
chapter 5

The stinky girl didn't wear a bra!




I quickly shifted my gaze. I don't know if my older brother's eating of my younger sister's tofu will make me prickly, but the shame in my heart is really uncomfortable, as if I am a beast. I moved my butt to the bedside, seemingly to sit comfortably, but in reality, to get rid of this intimate position. Who knows if the stinky girl will react and get angry at me?




"It's written very well, with smooth writing and rich emotions, very good." My heart was rippling, and my mind was a bit dazed. I casually flattered her a few words, just wanting to run back to my room and sleep.




"Mmm hmm," my younger sister nodded repeatedly and said anxiously when she couldn't see me speaking. "No more? Don't just say what's good, isn't there anything bad about it?"




The girl's expectant gaze made me unable to refuse. Although she would even log on to read online novels and register a VIP account during her free time at work, it was just for leisure and relaxation. She didn't even post book reviews. How do I know how to evaluate novels as good? Moreover, it still writes about women and their sexual encounters




After searching my heart and stomach, I casually said, "The opening setting is a bit clich é d. Nowadays, many books start like that, where the protagonist breaks up with a clich é d partner and then meets a childhood sweetheart of the opposite sex..."




"Yes, yes, that's reasonable. Actually, I'm not very satisfied with the opening design."




I was talking nonsense, and I didn't want Chu Yuan to really agree. Upon careful consideration, it was the first time in recent years that she had expressed affirmation of what I said. However, she suddenly looked at me with an expert like gaze, which made me feel like a thorn in my back.




"Is there anything else?"




"Also... there are too many scene descriptions, and sometimes I'm just waiting for the protagonist to say something. A gust of wind blows, the grass moves and the trees sway, and the sun touches Yuncai's sister with a big red face. It's so ink stained... Huh? Why are you talking about this?" I woke up and pushed away my sister who actively posted it, confused and said, "You brought me to your room so late to read your novel?"




"Do you see it's me who wrote it?!" Chu Yuan's surprised expression made me feel like an idiot for the first time in my life. I saw her coughing hypocritically and lifting her expression, saying, "Then you should understand? I didn't collect those colors... colors... those DVDs because I liked them, I was creating them."




"Creation?!" Are you too talkative? I dare not show too eye-catching expressions, but I still can't help but want to laugh.




"Of course! Don't believe it, take a look," my younger sister hurriedly and solemnly opened her novel, pointing to a paragraph and saying to me, "There are inevitably some intimate scenes in the novel that I don't understand. How could I know without reading those things?"




At the beginning of the book, there is a intimate scene between the protagonist Xiaoyuan and his cousin Nan'er, which is written very delicately, especially Nan'er's teasing techniques and lewd licking. What I just read made me feel a bit itchy. It can't be said to be bone deep, but it can be called vivid and seductive. So, what Chu Yuan said also has some truth.




Although I didn't believe all of it, I believe at least 70%. I remember there were still more than ten notebooks in the cardboard box. If they were all novels written by Chu Yuan, it would be enough to prove her serious dedication. DVD may really be just an auxiliary tool for her to learn and absorb certain materials.




"I believe it."




"Do you believe me?" My younger sister probably thought it would take some time to explain to me, so she was quite surprised.




"Believe it," I couldn't help but pat my sister's head and smiled kindly. "Although it's a bit too early for you to write this type of novel now, if it's your hobby, your ideal, then I have no reason to mock you? Because - I'm your brother. As long as I don't delay studying, I will definitely support you."




The room fell into a brief silence, and the atmosphere was a bit strange, causing grass to grow under my buttocks. I wanted to move but didn't dare to move. Chu Yuan's eyes once again stirred with Ying Ying water waves, her slightly raised little nose twitched twice, and her thin lips trembled slightly, as if she was about to say something. I couldn't help but YY, did she finally be moved by me?




"Since you understand, then it's okay. I'm going to sleep. You go quickly and go out." YY is ultimately YY, and my unlovable sister is not cute either. She rudely pulled me up, pushed and kicked me out of her room without even saying a word of gratitude.




"Alright, alright, there's no need for you to push. I can leave on my own."




"Wait!" Just as I left the door, my younger sister suddenly called out to me. I turned around and saw her hurriedly running back to the room.




"Here you are," Chu Yuan forcefully thrust four or five magazines into my hand and said to me with a blushing face. "This is something my classmate stole from her house and gave me to read. It's for you."




