the four chain links latched onto his arms and legs, and the little cube swallowed him whole and fell to the ground.

Fey carefully picked up the little box and handed it over to me. Inside, I could see the tiny little figure Sirius walking around the cube.

"Finally...", I let out a breath as I relaxed. My vision blurred and the world spun as my knees gave out and I crumbled to the ground.

The last thing I heard was Abigor and Samira's cries of alarm before everything went dark and I fell unconscious.


I woke up with a splitting headache and my eyes felt as if they were glued shut. Nevertheless, I winced as I forced myself into a sitting position. My whole body felt completely sore and I could barely move an inch from the bed I was laying on.

I took a quick glance around the room I was in and frowned. Although it was very spacious, most of the room contained dozens of bookshelves, experiment tables and some other strange devices that I didn't recognize.

"Where the hell am I...?" I muttered out loud.


The door on the other the side of the room opened and I heard someone walk in. He's face was hidden in the shadows so I couldn't see who it was.

"Oh good!" said a familiar voice ,"You're finally awake. We were starting to get worried"

"Where am I?" I shifted uneasily on my bed ,"And who are you?"

"You are in my lab" the mystery person answered ,"As for who I am, I am a researcher. I research magic, humans...and demons. Especially demons"

"Have we met before?" I narrowed my eyes at him, trying to see through the darkness.

The mystery person laughed and said ,"Don't tell me you've forgotten me so soon. And even after you said you'd see me around-"

He finally stepped into the light and I gasped. Although he was dressed differently, there was no mistaking that cheeky grin and bright orange hair.

"Ginger?" I asked in surprise ,"But how-?"

"Ta-da!" Ginger waved his arms in a grand gesture ,"Hard to believe, isn't it? Don't worry, we've got time so I'll explain everything to you"

Enjoy the story! :)

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