
A Demon's Will

‘Power, Supremacy and Pleasure’ These are the three things that every and all demons prioritize above everything else…well, every demon except me that is. I am the current and only heir of the Demon lord, my mother Morana, the Queen of darkness and death. From the moment I was born, I had always acted differently from the other demons, and now I was about to find out why. The Oracle decides to pay me a visit and gives me a way to find all the answers I’ve been looking for. Now I must journey to the human realm to find out the truth… And of course, have some fun along the way…

Just_a_guy17 · Kỳ huyễn
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36 Chs

A New Objective


After the portal closed, Mom immediately turned to me.

"What did she tell you?", she asked.

"Mom-", I groaned.

"Azrael, I'm serious!" she snapped and cupped my face in her hands ,"All that woman does is ruin futures and spread lies. Now tell me, what did she say to?"

I pulled away from her, sat in the center of my destroyed bedroom and started drawing on the floor with my finger.

"She came to wish me a happy birthday", I answered her ,"Happy now?"

"I am not", said Mom stiffly ,"I didn't want her anywhere near you at all-"

"Is that why you erased all my memories of her?"

She was quiet for a moment.

"Did she tell you that?" she asked.

"I took a wild guess", I stood up looked at her ,"Why did you take my memories?"

"Enough" said Mom. She wouldn't meet my gaze.

"Why do you hate the Oracle?" I persisted.

"I said enough!" Mom raised her voice ,"This discussion is over"

"Fine.", I said through gritted teeth.

"Your, Majesty?"

I turned. Alvah stood by the doorway (well, what was left of it that is), she looked at my mother.

"Lord Felfir has been restrained", said Alvah ,"Your orders?"

"Good work, Alvah", said Mom ,"Send someone to come and fix this room-"

"No need", I tapped the magic circle I had drawn earlier ,"Iratz"

The circle brightened and grew larger, covering the entire room. It was like someone had hit a reverse switch. Every single piece of rubble flew back into place and my room was as good as new.

Mom nodded ,"Good. And I shall call someone to have this mess cleaned-"

"Clever boy", said Mom with a smile.

"Yeah yeah", I waved my hand impatiently ,"Don't you have to get going now?"

Mom sighed ,"Look, I'm sorry today wasn't perfect and I'm sorry I can't tell you anything about that woman. But I promise I'll make up for it okay?"

I didn't say anything

and she turned away from me and left with Alvah.

I let out a sigh as I laid back on my bed ,"What an eventful birthday"


"I think I've treated you well enough", said Samira with a sly smile.

"I don't think so", said Abigor and he pulled her closer and kissed her.

They were lying in Abigor's bed back at his palace. Samira was sitting in Abigor's lap kissing him fiercely. Abigor run his hands slowly up her back and tried to unzip her dress but she stopped his hand.

"No", she said ,"Not until you tell me what you and Azrael were up to"

Abigor groaned ,"But if I tell you, you'll get at me"

"I'll try not to", said Samira as she kept planting small kisses on his face ,"Now tell me"

Abigor looked at her dreamily for a few seconds he sighed.

"We found Hell's Gate and Azrael tried to go through it", Abigor relented.

"What?"Samira's grip on his shoulder tightened ,"Why didn't he go through it then?"

"Only a few specific demons are able to use the gates", Abigor explained.

Samira detached herself from him and stood up.

She shook her head ,"I can't believe you bastards would keep this from me"

"Only because we knew you would try to stop us", said Abigor in defense.

"Do you have any idea what the queen would do if she found out her son traveled the Mortal Realm?" Samira asked ,"It could stir up havoc!"

"Look", Abigor got up ,"I hate this idea just as much as you do. But we both know you would do the same thing if it meant Azrael would finally be happy"

Samira was quiet for a while then sighed in resignation.

"Yeah, you're right", she admitted ,"I would"

"Of course I'm right", said Abigor ,"That's why I love you, you're so understanding"

He got up and pulled her closer to him, kissing her neck slowly.

"Oh please", said Samira as she pushed him back down onto the bed and got on top of him ,"You don't need to flatter me"

Abigor raised a brow at her with a sly smile on his face ,"Really?"

