
A Day In Cave

Once upon a time there was a boy named Ali. But one day when he woke up, he saw that he was in a cave!

First he was worried when he found himself in a cave but then he started to find a way out. After a while he saw a narrow way. He started to follow that way. Just then he saw a light coming ahead. When he came near to light then he saw that it was a dead end and light was coming from a torch. He just turned that torch for no reason.

But when he turned that torch off then suddenly the torch fell off automatically and the wall which was at the end of the way opened like a door.

Then Ali saw a room made up of gold and a lion was sitting on a throne. The lion was wearing a suit like a king. Just then lion looked at Ali and said,"Who are you? Who told you that the torch is the key to the door?" Ali said frightendly, "I just want to get out of here." Lion laughed and said, "Do you know I am the lion who kidnapped you and took you to this place? I will let you go if you'll answer my three questions. You will have two chances to answer. Do you agree?" Ali accepted the deal. Lion asked the first question, "Tell me, what is 4 multiplied by 8?" Ali answered quickly, "It is 32." Lion asked the second question, "Who invented the first electric fan in the world?" Ali answered, "I think Dr. Schuyler Skit Wheeler invented the first electric fan in the world." "Wrong! One chance left." Shouted the lion. "Dr. Schuyler Skaats Wheeler invented the first electric fan of the world." Lion asked the third question, "Who is the inventor of the car?" Ali answered, "KarlBenz invented the first car in the world."

Lion said, "Alright, you won. Now if you want to go home then sit on my back." So, Ali sat on his back. When Ali sat perfectly on Lion's back, Lion said loudly, "Open sesame!" Suddenly, the cave began to shake and its roof opened vertically. Then Lion took out his wings. Ali asked, "You also have wings? Lion replied, "Yes, I am a magical lion." Then the lion started to flap his wings and flew in the sky. When the lion went above the roof then he again said loudly, "Close sesame!" Then the roof closed. Ali said, "My house is just ahead and its gate color is brown." Ali said this to the lion before because he knew that everyone asks about his home location when they are going to drop Ali.

Finally the lion dropped Ali at his home and Ali thanked the lion for dropping him home. Then it was night so he decided to sleep. But before sleeping Ali wrote a diary entry to remember this day. Then he went to sleep.