
Chapter 86 :Transfiguration!

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"Yeah I'm serious, why do you think I won't be serious about this? Eat your veggies Hoothoot."

"Hoot! Hoot!"

"Because I am a human and I can make my own choices."


"Fine, I'll eat mine as well. But I swear if Hecate complains that you grew fat I'll tell her it's because you refused to do work."

"Hoot!" Hoothoot hooted returning to his food. Percy grumbled, 'stupid bird.'

Percy took out a piece of parchment and began writing a letter to Chanel and the other cheerleaders. He hadn't spoken to them in some time, he figured he should at least check up on them. The letter wasn't fancy, it was just a hello:

Hey there Chanel, Amanda, Catherine, Ula, Ebele!

Did you guys miss me? Sorry I haven't been able to talk much, I just recently got an owl to send mail through, his name is Hoothoot, be careful, he's an asshole. Or maybe he's just like that with me, I don't know.

He likes my aunt very much, but hates me! What the Shade right? Who hates me? I'm like pudding! Everyone likes pudding! Well except for people who are lactose intolerant, but that's neither here nor there.

Anyway I don't really have a reason to write, just wanted to know how you five were doing is all. I just joined Hogwarts, part of the reason why I am so freaking busy lately, and things are fun.

I joined Hufflepuff, the house of the loyal! I'm officially a Puff! Although that does make me sound like a pastry, so I'm thinking we should probably change it to something cooler.

How are you all? Are you guys still with the Bulgarians? Or did your agency set you all up with another team? Tell me! Tell me! But seriously though I'm curious, what do cheerleaders do when not cheer leading? Shop? Write poems? Anyways write back soon, I miss you all!

With lots of love!

Percy Jackson!


User of exclamation marks!

P.S. Did you know that Hogwarts is going to host the triwizard tournament soon?! I'm super excited! I wonder if I should join? Neah, probably wouldn't be fair to everyone else if I did huh?

Percy reread the letter and chuckled, he waited until Hoothoot was done with his meal before tying the letter tightly to the owl's leg sending him flying off through the giant windows off the Great Hall.

Percy then shrunk Hoothoot's cage and pocketed it. He turned to his right shoulder and found Kelly waking up, yawning and rubbing her eyes.

"Morning sleepy head," Percy chuckled as the veela glared at him for speaking too loudly, "sleep well?" Kelly grumbled as she flipped him off. "Ouch, tell me do all veela act this grumpy in the morning or is it just you?"

After Kelly pinched his cheeks with her tiny, but sharp fingers, "okay okay stop! Shesh, not my fault you sleep like a bear."

Kelly huffed ad looked around realising that she was in the Great Hall. She gasped in her tiny little voice as she looked around amazed by what she saw. She turned to Percy and pointed with a questioning look.

"Oh yeah, this is Hogwarts, the school we are going to stay in for the next ten months. It's pretty cool Kelly, you'll love it!" Kelly smiled and leaned on Percy's shoulder looking around the beautiful castle.

Percy returns to his meal. Slowly people started to drip in, he noticed that a lot of the younger student were up and about, mostly Hufflepuff though since they were the closest to the Great Hall.

"Mr. Jackson," came a sweet caring voice. Percy turned and saw a plump woman walk towards him. She had a smile on her face that seemed to light up the room and a warmth about her. Percy knew who she was, and if he didn't he would have at least figured it out by now.

"Madam Sprout," Percy stood up as his head of house approached.

"Mr Jackson," the teacher nodded, "and it's Professor Sprout dear."

"Oh, right, sorry. In US we call our teachers miss, mrs or madam," Percy chuckled running his hand through his hair.

"Oh that's all right, perfectly understable." she then stopped and turned to Percy's shoulder, "ah...Mr. Jackson, there is a tiny veela sitting on your shoulder."

Percy chuckled, "yeah, this is Kelly. My aunt made her for me from a souvenir she got at the quidditch finals. She figured I could use some company, plus every time I do something stupid or silly Kelly is always there to pinch and scratch me until I stop."

Kelly stood up and waved at the teacher with a big smile. Sprout blinked for a few seconds, "Flitwick is going to love you." she then shook her head clearing her mind and pulling her eyes away from Kelly, "Mr. Jackson, can you please come with me for a second? We have lots to discuss, I would have done this last night, but I believe you were busy spending time with our housemates."

Percy nodded, "yeah, I was." Sprout lead Percy down the Great Hall into a door that was behind the teacher's desk. The room inside was a trophy room with cases upon cases of trophies, starting from the inception of the school all the way back to awards given out last year.

"Well Mr. Jackson, I have called you today to look upon your class schedule," Sprout smiled, "I must say when I saw your OWL scores I was sure you would be wearing a blue and bronze tie instead of my own house colours. I'm quite impressed needless to say, if only I had taken Flitwick up on his bet."

Percy chuckled, "thank you professor. Honestly I'm not really that smart, I just like magic a lot. I'm actually just a really hard worker, and I only really pay attention to subjects that I like."

The head of Hufflepuff nodded, "perfectly understandable Mr. Jackson. Now, onto your subjects. You have scored very well on all of them, no failing grades in any of them, and O's in all of the core subjects. Very impressive. You mentioned in your letter that you would be applying for Potions, Charms, Transfiguration, Runes, Arithmancy and DADA NEWT level classes yes?"

Percy nodded, "yup."


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