"Really", said Samira as she run her hands slowly down his chest and torso.

"Samira…" Abigor moaned.

Samira smiled as she leaned in and whispered.

"I want you just as much as you want me"


"Annoying..." I said out loud ,"To many annoying things happened today"

I was standing on balcony watching the beautiful red sky that hovered over Deauis in the distance. This usually helped me clear my thoughts but right now, too many things were going through my head.

How to get to the Mortal realm...

My mother's feud with the Oracle...

What my mother had erased from my memories...

I felt a sharp pain in my scalp and I winced ,"Its all so annoying..."

For now, I guess it would if I just focused on what I could right now. Like examining the strange sphere of glass Aunt has given me.

I walked over to my bed and sat down next to it. I was honestly surprised it had survived the fireball incident but it gleamed without a single scratch.

"Hmmm", I thought for a moment as I picked it up and turned it around,"How the heck do I even use this thing. Anyway, Madovir"

I conjured up a stand next to my bed and set it there.

I guess it wouldn't hurt to try the most obvious thing and just ask it a question. I stretched out my hand.

"Show me my Mother"

Nothing happened for a moment. Then the orb shimmered for a moment before an image of my Mother appeared. She was in the dungeons, torturing a chained up demon in a tattered green suit.

"Felfir", I said with distaste ,"I wonder what that fool did now"

Although I was tempted to watch my mother give Felfir what he deserved, I waved my hand over the orb the image vanished.

"Okay, now show me what Abigor's up to"

The orb shimmered once more before an image appeared.

"Well well well, this is quite a sight", I chuckled when I saw the image.

Abigor and Samira were laying in bed in what I assumed to be Abigor's bed chambers. Samira was on top of Abigor, kissing him passionately. The were small bite marks all around Abigor's neck.

"I'll have to tease them about this later", I smiled and waved my hand once more.

The image vanished and I leaned forward, holding my breath. Now for the moment of truth...

"Show me my father", I muttered hesitantly.

The orb shimmered once more, this time longer the others. Finally, it turned pitch black and showed nothing me.

"Typical", I said, letting out a sigh of disappointment ,"Of course you show me anything but what I want"

'There's always more than one way to get what you want'. That was what Aunt C had said, but...

"How the hell does that help me find my father?" I asked out loud.

I hadn't meant it to be an actual question but the orb shimmered one last time and an image of a human girl appeared.

"What kind of joke is this?" I snapped at the orb out of frustration.

She looked about my age (in terms of human years of course, so probably 16). She had blond hair and striking crystal-like sky blue eyes.

I watched as the girl faced a large towering monster in front of her, a Red dragon.

The beast reared it head, it's glowing scales glinting dangerously. It's body radiated so much heat that the ground where it stood was melting and turning to magma.

The dragon roared loudly but the girl didn't even flinch.

She muttered something and a set of armor covered her in an instant and a glowing golden rapier appeared in her hand.

"Oh? Her magic ain't half bad", I muttered to myself.

The dragon blew scorching hot flames at her but the girl swung her sword and split the flames in two. The dragon roared in outrage and charged her. She leaped over it and thrust her blade at it's head, instantly piercing the beast's skull.

The dragon thrashed its head back and roared in pain before falling to the ground. The girl sheathed her sword, not a sign of exhaustion on her face.

"Impressive", I muttered ,"For a human"

As I continued watching the girl, some other humans ran up to her. A little girl with a small wooden staff, a teenage looking boy with a strange sword on his back and a large bearded man with a large battle axe.

"Well done, my girl!" said the bearded man.

"I could have taken it", said the boy arrogantly.

"Yeah, you looked so cool!" said the little girl ,"One day, I'm gonna catch up to you, Lily"

The girl, Lily smiled and patted the little girl's head.

"I'll be waiting for you, Evie"

I waved my hand and the image vanished. I opened the space storage ring Abigor had given and put the orb of foresight in it.

I got up and walked back over to the balcony.

"Lily, huh?", I said with a small smile ,"See you soon"

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