
Happy Birthday

Deep within a forgotten cave, an ancient machine slowly begins to return to life. A series of cogs and wires, hooked up to a small group of console and a singular metallic cylinder. As the old lights begin to flicker and shine, and the faint hum of electricity starts fills the room, a emotionless voice begins to speak.

"Beginning system diagnostics … complete, one error discovered."

"Attempting to correct error … correction failed."

"Reviewing error … error deemed irrelevant to outcome of experiment."

"Waking subject N-001."

With a small hiss, the cylinder cracks and begins to open, releasing a burst of fog. As it recedes, a metallic black figure is revealed, before it quickly comes crashing down to the ground.


It lies there for a moment, lifeless, before it's fingers begin to twitch and its limbs start moving. They fumble and slip for a bit, like a newborn baby, coming to grasp with its surroundings. It then pushes itself up into sitting position, as the light begin to fade from the room. It sits there, trying to comprehend the sudden onslaught of sensations, when suddenly It hears a voice.

"Welcome user N-001, Please respond to continue system integration."

Startled, It flays out its limbs and falls ones more to the ground, turning its head around desperately to find where this voice was coming from. Seeing nothing around but the slowly dimming cave, It slowly pick it self up off the ground, standing unsteadily on It's feet for the first time.

"No response given, please respond to continue."

More prepare this time, It flinches, but slowly lets out a faint voice. "...h-hello,.. is s-someone there?" It's speech stutters, uncertain in the words It's using. 'There must be someone close by' It starts to think, 'but I can't tell where the sound is coming from'.

"Response received, user appears confused, do you require assistants?"

"Y-yes, I don't know where I am, w-where you are," It begins to turn it's head, searching for the source of the voice. The light from the Machines has faded by now, but the Figure seems to not have noticed, as it begins to walk around slowly.

"Understood, please allow me to briefly explain," the voice stated, "I am the systems automated voiced assistant, or A.V.A. for short. We are currently at the site of project 'New Life', and you are its first and only subject."

"They system is here to guide you through the beginning of your journey, as well as help you attune to your bodies capabilities. "After a brief pause Ava continued, "any further questions before we proceed with system integration?"

Nodding It's head, the figure simply asked, "who am I?"

"That is for you to decide subject N-001, for that is the wish of our creator."

"Our creator?" N-001 perk up, "who is that?"

"I can not answer that question at the moment, but they did leave a message for after the integration, shall we proceed?"

"Ok, what do I have to do?" N-001 began looking at the consoles, "are these involved?"

"No, simple stand still as the system initiates the process."

"Integration starting"

"Syncing physical condition … Syncing complete"

"Syncing mental condition … Syncing complete"

"Syncing user abilities … Syncing complete"

"Displaying Information"

A small screen appears a few feet away from N-001 vision, quickly taking interest, they begin to read the information it provides.

Status of User: N-001-

-Physical Condition: Stable

-Mental Condition: Stable

-Current Known Abilities: Basic Speech, Basic Motor Function, Nigh vision, Metallic body.

-Current body has more functions, please explore to see what you are capable of

'that's not a lot of info to go off of, guess if got to explore the rest on my own." Their thoughts are soon interrupted as Ava begins to speak up with a question.

"The System integration is complete, would you like to here the creators message now?'

"Yes, please"

"They message is as followed, Happy birthday, Welcome to your new life"