
Chapter 21: First time…? Part 1

And so, Hina kept hugging me for some minutes while gently caressing my head like a mother.

There was a lovely silence in my house and my eyes were still open wide for the shock that just invaded my body.

Hina kept gently passing her hand trough my hair while she was holding my head into her chest.

By instinct, my body was still trembling i still didn't have any force to speak.

I didn't know what to do or what to say.

"Shh… everything is alright now… I'm here with you… my precious Kai… I'll always protect you…" Hina kept whispering with a loving tone of voice.

Her touch was so delicate and soft…

It was like being touched by silk…

Such a beautiful and pleasant feeling.

I wanted to stay in her arms forever.

"So warm…" i though , while gently enjoying her touch and hearing the sound of her heartbeat.

Her heart rate was… low and calm.

Then, without noticing, my eyes closed automatically.

And then… like for magic, i fell asleep.

"Rest for now, my special Kai…" Hina whispered to my ear before i lost consciousness.

~~~~After some time~~~~

I kept resting for a while…

My body felt so light and my sleep was so peaceful.

It seemed like i was in heaven.

But then, a little feeling of hot and cold was gently tapping on my shoulder.

Everything was accompanied by a gentle snore next to me.

I gently opened my eyes and noticed that i was in my bed, without my clothes on.

All i felt was my boxers. (Luckily.)

Hina was gently resting her head on my bare chest and my left arm was wrapped around her in a lovely way.

She was feeling so comfortable in my arms, so I didn't wake her up.

I enjoyed the view of her beautiful sleeping face for some moments.

I kept admiring the beautiful lineaments of her face and in my mind I said:

"I'm so lucky to have her…"

Then, i gently caressed her hair during her sleep.

She even mumbled my name quite a few times.

"K-Kai… I-i… love y-… *snore*"

That's what she was saying.

She couldn't even finish a single sentence.

All the bad things that I discovered about Hina, the fact that she almost brutally murdered two people right before my eyes seemed to be put aside for some time…

Despite everything, the genuine part of me was growing stronger.

I started to have a feeling that Hina was only a big victim of very bad situations that made her become what she is today.

I knew that I had to work with Detective Saito and Sakura, but at the same time I genuinely thought that I wanted to really save Hina.

"I can fix her…" that's what I thought.

In her sleep, she was just a normal girl like everyone else.

Maybe more beautiful than the others, but she was still special.

She literally saved my life and kept cuddling me and putting me on my bed after I fell asleep in her arms.

I must admit that i never received so much love from someone before her.

Everyone kept treating me like a good friend and nothing else.

That was what good boys deserved, maybe.

I kept staring at Hina for some minutes , enjoying to see her body gently moving up and down due to her breathing.

But then… i realised that she was wearing nothing.

Hina moved a little to adjust her head and i felt her bare skin and chest on my body.

Then, she moved her leg on mine, and even there she was wearing nothing.

I started to feel embarassed and excited at the same time.

It was complicated to explain.

All the bad sensation were gone, replaced by a big sense of lust.

Hina kept clinging to me while sleeping, like she wanted to be touched and cuddled more.

Her soft breath was still caressing my skin and a feeling of excitement was filling my mind.

I tried to cool down the temperature of my body but with no results.

Hina was way too sexy, and my virgin mind couldn't stop thinking about million things.

I swallowed some salice and closed my eyes, trying to sleep again.

I took a deep breath, with Hina still in my arms, and let myself drift to sleep.

But I couldn't.

Hina kept moving and clinging on me and her movements and body were so sexy.

"Ah damn… this is too much for a virgin like me…" I said in my mind.

My eyes were closed but my mind was still awake, even after one hour.

But then, something caught me off guard.

"K-Kai… are you awake…?" Hina whispered with a tired voice.

I looked at her and noticed that her eyes were half open and she raised up her gaze look at my face.

She looked even more beautiful.

"Y-yes, I'm awake. Why?" I replied, while looking into her eyes.

Then, Hina's lips curved into a small smile.

But it wasn't a malicious one; instead , it seemed like it was a very genuine one.

"I'm so glad you're safe… I feel so loved and protected when I'm with you… thanks… Kai…" Hina whispered, with a loving tone of voice.

While she was speaking, her left hand was slowly tracing some lines on my chest.

"I should be the one thanking you for saving my life, Hina…" I replied back, while caressing her head.

"I just did what was necessary…" Hina whispered.

"Only me… I'm the only one allowed to touch you… to have you… to love you… to hold you… to kiss you… anyone else who'll try to put our relationship at risk is going to die… I'm going to eliminate everyone who'll try to separate us or hurt you…" Hina whispered again, but despite her loving voice, she still sounded like a crazy person.

But in that moment, I found her really cute.

"Thank you… Hina." I said, thanking her again.

I was feeling to sleepy to think about her words, so I didn't care so much.

"I'm so glad you're not angry at me…" She said, while moving her gaze towards my body.

Her hand was still caressing my chest in a very slow and sensual way.

"You're… quite muscular… aren't you? I like that…~" Hina said, while moving her hand lower on my body.

She was on my abdomen.

I didn't reply to her since I was simply enjoying the moments.

I felt a tickling but pleasant sensation.

It felt soo good…

Then, I wrapped my arm around her even more, pulling her face closer.

"Ah~" she gently gasped.

After that, our eyes locked, and a sensation of passion and lust invaded our hearts.

We then kissed each other in a very passionate way.

But somehow, I was still feeling some little pain coming from the place where I've been hit.

But I didn't care.

We kept kissing for some other moments and then she got on top of me.

I broke the kiss and my widened.

I felt a warm and wet sensation on my lower belly.

Hina was totally naked.

She was on top of me, with both of her hands on my chest, as a support to make her torso stand up.

From my perspective, i could see all her naked upper body.

Her chest was totally exposed and you could literally see everything.

Hina was breathing heavily and her eyes became red just like the passion.

She had a blush all over her face and her mouth was partially open.

And most of all, her body was so hot and warm…

Her eyes were locked into mine.

"You… are so beautiful… and… these wounds… these scars in your body… everything about you is making me feel so flustered and hot… I'm going crazy right now…♡" Hina whispered, while touching all my body.

I was feeling a lot of mixed feelings and I couldn't help it… my body had a "physical reaction" to all that arousal.

My virgin instincts wanted to get on top of Hina and going all out on her… but I had to take things slowly…

Was that really the right thing to do?

To have my first time like this…

In this situation… with a girl that almost killed two people in front of me…

With a girl that could kill me in any single moment.

But in that moment, I still didn't care…

Then, Hina brought her face closer to my ear and whispered: "You make me feel bad things… I want you… do you want to do it…?~♡".

That was what she said to me, with a voice full of desire and lust.

She really wanted me.

My eyes widened a lot when she asked me this.

She really wanted to go further and have her first time with me…

I didn't reply, trying to elaborate what Hina asked to me, and while I was thinking, Hina moved her hips, gently rubbing her lower body against me…

Such a splendid sensation.

"I think that your little boy down there already wants me badly… doesn't he? Fufufu~♡" Hina kept whispering into my ear with a playful and teasing giggle.

I had to take the lead and stop acting like a virgin… but deep down i was still feeling a strange sensation of not wanting to go off limits…

There was no turning back after being her first man… I would've been forever connected to Hina… and with only her, forever.

I then pulled Hina's face away from my ear and looked deep into her eyes…

I was about to tell her my decision…


I’ll let you decide the outcome of this scene !!

Let me know in the comments!!

Ryukirocreators' thoughts