I lowered my head and almost dropped my eyeballs on the floor. Three books of Playboy and two books of Dragon, Tiger, and Leopard** Magazines!




"Give it to... give it to me?" My tongue was tangled, and for the first time in my life, I received a gift from my sister, but this thing is also too scary, isn't it?




"Well," my younger sister nodded solemnly, "I watch lesbian movies... cough, I watch those movies just to be more realistic and vivid when writing, not because I like them. I don't know how to read such magazines."




How could these magazines be in your hands if you don't read them?! I almost fainted.




"Now, we are accomplices."




"Companion?" I felt like I was on a pirate ship.




"Yes," my younger sister smiled cunningly and looked like a cunning little fox. "If you dare to tell my parents about my situation, I'll tell them that you borrowed a yellow book from me. It seems like even if I die, I'll still be with you! Good night... brother."




The door panel closed, and as I stood outside, I stared blankly at the magazine in my hand, grinning wryly. I realized that I had been tricked by this girl. Tears and all that, from the beginning, were the bait that lured me into the trap




Strangely enough, I didn't feel disappointed when I was deceived, but rather a bit happy. Although there was no difference from the past, my thoughtfulness and humility still couldn't be understood or trusted by her. However, for the first time in my life, I felt a sense of achievement as a brother. Yes, in the sound of Chu Yuan calling me "brother", I experienced the joy of being recognized.




So, my sister also has a cute side








Has my younger sister become cute? Bullshit!




The next day, as soon as I woke up, my relationship with Chu Yuan returned to the cold state of the past. If it weren't for a few magazines under my pillow, I would have thought that what happened yesterday was just a ridiculous dream.




From waking up in the morning to having breakfast and going out, Chu Yuan never said a word, let alone called me "brother". Damn it, the disappointment of a certain disappointment in her heart told me that I had once again committed a crime.




I, feeling depressed, walked with heavy steps to welcome a new week.




The Fengchang Building in Beitian City is where I work, located in a 34 story comprehensive office building in the city center. Every time I look up downstairs, I feel fortunate. For a young bird who has just graduated from university and has no social experience or family background, being able to enter a company of this size like Fengchang Group is like falling pie from the sky. I am very lucky to be the person who was hit, or rather, I am very lucky to have met the person who hit me with the pie




"Good morning, Nange!"




Just as he sat at his desk, a handsome and disheveled guy came over to greet him. He had a short flat head, sword eyebrows and starry eyes, thin lips and white teeth, and a sharp face with a hint of wild and unrestrained smile, which was extremely approachable. This man and I have a close relationship with Lao Tie. We were called a "loser group" by our colleagues in the Investment Department. Speaking of the reason, it is not all the trouble caused by the name. My name is Chunan, his surname is Yang, and his name is impotence!




Virgo, impotence, the two most frail men in the world




"Good morning, Viagra." Seeing him energetic every day, I am quite envious. In his dictionary, there may not even be the word 'worry'..




"Nange, can I ask you a question?" Yang Wei casually pulled the tassel chair next to me and sat down, lazily resting his chin on the back of the chair. "Do you know why I call you Nange when I'm older than you?"




I opened my computer and said lightly, "Pretending to be tender makes it easy to catch horses."




"No," the living treasure pounded its chest and feet, making a tearless expression. "That's why I call you 'brother' because I'm afraid you'll call me 'brother'! Viagra? Damn it, I'm young and strong, but you're not afraid to call me 'loser'?"




"It's better to be weak than to waste two good women," I didn't say a word yet. Someone had already answered for me. Miss Cheng Liusu, who had just entered the door, swung her bag mercilessly and hit Yang Wei's head. "Get out of here, you dare to sit in Grandma's chair, don't you want to live?"




"Oh my," Yang Wei, who is not very young but not very well proportioned, pinched his throat and said a "Ten Thousand Blessings" to the tassel, "I have seen my aunt before. Hello, my aunt. She is very auspicious~"




This man is hopeless I shook my head secretly and turned my gaze to tassels.




Cheng, a beautiful woman with a model figure of 1.75 meters, wore a neat white professional suit today. It was simple, smooth, elegant, and fashionable, tightly wrapped around her body, highlighting her slender figure. The short top was worn openly, and the silk pink shirt revealed the vitality of the girl's charming side. The only regret was that her small breasts were a bit pitiful