
A Deal With My Boyfriend's Billionaire Brother

Madisyn desired a simple colorful life taking care of her childs and being a devoted loving mother to them. After years of wrong loves she seemed to have finally found the perfect man. Soon she finds out he had never loved her and that the interest he claimed to have for her was instead directioned to her father, or better his rising successful company. He also admitted the brother he felt second rate to was a successful billionaire. He wanted what his brother had and Madisyn was the vessel for his mischievous plan. The day after his confession, Madisyn booked an appointment at her ex-boyfriend's brother's company. What plan did she have in mind? Will she finally get the revenge she so desperately needed?

ginandroses · Thành thị
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35 Chs

Chapter twenty seven

Ethan shook his head, there was no way he would call her or reach out to her.

Why would he do that? It had been years since their relationship, and he didn't want to bring up unsolved matters between them.

But Madisyn insisted, and she had the kind of puppy-dog stare that he couldn't say no to. Especially not after the bad day she had.

He sighed.

"God," he said helplessly, "I don't even know what I should text her!"

He fiddled with his phone, clearly nervous.

"Just try with, 'Hi, I was thinking of you and was wondering how you are.'"

He chuckled and shook his head as he frowned. "What? No way. I would never speak like that."

"Ouch! Mind your tone!" Madisyn cried out. "How do I talk??" She lifted herself into a seated position and crossed her arms.

"Like someone who is very needy and obsessed," he said, smiling to soften the bluntness of his words.

"That's not true."